Data Controls :: Display Data From Stored Procedure As HTML Table?

May 7, 2015

use html tags ( <table> <tr>..<td></table> ) in stoted procdure and display page with tableĀ 

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Mar 22, 2010

More specifically, i'm trying to create a stored procedure that displays data from a table if the date column in the table matches a specific day of the week. (IE. Monday, Tuesday, ect...)

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagridview That Uses A Stored Procedure Which Returns From Temp Table?

Jan 13, 2010

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How to do this with database?


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i have a stored procedure with this values and i need just to make a button that will send something to "Equip" column,how to do it? write the values on my webpage and make a button to exec the procedu

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However im not able to do that.

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Data Controls :: Display HTML Table Inside GridView TemplateField Column

May 7, 2015

I have a table with lots of fields. To display every record that has lots of columns on a web browser will inconveniently force the users to drag the scrollbar to the right.

Is it possible to divide each record to two or three inner rows in gridview?

e.g. My table has these fields: - UPC - Description - AdType_Week1 - AdType_Week2 - AdType_Week3 - AdType_Week4 - AdType_Week5 - Price_Week1 - Price_Week2 - Price_Week3 - Price_Week4 - Price_Week5 - OrderStatus_Week1 - OrderStatus_Week2 - OrderStatus_Week3 - OrderStatus_Week4 - OrderStatus_Week5

Instead of showing everything in one header like this:

UPC | Description | AdType_Week1 | AdType_Week2 | AdType_Week3 | AdType_Week4 | AdType_Week5 | Price_Week1 | Price_Week2 | Price_Week3 | Price_Week4 | Price_Week5 | OrderStatus_Week1 | OrderStatus_Week2 | OrderStatus_Week3 | OrderStatus_Week4 | OrderStatus_Week5

I would like to show it like this:

01 banana type abc type def type feg
$97.51 $78.48 $41.45


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DataSource Controls :: Using Table Variable In Stored Procedure?

Feb 18, 2010

I've written a stored procedure which uses a table variable. The stored procedure is shown below:


The table variable @CaseNumbers is declared, and is a bunch of values are inserted using a table-valued function called SplitStringIntoInts. At this point I can select from @CaseNumbers and this works fine.But when I try to join onto @CaseNumbers, the name '@CaseNumbers' in the ON clause is highlighted with the error 'Must declare scalar variable @CaseNumbers'. What?! It's not scalar, I declared it ages ago and I have used it since!

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Data Controls :: Need A Stored Procedure To Fetch Combined Data From Multiple Tables

Dec 27, 2012

i have a details table which include detailid, custname, address, classification , pincode, telephone, remarks and classification table contain classification id & classification.i want to insert detailid & corresponding classificationid to a new table detail_classification. How to write stored procedure for that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Populating A Gridview With Data From A Stored Procedure?

Mar 4, 2011

I have a form that has a textbox, a button and a datagridview. The textbox is a parameter of @subschedule. I'm needing to pass the value of the text box to my sql stored procedure and then fill my datagridview with the results of that query.

I have the following code thus far:


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Forms Data Controls :: Data Binding To Gridview From Stored Procedure?

Jun 3, 2010

When i bind gridview to stored procedure what i found it only shows data after enabling Autogeneratecolumns and it also doesnot show any column in boundedfield. Due to which i am unable to apply formating to individual column according to my requirement. One possible reason may be table is created in stored procedure due to which it generate fields at run time.

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Forms Data Controls :: Call Stored Procedure And Bind Data Into Repeater Control?

Jan 21, 2010

I have three tables: Book, author and Book_Author. The third table make them one to many relation.One book may have more than one authors. Book table has Title column and Author table has AuthorName Column.

I have this query to display BookID, Title, AuthorName where name display in single query separating by comma.

What is the best way to create procedure or view so that I can call this query and display into repeater ??


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DataSource Controls :: How To Convert The Oracle Stored Procedure To Sqlserver 2005 Stored Procedure

Apr 2, 2010

This is surareddy. i nead some small clarification in the "Stored Procedure"

how to convert the oracle Stored Procedure to sqlserver2005/2008 Stored Procedure.

right now i am enhancing the project that project already developed the oracle Stored Procedure. now our company is using sqlserver 2005/2008.

how to convert the Oracle Stored Procedure to sqlserver 2005 Stored Procedure

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DataSource Controls :: Do Not Use Or Call Any Stored Procedure But It Says "Could Not Find Stored Procedure 'xxxxx'?

Dec 9, 2010

Initially, I have tried to use stored procedure. But I changed my mind and preferred to call sql query in codebase with command text. However, it stills tries to find initially-called stored procedure (which is neither called or exists).I think that it is related caching. But I tried it with different browsers it did not work.What might be the reason?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use Dynamic Query Filters With A Gridview Using A Stored Procedure As A Data Source

Jul 1, 2010

Is it possible to use dynamic query filters with a gridview using a stored procedure as a data source? What I'm thinking of is a search page where there are multiple controls to enter in a search string and a radio button for the AND/OR query filters between the various controls. If not, what would be the best way to allow a user to select an AND / OR with a group of different query controls?

Here is the page I have created thus far using a view and no AND/OR option. I but I can't get it to work with my SP, also listed below:


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Forms Data Controls :: 3 Stored Procedure Data In One Gridview?

Apr 20, 2010

I am migrating a application and using 3.5 and in a page i want to display some data in grid where coulmn heading comes from one stored procedure, another procedure for Row heading and another procedure for row data.

Can we do like this in Grid view? or I need to go for HTML Table to display the data. Previously it was done in Vb6.0 using Flexigrid.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Join Table In Stored Procedure Sql Server Db

Jun 9, 2010

my stored procedure is always extract some data into temp table such as"select name,address,content into #TEMP1 from table1,table2,table3"
finally, select another table together with #TEMP1 to extract all desire data from one queryselect,T.address,T.content,C.other from #TEMP1 T, otherTable C
where T.ID=C.IDI would like to ask if i want to join one more table T2 into final query with "otherTable left C outer join on C.ID=T2.ID"

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DataSource Controls :: When Use ##Temp Table In Stored Procedure, It Gives An Error?

Jun 15, 2010

i m using ##Temp Table in stored gives this error There is already an object named '##people' in the two case of multisession2. if transaction drop in between even i drop Table in Last in stored procedure..what can i use in place of temp table to hold data for a time being

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DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedure Does Not Indicate Table Returned In Dataset?

Apr 23, 2010

This may not be the correct place to put this as it is both a stored procedure AND Visual Studio 2008 problem.

I have the following stored procedure:


I have been mokeying around with it because of what is happening. I have a dataset, call it dataset1. I drag this stored procedure onto the dataset. I EXPECT a datatable to appear, instead the data set adds this store procedure to the queries table adapter and sets the exec mode to 'NonQuery' which unless I am very mistaken, means "don't expect a dataset back from this' when in fact you DO expect a dataset back from this.

The SQL server is a Windows 2000 Server running SQL 2000. It has never caused us a moments grief since we set it up oh-so-many years ago.

If I connect to a different database and drag a query into the same dataset I get a datatable as I expect. I cannot see where / how this procedure could be wrong. The query when executed returns exactly the data I expect, in the format I expect (looks like a table, acts like a table in the Query analyzer).

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