DataSource Controls :: Clear Data In Datatable Or Temporary Table?

May 3, 2010

I am working on one project which is totally related to Trading.i am working on one module of invoice generation .here i used temporary table .all the product which is selected by the customer , first those all are stored in " data table" and when i am going to press submit button all product or data stored in data table directly stored in Database... i don't know how to clear that temporary table on button click....

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SQL Server :: How To Create A Temporary Table In C#

Sep 16, 2010

Can i make a bulk insert into the temporary table by calling a stored procedure from the front end.

Am using BulkCopy command to write data to server

bulkcopy.destinationtablename="#TempTableName";(here i want to give the tempoary tablename which is created in the database)

bulkcopy.Writetoserver(datatable dt);

How to do this?


Is there anyway to create a temporary table from C# and set the destinationtable as #TemPTableName and then write to server.

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DataSource Controls :: Way To Retrieve Data From A Table, Modify And Insert It Into Another Table

Jun 13, 2010

Basically i deal with two tables.i have a table T1 of the following format:id company_name i need to read this data and create a table T2 as followsi wrote the following code. it worked fine for retrieving data and modification but fails to insert the modified data into the 2nd table.the error is, it does not recognise the value for @token

ArrayList dynarr=new ArrayList(); // global variable
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int row = 1; int i;
string strcmd = null;
string Connection = "Data Source=....";
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Connection);
string str = "select company_name from T1 where ID=@ID";

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Jan 19, 2011

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DataSource Controls :: Changing Data Of Same Value In The Same Column Of A Datatable?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a datatable that looks as follows:


I'd like to loop through each row and replace all the values of the same type in the 3rd column with a different value.

So for example I would change all the 0 to 1234 and all the 1 to 1235. So I'd end up with:


Whats the best way to do that ?

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DataSource Controls :: Binding DataTable Data To ObjectDataSource?

Sep 7, 2010

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Here is my current codes:





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May 15, 2010

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as a procedure in database MS QSL server 2005 ,Works in the first day of the month I use the first table in the prodation environment it is contain the employee data and the second to update first table only

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Forms Data Controls :: Casting Gridview Datasource To Datatable?

Mar 9, 2011

i try casting the gridview datasource to datatable using the following code but the datatable always nothing.

Dim DT As New DataTable
DT = DirectCast(gv.DataSource, DataTable)

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Jun 10, 2010

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Nov 19, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Updating Having Datasource Datatable?

Jul 16, 2010

I am making shopping cart application.On Viewing Shopping Cart,when i try to update the quatity of product column it permit me to edit but wn i click update link.the gridview disappears wid all products.send me some code snippet in C# as i want only quantity column to be editable.I am using the following code:in Code behind File

protected void GridView1_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
GridView1.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;


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