Data Controls :: Copy Row Cell Values From GridView To ListBox On Button Click?

May 7, 2015

I want to listed particular resulting gridview items into listbox.

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Data Controls :: Display GridView Row Cell Values In TextBox Outside GridView On Button Click?

May 7, 2015

i want to show selected row of gridview into textbox then we can change these value  then we click update button then these value add into selected row., this row show the update value not previous using jquery . following my code.

<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
// function Edit() {
var par = $(this).parent().parent();
var id = par.children("td:nth-child(1)");
var name = par.children("td:nth-child(2)");


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Data Controls :: Change Cell Values Of Checked CheckBox Rows In GridView On Button Click Using JavaScript

Oct 20, 2012

I am having gridview and i have check box for each row. There are 2 buttons ,accept and reject outside the gridview. If I click accept button, all the checked rows fields value should change to accept and if i click reject button all the checked rows column value should change to reject. There are 3 columns only one column will change.

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Data Controls :: Modifying GridView Cell Text On Button Click

Oct 3, 2012

I am working on a project where i want to update a cell in a gridview. that is, if i click on a select button in a row, a program in a click event of a button should update a particular cell in the row. in my case, i want to change "open" to "close" when that button is clicked. Am still new but not entirely to ASP.NET ...

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Forms Data Controls :: Copy A Cell In GridView?

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How to Copy a Cell in GridView when pressing a button in GridViews's current row using code-behind ?


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Web Forms :: Add TextBox Values To ListBox On Button Click

Feb 13, 2013

I have a listbox   and textbox  in c# languageI need to add the sum of all values in to a  listbox using text box , when i enter  something it will add list box and again i will do the same flow it will come one by one .

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Data Controls :: Populate GridView Cell Value Using ListBox

May 7, 2015

Trouble to retriving gridview cell value in Listbox.


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Problem in listbox how to solve...

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Row Values To Next Page When I Click On Gridview Link Button

Jan 27, 2011

I have a gridview.In that one column has linkbutton.When i click on Link Button for selected row,The row willdisplay data in next page.

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Data Controls :: Copy Row Of ListView To Clipboard On Button Click

Feb 25, 2016

This solution copy to clip board working with all browser. I want to pass the value to function dynamically. Like I have listview and and inside listview I have


and on click on link button i want to copy label value on clipboard.

<asp:TextBox ID="myText" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="Button1"
runat="server" Text="Button" OnClientClick="copier('myText')" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function copier(text) {

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Row Click Instead Of Cell Click - Pass Value Of Datakey

Nov 13, 2010

A GridView from EntityDataSource has an "Edit" link that takes the DataKey id (e.g., DataKeyNames = "PersonID", <asp:HyperLinkField

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Web Forms :: How To Get Values From Gridview Cell On Linkbutton Click

Jul 19, 2012

I want take value from gridview when Linkbutton from gridview cliked on link button clicked code is 

    Protected Sub LinkStudentID_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) 
            Dim Val_StudentID As String = ""
            Dim Val_class As String = "          
            Dim linkbtn As LinkButton = DirectCast(sender, LinkButton)


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Web Forms :: Edit Update Multiple Gridview Row And Cell Values On A Single Click

May 25, 2012

Currently I have a grid view with few rows of data & edit and update for each row but I want it to be done on a single click with w external edit & save button how can the functionality be performed.

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Data Controls :: Send Email To Multiple Users In ListBox On Button Click?

May 2, 2012

In my website I am developing "simple messaging system".I have 3 ASP controls on .aspx page, i.e., ListBox (that shows online users), multiline Textbox(to write a message) and Button("send" button, which sends message to the selected online users of ListBox)I am unable to implement below requirement:I have to select multiple online users from "ListBox", then type a message in multiline "Textbox" and click on "Send button". These messages are temporary so can not be stored in Database. I have to store them using "Application and Dictionary class".From these "Application and Dictionary class" I have to show the messages inside Pop up to the selected(from ListBox) online users.

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Data Controls :: Send Email To Multiple Users In ListBox On Button Click

May 7, 2015

In my website I am developing "simple messaging system".I have 3 ASP controls on .aspx page, i.e., ListBox (that shows online users), multiline Textbox(to write a message) and Button("send" button, which sends message to the selected online users of ListBox)I am unable to implement below requirement: I have to select multiple online users from "ListBox", then type a message in multiline "Textbox" and click on "Send button".

These messages are temporary so can not be stored in Database. I have to store them using "Application and Dictionary class". From these "Application and Dictionary class" I have to show the messages inside Pop up to the selected(from ListBox) online users.I hope I made my requirement clear.

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Data Controls :: How To Disable CUT / COPY / PASTE And Right Click In GridView

Jun 27, 2013

I have gridview of many records, i want to disable users Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v, Ctrl+x and right click on gridview so that he would not able to copy my data, either tell me method to disable Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v, Ctrl+x and right click in full web page or in gridview...

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Data Controls :: GridView AutoGenerateColumns True - Access Cell Values Of GridView Rows

May 7, 2015

I have uploaded a excelsheet to datatable and that datatable is bound to gridview.there is a save button present,i want to click the save button and all the gridview data will save in database.but that gridview has no boundfield or templatefield.

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Data Controls :: How To Edit Update GridView Cell On Click

Feb 10, 2014

I want to change single cell value and color by click on cell in grid. and i want select more one cell.this process only happen in client side after giving approval only i want to upload in database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Gridview Cell Values?

Oct 2, 2010

In my application Iam using GridView, in this there are fields (Quantity, Price, Amount) the user can enter Quantity Field value which is a template field (textbox). Iam calculating Amount(Quantity * Price) using Javascript and assigning to the Amount Column cells as below

Gridviewcell.innerText=Quanity * price.

and when user clicks on the Save button I want to add these details of Gridview to the database.

when I try to access the values of the gridview using below code

For i=0 to GridView.rows.count-1

GridView.Rows(i).Cells(2).toString ( for Example)

Next i

It is not displaying the changed value instead it is displaying the default value before calculating the amount.

Before implementing the Javascript part, I had done this in the code behind and it was working fine... Now I just dont want the page to get load so I used javascript.

able to access the value of Gridview cells which are assigned using Javascript.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Selected Cell Values From Gridview?

Sep 23, 2010

How Get particular selected cell value from gridview . my grid so many cell available..i'm created dynamic row and cell ...

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Data Controls :: Cut Copy Paste GridView Rows With Right Click Context Menu Using JQuery

Dec 23, 2015

I have gridview (,sql server 2005 table). i need to add right click menu option to cut,copy,paste from the gridview to another gridview ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieving The Values Of A Cell In GridView Upon Select?

Jul 2, 2010

My gridview has a dropdownlist when the user clicks "Edit". my question is: How to I retrieve the value of the cell that contains a dropdownlist (when the user clicks on "Select")?

I am able to retrieve the information from the cell that has a textbox (textbox is displayed ONLY when the user clicks on Edit). But when I try to retrieve information from any cells that has a dropdownlist (dropdownlist is displayed ONLY when the user clicks on Edit), it comes up blank.

In order to retrieve the cell I have used the following below:


View 12 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Display Gridview Values In Listbox?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a gridview that calls a stored procedure that allows the user to search a parts list. In the gridview, I added a textox for Quantity and a button to Add to Quote. The idea here is that the user searches for parts, enters a quantity for a selected part, part is added to quote and user searches again for more parts. Here's my gridview code:


I've also created QuoteParts.aspx as follows:



1. How do I display the gridview values including textbox Quantity in my listbox?

2. How do I ensure that parts remain in the listbox after another search is performed? If it's viewstate, can you provide an example of how to go about doing this?

3. The values in the listbox will ultimately be written to the database on an insert record when customer creates a quote. Is there a way to streamline this process so that the insert is started when gridview textbox quanity is entered? I'm thinking about using a wizard control with first step being a display of selected parts, culiminating in an insert statement.

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Data Controls :: HTML Decode GridView Cell Values And Insert In Database

May 7, 2015

I copy in a DataTable a GridView to display this GridView in a another page. It works but the gridview's content is not encoded in UTF-8.

This is the code which copy the gridview in a DataTable :

protected void ButtonDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// On copie dans un DataTable toute GridView filtré
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Columns.Count; i++)

[CODE] ...

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Data Controls :: Check Uncheck CheckBox On Cell Click Inside GridView Using JavaScript?

Apr 17, 2014

i have a grid as 

 <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
ShowHeader="False" CellPadding="7">


i am able to find the clicked cell but failed to check the checkbox.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Cell Values In A GridView After Dynamically Adding Validation Controls?

Mar 31, 2010

So I have a gridview control and I am binding it's datasource dynamically base on a dropdownlist. The gridview contains autogenerated columns with auto generated edit buttons. The datasource binded to the gridview is IQueryable<T> where T will be different for different datasource.

My detail problem is below:

A GridView binded to datasource dynamically with all autogenerated columns. When user click edit link, it will display value in autogenerated textboxes.

When user click update link, I am able to capture the user entered value in the textboxes in RowUpdating event, then pass those values to Linq update function to update the database. Now, the problem begin when I try to dynamically add validation controls to each editing row. In RowDataBound event, I am checking the editrowindex then adding validation control to gridview cell and pointing to cell.controls[0] which is the textbox control when the row is in edit mode, I am dynamically setting the textbox control id so that the validation control can set controltovalidate property. The validation control works, but the updating function is setting everything on the grid to empty string.

I am check the textbox text value in the loop, which returns "" for all cells except the id column. It was returning the correct value before I add the validation control. I guess since I added the validation control on rowdatabound event, will it rerender it's own autogenerated textbox in edit mode so that the text value of textbox no longer available in rowupdating event?

Is there a better or correct way to get the cell textbox value? I am using ((TextBox)dc.Controls[0]).Text where dc is DataControlFieldCell in rowupdating event.

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