Forms Data Controls :: Multiply Two Columns In A Table?
Feb 17, 2011I wonder how to muliply two columns in a table and the result is displayed in the blank column and be specified by its row..
View 3 RepliesI wonder how to muliply two columns in a table and the result is displayed in the blank column and be specified by its row..
View 3 RepliesI have a FormView Bound to an SQL data source. In the DATA there are 2 columns that i would like to multiply together and display there rate
<asp:TextBox ID="txtPeople" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("People") %>'></asp:TextBox><asp:TextBox ID="txtRate" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Rate") %>'></asp:TextBox><asp:TextBox ID="txtTotal" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Rate * People") %>'></asp:TextBox>
This is just an example above but i believe it shows what i am trying to do, there is no calculated column in the database so i can not bind to that directly, and i can not just add the column to the data as its not in my permissions. So how do "Bind" the value of two columns multiplied together to a third text box?
Multiplication of two columns in gridview and display the result in third column using Javascript
View 1 RepliesI have write this code to create a gridview with 3 columns
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int)).AutoIncrement = true; [code]....
I would like to add in this code a textbox with the quantity.When i give the quantity i want in another textbox to have the total.
for example 2*1.5=3
How can i do that? My huge problem is that i dont know how to take the values of the 3rd column.The value 1.5 in this example.
I have a stored Procedure, which copies the data in one table to another table in other DB.
I have the query to copy the records to other table.
But, tomorrow, new columns are added to the source table, then, how to dynamically copy the data from those columns to the destination column..
i need to extend this so that i can inlcude another column from a different table. so let's say i have a colume in table Price and the column i want to display in datagrid header is cost, how can i do this? there is code backend but could i simply code the below to include this column?
I have write this code to create a gridview with 3 columns
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int)).AutoIncrement = true;
dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("Price(Grouch)/Hectares", typeof(float));
DataColumn[] keys = new DataColumn[2];
keys[0] = dt.Columns["ID"];
dt.PrimaryKey = keys;
dt.Rows.Add("1", "Seaside Location", 1.5);
Session[key] = dt;
return dt;
I would like to add in this code a textbox with the quantity.
When i give the quantity i want in another textbox to have the total.
for example 2*1.5=3
How can i do that?
My huge problem is that i dont know how to take the values of the 3rd column.The value 1.5 in this example.
Using formview or details view, I want to allow users to both input data into columns (I know how to do that) and add additional columns to the existing table if necessary.
View 3 RepliesI pivoted my gridview with this code. But This code is not mine. Just tested and worked. But i dont know how can i add remove/add buttons to all columns.
1. As per my knowledge we use dataadapters/dataset when we want to deal with the huge amount of column/data. Is there anyway that if I want to update one or two columns in a table without using dataadapter/dataset?
2. There is a way that without clicking a button we can get the data using objectdatasource, I mean to say that there is no data in the code behind then how to debug if there is not data in in code behind.
Iam working on an application.Recently client come with new requirement. Need a control which is similar to table or like gridview with rows and columns.It should allow user to enter data in the cells. And when the user press tab it should go to next cell and finally if we press enter key, it should validate the data entered in the current row and if data is correct it should create a new empty next row(like entering data manually in an sqlserver table). How can i implement this functionality? Can i use gridview / javascript to implement this functionality.
View 1 RepliesI have a table in my database called "Profiles". This holds data on Female and Male personal characteristics.On my aspx, I have a formview in edit mode which is binded to an object data source with a GetDataByUserId Select methodwhich retrieves data from the "Profiles" Table via a DAL.The "Profiles" table has some columns which relates to females only and some just males and some are generic to both.See example below
UserId - / of Type GUID
GenreId / of Type BOOL.
Hip Size (For females)
Dress Size ( For Females)
ChestSize (For Men )
TrouserSize (For Men)
Weight ( For both )
When the User logs in , they go to an update Page which has the Formview in Edit Item Mode and contains drop down Lists whichare binded to the Users Selected Value. The DDL are in turn bound to their related table such as HIP, Dress, Chest, Trouser etc.bjectiveIf a female user logs in I just want to show them the (Hip Size) DDL and DressSizeDDL in the Edit item template of the formview and not the ChestSize DDL or TrouserSize DDL.At present the GetProfileByUserId returns all colums from the tableMy question is how do I do this and just show DDL which are relevant to the Female or Male Only. In some cases the usermay not have selected an item in the previous form so they could also be NULL.Am i on the right path by writing a Select Query that checks to see if the User is Male or Female by checking the Genre column in Profiles first.Do I also need 2 panels, 1 to hide Female DDLS and the other to Hide MaleDDLs subject to logged in user genre.
How To Multiply TwO Values In GridView In using c#
View 1 RepliesIn, I am having a data table with the column ID, Name, AGe, Rank.
I need to get the records from the Column ID, Name and have to create a new data table with this column and rows.
Here Am Using This Query to
WHERE (TABLE_NAME = 'TableName')
But Am getting Total Records instead of i need Specific Columns.....
When i open the The Configure Data Source wizard, the "Specify columns from a table or view" shows gray, I cannot choose it. How can I do it.
View 4 RepliesI created a gridview that is made up of 4 gridviews and using a stored procedure to populate it. I create columns at runtime because the number of columns changes all the time.To make the grids editable I am adding template fields at runtime as I create the columns, this is to ensure that a user is able to edit the cells and some foot values update. Reason why I have four grids is to freeze rows and columns like in excel using javascript. The problem is that performance is very bad especially in IE, the grids take a long time to load. I am not sure if this is caused by the data load or the creation of text boxes. see some of the code below for my _aspx page:
in page user able to select gridview Columns, and it will hide remaining columns and that selection done by check box with column list bellow is Image link , what exactly I am looking for [URL] it look bellow after selection of column done [URL]
View 1 RepliesI'm creating a table in an code behind dynamically, and I want to have a footer row that only has 2 cells. The first should span all the columns in the table-1. Is there some way other then keeping track of the # of columns in the table manually for me to set the colspan to be # of all the columns in the table-1? Preferably a HTML or CSS solution?
View 2 RepliesI've the following code which successfully makes an average for all the columns from a table. What I need to do though is ignore certain columns in this equation.
Dim totalNumber as Double = 0
Dim count as Integer = 0
For x = 0 To xyz123.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
Dim current as Double = 0
If Double.TryParse(xyz123.Tables(0).Rows(0)(x).ToString(), current) AndAlso current <> 0 Then
count += 1
totalNumber += current
End If
Dim averageRating as Double = totalNumber / count
I'm trying to add these 4 co,umns to the table as bit type woth a defaut of FALSE. What am I doing wrong here? I get a syntax error near (
create PROCEDURE [dbo].[AddADIFields]
ALTER TABLE dbo.tblTESTS ADD (AI1 Bit 0,AI2 Bit 0,AI3 Bit 0,AI4 Bit 0)
I have created a table in my SQL database that has a primary column (Title) and another column named Callsign. How can I access the table row that has a certain title and Callsign using C# in a web page event handler?
View 7 RepliesI'm binding a gridview from a webservice with 30 columns and 10 rows, I need to print the same in a PORTRAIT, for that i decided to display columns as rows and
rows as columns like below:
EMP1 1 2 3 4
EMP2 1 2 3 4
Is it possible in to set up an SQL table column to have multiple values? Or would I have to put my values into a new table and link it to the original one?
View 6 Repliesi have a table that has some columns and rows i want this table to have borders that are visible inside it i want every column an row to be closed in borders how can i do that?
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