Data Controls :: How To Bind Menus Dynamically With Database

Sep 24, 2012

How to bind menus dynamically with database in

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Data Controls :: Spline Height Chart Bind Data Dynamically From Database

Apr 27, 2016

See this code

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
chart.InitChart(new Chart {
Type = ChartTypes.Spline,
BackgroundColor = new BackColorOrGradient(System.Drawing.Color.FromName("'#f1f2f7'")),
ZoomType = ZoomTypes.X

[Code] ....

in this code I want to bind data from database in series so how can i bind data from database 

in above they have two parameters in series parameter1 and parameter2.

they have hardcoded array . I want to make it dynamic.

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Web Forms :: How To Display The Menus & Sub Menus Dynamically

Sep 24, 2010

in one of my page i need to display the menus & sub menus dynamically,for this i have a menu table called colleges & one more table called branchs 1] ABC
Science ArtsCommarce2] EFG mathszoology historylike thissome times the menus are 3some times they may be 4,5,6 may randommy incresesfor this i have the two table one is menu & sub-menus

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Forms Data Controls :: Radiobuttonlist Inside Datalist Itemtemplate/bind The Radiobuttonlist Dynamically From Database

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I have a radiobuttonlist inside a datalist itemtemplate and i need to bind the radiobuttonlist dynamically from database I have tried to bind it inside itemdatabound event of datalist but it the result is always duplicated according to the fields in teh database.

for more information:

the database has two columns one for questions and the other is for choices , for the first question with id lets say 1 there are 4 choices, when the radiobutton is binded the result appears to be 4 times duplicated ?

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Data Controls :: How To Bind Jqgrid At Runtime Dynamically

Jan 24, 2016

i have bind jqgrid at runtime using append method like this:

Public Sub intializegrid()
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
sb.Append("<script type='text/javascript'>")
sb.Append(" $(document).ready(function() {")


while binding the record it throws error like "system.web.http unhandled  exception" at server end.and also none of the button is working after binding the Jgrid.

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Data Controls :: Create Repeater Dynamically And Bind

Apr 27, 2016

need to create repeater dynamically and to bind it.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Fields Dynamically In Grid

Jan 20, 2011

I dont understand how to bind grid view fields dynamically..

whenever user send question then i directly bind that

but whenever same user share their images then i want to bind that images into same grid...

so what can i do for that...??

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Bind Integer (Numbers) To DropDownList?

May 7, 2015

I want to add items DropDownList Csharp using For next loop 

int i; 
for (i = 1; i <= 4; i = i +1) { 

Code not working.

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Data Controls :: How To Dynamically Bind Data To DropDownList And Change Datasouce Value Of GridView

Oct 2, 2013

I have a problem ,i want to 2 dropdownlist box on a form and one will take loaded from data at the time of pageload and data of second dropdownlist box will change according to selected item in first dropdownlistbox ,and after that gridview will dynamicaly bind from some data according to choosen data of second dropdownlistbox .

I uses lots of code but  i am not able to dynamicaly bind dropdown and gridview

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Bind Data In DropDownList In GridView Edit Update Delete

Feb 22, 2013

I created  3 category table. categry1,categry2,categry3. product table.

And then use of gried view add ,edit ,update ,delete  product . in product table.

In gridview retrive data from product table . i select categry from dropdownlist in gridview categry1, categry2, categry3 and save update dropdown list category value dynamically  in product table.  not define value static  in source code. 

When select category 1 change  on selected index change categary 2 or 3.

In my code I used text box to ediit update delete. but here i will use dropdownlist. 

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Creating Menus Dynamically In Web Application?

Sep 2, 2010

Im creating a web application in visual studio 2008.. in my application, i have manually created a menu control.. since, the menus changes by needs, i wish to load it dynamically from sql table..simple application which loads a menu control dynamically and i can develop mine using those concepts.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Grid View Columns Dynamically

Feb 9, 2010

I am developing an application using ASP.NET with my application i have a gridview control and radobutton list having the values as Manufacturer and Distributor. based on the radiobutton selected value,the gridview will bindedup.

i am using SQL SERVER 2005 as backend server. in my database i have one table with columns as







My gridview has 3 columns as Opendate,closedate,awarddate.

if user select the radiobutton as manufacturer,only mfropendate,mfrclosedate,mfrawarddate have to bind. and if user select the distributor the remaining 3 fields will have to bind. for that i had write a storedproc as create procedure sp_GetDraftBids as begin select mfropendate as opendate,mfrclosedate as closedate,mfrawarddate as awarddate, distopendate as opendate,distclosedate closedate,distawarddate awarddate from draftbids end GO

i.e i had taken the alias names for that fields so that i will bind the only 3 columns to grid view as opendate,closedate,awarddate.

My gridview code is


here i had taken the same alias names as i have to bind only 3 columns to gridview.when i run my application i am getting the records in data table with column names as opendate,closedate,awarddate,opendate1,closedate1,awarddate1.i.e it does not allow the same alias name.

for two radio button conditions i.e for manufacturer and distributor the gridview binded with opendate,closedate and awarddate columns as i had binded the gridview boundfields withat names.

but when user select the distributor radiobutton i have to bind the opendate1,closedate1 and awarddate1 to the gridview. for that should i can i change the storedproc are any other solution is there?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Text Box From Dynamically Created Table

Feb 17, 2011

i want to bind text box that is located in dynamically created table.


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Data Controls :: Unable To Bind DropDownList When New Row Is Added Dynamically To GridView

Oct 9, 2012

* i binded dropdown value from database in gridview

* then display the value in next column based on selecting dropdown value

* when  i click add new row button . could not bind the dropdown value.

below are my code

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server">
<contenttemplate> <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="2"></asp:Label>
<asp:gridview ID="Gridview1" runat="server" ShowFooter="true" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
<asp:BoundField DataField="RowNumber" HeaderText="Row Number" />


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Web Forms :: How To Make Menus Invisible Dynamically

Mar 19, 2010

I have a menus in master page.I took treeview to display the menus.But i want to make visible and invisible of some main menus according to my requirement . when i login into the page form.aspx menus will appear. But when i click the submit button then those menus will disappear and some more new menus will appear.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Bind Grid Then Send To Stored Procedure?

Jan 11, 2011

I am looking to have 1 Gridview/Datagrid (which ever is now more appropriate) on my code in front,

the columns will need to be dynamically generated, with a "Always present" checkbox control with the default being checked

Each column will be a Label type - so not editable

The Idea is the user will tick or until each item that they wish to submit to the database.

I am able to dynamically populate the control - using new bouncontol, but I have been unable to then obtain the selected data.

My codebehind is below



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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Bind Images To Repeater Control From Different Folders?

Jun 23, 2010

I have tried binding images to repeater from one folder called images . But now, I am trying to bind the repeater with different folder's images, based on which menu item is clicked like "Wedding", "Birthday". When "Wedding" is clicked then it repeater should be loaded from Wedding folder's images similarly with "Birthday".

Currently i am using following code to load from single folder.

Repeater1.DataSource = di.GetFiles();
(!IsPostBack)string imgDir = Server.MapPath("~/images");DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(imgDir);


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Dynamically Modify Role Permissions And Also Generate The Appropriate Sitemap / Menus?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm doing some research on security and sitemaps in and am unfortunately running short on time. I have not worked too much with security so I'm not completely sure if I'm heading in the right direction.

Here is my problem:

I have a public website (i.e. on the internet) that will allow any user to sign up to. The website will be developed using webforms. These users may create other users and assign these users different roles.

Different roles have different restrictions and the menu is displayed appropriately. For example, a user acting as an administrator can see all menu options. Whereas a limited user will only see some of these menu items.

There needs to be the ability for users on our end to modify what pages certain roles can access. For example, if Role1 can do task X, we would like to be able at some point modify Role1 to no longer do task X. This would be done using an application built in-house.

User types (roles) are to be saved in the database. User permissions (what pages each type can have access to) are also to be saved saved in the database.

Here is something I am thinking of doing:

Implement the authorization and authentication set up built in to using the web.config fileUse Sitemaps to dynamically create menus/breadcrumbs from the database

I believe it is possible to do the second one using custom providers (please correct me if I'm wrong). But I am not entirely sure if it's possible to configure the web.config file dynamically.

I suppose this is really more of a yes/no answer but I would just like to make sure I'm not going in the wrong direction. I will be using VS2008 and .net 3.5 framework.

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Web Forms :: Some Samples For Designing The Menus And Sub Menus In Html With Styles

Jun 16, 2010

some samples for designing the menus and sub menus in html with styles and hover etc

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Data Controls :: Bind Marquee From Database

Dec 11, 2013

How to display moving bar Marquees last 10 posts from table on database...

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Data Controls :: Bind Checkbox From Database Using MVC?

Apr 27, 2016

i am getting error in Mvc Checkboxlist from sql server

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Data Controls :: Bind Dropdownlist From Database?

May 26, 2013

I have dropdownlists in register.aspx page

1- ddlzoneE 2-DdlDistrictE

I bind them from database

and when I select item from ddlzoneE ,  ddlDistrictE's Item change below are code

protected void DDLzoneE_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void BindDistrictE()


untill now every thing is ok and when I select Item from ddlzoneE ,DdlDistrict's Item change but when I add below code in Page_load Event it didn't worked

ddlzoneE.Items.FindByText(_dr["zone"].ToString()).Selected = true;
DdlDistrictE.Items.FindByText(_dr["District"].ToString()).Selected = true;

I mean when I add above code when I select item from ddlzoneE , ddldistrict's Item didn't change.what should I do?

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Data Controls :: How To Bind GridView From Database

May 7, 2015

After Deleting the record how to bind the GridView again from Database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get A Each Cell Value And Bind To Database?

Aug 20, 2010

i wants to get a each cell value and bind to database,below the code i have used its working well,

any other way to work the same code

for (int i = 0; i <= grdstorage.Rows.Count; i++)
Label kannan = (Label)grdstorage.Rows[i].FindControl("Label4");
storageid = obj.GetNextAutoNumber("ASStorage");
strsql = "insert into ASStorage values(storeid,rcno,ratetypeid)values('" + storageid + "','" + ratecid + "','" + kannan.Text + "')";

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Data Controls :: Design And Bind GridView From Database

Oct 8, 2013

How to design and bind the grid view.

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