Data Controls :: Display DataTable In HTML Table

May 7, 2015

How to fetch datas from sql server and show in html5 div tag?

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Data Controls :: Display Data From Database Using HTML Table And JQuery / AJAX?

Aug 18, 2015

How to do this with database?


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Data In HTML Control Table

Apr 15, 2010

I am using HTML Control table. My design is complete by hard coding the data at design time. But, now I have to fetch data from database and display in <td></td> tags.

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Data Controls :: Display Data From Stored Procedure As HTML Table?

May 7, 2015

use html tags ( <table> <tr>..<td></table> ) in stoted procdure and display page with table 

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Data Controls :: Display HTML Table Inside GridView TemplateField Column

May 7, 2015

I have a table with lots of fields. To display every record that has lots of columns on a web browser will inconveniently force the users to drag the scrollbar to the right.

Is it possible to divide each record to two or three inner rows in gridview?

e.g. My table has these fields: - UPC - Description - AdType_Week1 - AdType_Week2 - AdType_Week3 - AdType_Week4 - AdType_Week5 - Price_Week1 - Price_Week2 - Price_Week3 - Price_Week4 - Price_Week5 - OrderStatus_Week1 - OrderStatus_Week2 - OrderStatus_Week3 - OrderStatus_Week4 - OrderStatus_Week5

Instead of showing everything in one header like this:

UPC | Description | AdType_Week1 | AdType_Week2 | AdType_Week3 | AdType_Week4 | AdType_Week5 | Price_Week1 | Price_Week2 | Price_Week3 | Price_Week4 | Price_Week5 | OrderStatus_Week1 | OrderStatus_Week2 | OrderStatus_Week3 | OrderStatus_Week4 | OrderStatus_Week5

I would like to show it like this:

01 banana type abc type def type feg
$97.51 $78.48 $41.45


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MVC :: SQL Lookup In The Controller Put That Data In A DataTable Then Run A Foreach Loop On The Table To Display This On The View?

May 5, 2010

as a php developer ive been told to go the MVC route which ive been trying since yesterday. Im using visual web delveloper 2010 express and im using the MVC template project.Ive basically got a news table in MSSQL Express, in there are these fields ID,(Title,Body,PostedOn,PostedBy) all i wanna do is loop through them to put them on the view.Im after a nudge in the right direction, I want to be able to do a SQL lookup in the controller put that data in a DataTable then run a foreach loop on the table to display this on the view. The problem im getting is I know youre not suppsed to put any HTML in the controller and I cant pass the datatable to the view to do the loop in the view.. so where/how do I do the loop.

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How To Display Data From Dataset In A HTML Table From .cs

Sep 18, 2010

I have a asp table and working dataset.How can I bind the dataset with the table.The code is here....

<asp:table id="tblcampaign" runat="server" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<asp:TableHeaderRow ID="content_table_heading">
<asp:TableHeaderCell Width="39"><img src="Images/table_heading_bg_lft.gif" alt="" width="39" height="41" /></asp:TableHeaderCell>
<asp:TableCell width="91">Campaign ID</asp:TableCell>
<asp:TableCell width="132">Campaign Name</asp:TableCell>
<asp:TableCell width="134">Parent Campaign</asp:TableCell>
<asp:TableCell width="121">Target Segment</asp:TableCell>
<asp:TableCell width="95">Objective</asp:TableCell>.......

.cs code is here..

MCMS.DAL.Dataset.MobileCampaign mob_cam = new MCMS.DAL.Dataset.MobileCampaign();
MCMS.BL.MobileCampaignHandler obj = new MCMS.BL.MobileCampaignHandler();
mob_cam = obj.GetCampaignDetails();

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DataSource Controls :: Clear Data In Datatable Or Temporary Table?

May 3, 2010

I am working on one project which is totally related to Trading.i am working on one module of invoice generation .here i used temporary table .all the product which is selected by the customer , first those all are stored in " data table" and when i am going to press submit button all product or data stored in data table directly stored in Database... i don't know how to clear that temporary table on button click....

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Data Controls :: How To Display Image In GridView Using DataTable (without Using Database)

May 7, 2015

How to display images in gridview using datatable (without database) in

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Data Controls :: Getting Data From Datatable Inserting To Table?

May 10, 2012

after a query execution i get the data in datatable which is binded to grid.

i need to insert data frm this data table to a sql temp table but with only few selected columns

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Hyperlink In Gridview Bound From Datatable

Feb 11, 2010

I have a gridView which is populated with the code below. This is working perfectly except for one issue. In the "Region" column, I need for each region name to be a hyperlink. If I set the row code to dr(0) = "<a href='table_display.aspx?IO_ID=" & objDataReader("IO_ID") & "'>" & objDataReader("Region") & "</a>" it actually displays the entire string of text from "<a href..." through "</a>", but not as a hyperlink. I have read in many places to manually put a hyperlink field in the aspx page, but I would really prefer to do this programmatically in the code-behind.


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Forms Data Controls :: Paging For Html Table?

Feb 23, 2010

I want to clear my funda and doubt in paging.For that i ant to do paging for html table populated with datareader .My html table should be <table><tr><td>... so on .Paging should be numeric and language should be c#.I don't want to use datagrid or javascript.

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Web Forms :: Read And Import CSV File On ASPX Page And Display Results In HTML Table

Jan 24, 2016

Why do i get an error for the loop ? This piece of a script is in a asp file for reading my csv .

it needs to read all my rows in the csv ,, like now it gives me expected loop error 

if i put it under arrRows = split   it gives me only the last entry of the csv..

Do Until oInStream.AtEndOfStream
sRows = oInStream.readLine
arrRows = Split(sRows,",")
<td><div align="center"><%=arrRows(0)%><br></div></td>
<td><div align="center"><%=arrRows(1)%></td>

[Code] ....

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ADO.NET :: Upload Data From Datatable To Sql Table?

Jan 12, 2011

I have a datatable with a,b,e,f as cols My table is having a,b,c,d,e,f cols for this i am using :


I have upload the data from datatable to sql table with exact cols.

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How To Save Html Table Data To SQL Server 2008 Table Value

Jul 21, 2010

[URL]above url contain a html table.I want to save this table value on XML and also want to save this table value on database MS2008.How to save html table values on database

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Forms Data Controls :: DataBind Inside An HTML Table?

Jun 18, 2010

I am trying to build a double elimination tournament bracket and the data controls are too restrictive. I am playing around with an html table but cannot figure out how to bind the data inside it easily. I would love to databind inside specific td's but it doesn't work at all.Here is what I have:


And in the markup


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Data Controls :: Merge Html Table And GridView Column

May 7, 2015

How to merge Html table and Gridview Column together?

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Forms Data Controls :: Make Data Available To HTML Table?

Dec 28, 2010

I have an sql database and I want to get data from it. I know there are prefab controls like gridview. I don't like the way they look for what I'm doing. So I want to dynamically generate a table and then load the data from the database and then use something like<%#eval "fieldname"%> in my code behind.

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Data Controls :: How To Populate Data As HTML Table Using Repeater

Sep 27, 2013

i need to display whole table including headers with repeater ,,

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Adding Rows To Table (html)?

Dec 22, 2010

Here I am binding a gridview. I dont know exactly how many rows it will exists. there may be from 1 to n rows possible there are 4 columns.

Now what I want , i.e. after gridciew binds records, suppose there are 4 rows are bounded to gridview, I want to send all rows data through mail, but in my html format there are fixed rows. I want to add rows according to throws which gridview having.

suppose gridview binds 3 rows the mail format should be like this

Date From Date To Place Days
12/12/2010 14/12/2010 Mumbai 2
12/12/2010 16/12/2010 Goa 4
12/12/2010 20/12/2010 Pune 8

1. first tell me how to get this data from gridview in variables so that i can put them in my mail format

2. this condition if grid bind only three records cos I have fiexd rows in my html format.. but if grid is haing 5 records then how will I add rows to table in my mail html format

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Access Html Table Id From Datalist Itemtemplate

Mar 17, 2010

I add a table or div inside to datalist itemtemplateı want to change dynamicly table or div id's value from codebehind databound event. ex : I want to add itemindex value to table or div id which is inside itemtemplate

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DataSource Controls :: How To Copy The Data From One Datatable To Another Datatable Based On The Schema

Jan 11, 2010

i have the dataset with one table.Table contains three column like 'Name','Location','Pin'.I would like to move the data from another table based on schema.

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Forms Data Controls :: Set A Column In A DataTable To Be A Primary Key For An Existing Datatable

Apr 2, 2010

If I am passed a datatable and I cant change the column there anyway to set an existing column to a Primary key so I can easily Find() the row I am looking for?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Empty GridView To Insert New Record If No Data Retreived From Data Table

Jan 11, 2010

How to display empty GridView to insert new record if no data retreived for some record on the result from data table?Actually i am trying to give a user an option to add recrod from Gridview. On result of some query it is perfectly displaying data and a footer row with the insertion textbox but when there is no data in the gridview it is not displaying. It should display with footer having insert textbox.

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Data Controls :: Copying Specific Records From One Datatable To Another Datatable

Aug 22, 2012

im trying to copying specific record from one datatable to another datatable i used below code

public System.Data.DataTable selectspecificdatarow(System.Data.DataTable dtg, int count, int startindex)
System.Data.DataTable dtn = dtg.Clone();
for (int i =startindex; i < count; i++)


its taking too long time in cloneing is there any better way to do this task which is Time effecent

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