Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Gridview Cell Values?
Oct 2, 2010
In my application Iam using GridView, in this there are fields (Quantity, Price, Amount) the user can enter Quantity Field value which is a template field (textbox). Iam calculating Amount(Quantity * Price) using Javascript and assigning to the Amount Column cells as below
Gridviewcell.innerText=Quanity * price.
and when user clicks on the Save button I want to add these details of Gridview to the database.
when I try to access the values of the gridview using below code
For i=0 to GridView.rows.count-1
GridView.Rows(i).Cells(2).toString ( for Example)
Next i
It is not displaying the changed value instead it is displaying the default value before calculating the amount.
Before implementing the Javascript part, I had done this in the code behind and it was working fine... Now I just dont want the page to get load so I used javascript.
able to access the value of Gridview cells which are assigned using Javascript.
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lblFolderRead.Text = dgvCollabFolder.Rows[currentIndex].Cells[1].Text;
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Mar 31, 2010
So I have a gridview control and I am binding it's datasource dynamically base on a dropdownlist. The gridview contains autogenerated columns with auto generated edit buttons. The datasource binded to the gridview is IQueryable<T> where T will be different for different datasource.
My detail problem is below:
A GridView binded to datasource dynamically with all autogenerated columns. When user click edit link, it will display value in autogenerated textboxes.
When user click update link, I am able to capture the user entered value in the textboxes in RowUpdating event, then pass those values to Linq update function to update the database. Now, the problem begin when I try to dynamically add validation controls to each editing row. In RowDataBound event, I am checking the editrowindex then adding validation control to gridview cell and pointing to cell.controls[0] which is the textbox control when the row is in edit mode, I am dynamically setting the textbox control id so that the validation control can set controltovalidate property. The validation control works, but the updating function is setting everything on the grid to empty string.
I am check the textbox text value in the loop, which returns "" for all cells except the id column. It was returning the correct value before I add the validation control. I guess since I added the validation control on rowdatabound event, will it rerender it's own autogenerated textbox in edit mode so that the text value of textbox no longer available in rowupdating event?
Is there a better or correct way to get the cell textbox value? I am using ((TextBox)dc.Controls[0]).Text where dc is DataControlFieldCell in rowupdating event.
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<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
// function Edit() {
var par = $(this).parent().parent();
var id = par.children("td:nth-child(1)");
var name = par.children("td:nth-child(2)");
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[CODE] ...
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Aug 25, 2010
I have a datalist and I am filling it using a dataadapter, dataset. So in my .ascx page, I have
<asp:datalist runat="server" id="dlProducts" repeatcolumns="2" repeatdirection="horizontal">
<table border="0">
<tr><td><%# Eval("Item_Name") %></td></tr>
<tr><td>I have to add a picture here</td><td><%# Eval("First_Name") %></td></tr>
In the area where I have put a statement like "I have to add a picture here", I have write a big case statement. Like:
Case: 6 // show a picture from file1
case: 7 // show a picture from file2
Case 8: //show a picture from file3
So How do I do this here? Because I dont know how to access the datalist values from code behind.
Here is my code behind:
SQLString = "SELECT First_Name, Picture, item_name, item_id from table1 where item_id = " + request.querystring["iid"];
dataadapter daItems = new dataadapter(SQLString, "connection_name");
dataset dsItems = new dataset();
dlProducts.datasource = dsItems();
//So at this point how do I populate the picture in the <TD> tag I mentioned earlier?
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Protected Sub LinkStudentID_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim Val_StudentID As String = ""
Dim Val_class As String = "
Dim linkbtn As LinkButton = DirectCast(sender, LinkButton)
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//this is aspx code.
<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" >
<placeholder runat="server" id="itemplaceholder">
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Aug 27, 2010
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2 textboxes.
how it is possible. i need the code in
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