Data Controls :: Check Whether GridView Has Rows Using JQuery

Aug 18, 2015

I am adding gridview data into data base every thing is fine but problem is that  when there are no row then it give the message Data scessfully  saved but I want it give me message when data entered into  data base. When there are no data into data base it give me message there are no row in grid view .

Following my code

Function AddGridviewData() {
var AddRow = new Array();
if (count = $get("id*=Test_gridview]").rows.length != 1) {
////length mention because I have one row into gridview but there are no data in that row means empty.


how I show message (Data Successfully saved) when data entered into data base when there are no row show  (No Row in gridview)

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<head runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function AddRow(lnk) {
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<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("[id*=GridView1] td").hover(function () {
$("td", $(this).closest("tr")).addClass("hover_row");
}, function () {
$("td", $(this).closest("tr")).removeClass("hover_row");


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Now I want to compare grid view row with textbox value if already exist in grid view then it give me massage already exist with same name means duplicate data cannot insert into grid view   

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function checkuser() {
// $(function () {
// $("[id*=btnAddRow]").click(function () {
var operator = $("[id*=txtoperator]").val();
var value1 = $("[id*= txtvalue1]").val();

[Code] ....

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Add Rows To Gridview Via JQuery ?

Feb 23, 2011

Just having a start with JQuery, I have a webform where there is a

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Currently I'm doing this with UpdatePanel & gridview server side. How do I do this with JQuery ?

Should I skip the gridview altogether and just drop a table on my webform & add rows to it via JQuery ?

How would I add the server side textboxes on each row ? Is there an easy alternate.

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