Data Controls :: How To Bind Jqgrid At Runtime Dynamically

Jan 24, 2016

i have bind jqgrid at runtime using append method like this:

Public Sub intializegrid()
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
sb.Append("<script type='text/javascript'>")
sb.Append(" $(document).ready(function() {")


while binding the record it throws error like "system.web.http unhandled  exception" at server end.and also none of the button is working after binding the Jgrid.

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How To Bind Jqgrid With Static Data In .net Without Using Webservice

Jul 7, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind Dynamic TextBox Control At Runtime?

Feb 17, 2010

I am Developing a database web applicationI am Creating web controls on page at runtime i.e in Page_Init event. No textbox are placed on .aspx page at design timeI have a datatable filled with a single i want to bind a textbox (created at runtime) with a column of datatable so that when a page is loaded value in datatable's column is displayed in textbox.Other Important thing i want is when i make any changes in Textbox, It should be reflected automatically in a column to which textbox is binded. So while saving records i can save it directly from datatable. I dont want to write following tedious code before savinge.g.

DataRow mDr = Datatable.NewRow();
mDr["EmpId"] = TxtEmp.Text
mDr["EmpName"] = TxtEmpName.Text

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How To Set Jqgrid Cell Color At Runtime

May 28, 2010

i am populating a jqgrid from database and one of its columns is a color column like red, blue, etc. Can i set the cell color of this column based on the value coming from database at run time? how should i set formatter in this case? i tried like this but do not work

var colorFormatter = function(cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
var colorElementString = '<div class="colorBlock" style="background-color: red;"></div>';
return colorElementString;
colModel: [
{ name: 'GroupName', index: 'GroupName', width: 200, align: 'left' },
{ name: 'Description', index: 'Description', width: 300, align: 'left' },
{ name: 'Color', index: 'Color', width: 60, align: 'left', formatter: colorFormatter}],

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Add Header Row In GridView At Runtime

Oct 21, 2015

in a gridview i show the data as below

name mobile
celv 88073********
ram 8807 **326362

my need is

Details of Employee(this is gridview header i need it in run time)name mobile
celv 88073********
ram 8807 **326362

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JQuery :: Cannot Bind JQGRID In .NET

Jan 4, 2011

I am new to using Jqgrid and jquery.I am not able to bind my json data which I retrive from the webmethod onto the jqgrid.I have also used firebug to cross verify and i am receiving data from it. Some help regarding this will be great. I would aslo like to know if any other references needs to be added.

public static string GetData()
Custome Customer Ctwo = new Customer();
Cone.CustomerID = "100";
Cone.CustomerName = "abc";

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DataSource Controls :: Best Way To Allow The User To Import Data From A .CSV File At Runtime - That Is Dynamically?

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I'm writing my web application in VB. Is there any way to allow the user to import data from a .CSV file at runtime - that is dynamically? I intend to have the table structures in place, then just have it such that they can append or replace the data that currently exists in the system.

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Forms Data Controls :: Change The Column Name Of Gridview Dynamically At Runtime?

Jan 14, 2011

My issue is that , need to change the column name(following some format) of the gridview (which is binded with XMLTextReader). Without changing directly XML file, Required to change the column name dynamically at runtime .



Heading S0015 S0020 S0025 S0030 S0035
FS 1 2 4 5 6
BS 0 3 5 1 3
Required Format:

Heading 00:15 00:20 00:25 00:30 00:35
FS 1 2 4 5 6
BS 0 3 5 1 3

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Grid View Dynamically At Runtime?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a gridview, in an update panel, that's populated by an object data source when the page loads. This same Grid View is going to use a different data source and slightly different columns collection at runtime. The columns collection will be very similar, with one column added and three removed. Is this the best way to do this?

The other solution would be to create another grid view and data source to use when needed. The two Grid Views can be toggled off and on to use the correct one as needed. I've done this and it worked well, as far as I can tell. I'm curious if there are performance implications because of the additional Grid views and data sources. Or, if there are other reasons not to do this.

Which of these two ways is the best way to do this? Should I toggle between the two Grid Views at runtime or modify the grid view(datasource and columns) at runtime in the code behind?

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Web Forms :: Bind A Label To Data At Runtime?

Feb 10, 2010

I have a databound dropdown list. when a user selects an item code on the dropdown list I would want to postback the item name to an adjacent label - I could even do this to a textbox if it is easier - as long as I can get it done when the user changes the content of the dropdownlist.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Fields Dynamically In Grid

Jan 20, 2011

I dont understand how to bind grid view fields dynamically..

whenever user send question then i directly bind that

but whenever same user share their images then i want to bind that images into same grid...

so what can i do for that...??

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Bind Integer (Numbers) To DropDownList?

May 7, 2015

I want to add items DropDownList Csharp using For next loop 

int i; 
for (i = 1; i <= 4; i = i +1) { 

Code not working.

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Data Controls :: How To Dynamically Bind Data To DropDownList And Change Datasouce Value Of GridView

Oct 2, 2013

I have a problem ,i want to 2 dropdownlist box on a form and one will take loaded from data at the time of pageload and data of second dropdownlist box will change according to selected item in first dropdownlistbox ,and after that gridview will dynamicaly bind from some data according to choosen data of second dropdownlistbox .

I uses lots of code but  i am not able to dynamicaly bind dropdown and gridview

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Data Controls :: Spline Height Chart Bind Data Dynamically From Database

Apr 27, 2016

See this code

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
chart.InitChart(new Chart {
Type = ChartTypes.Spline,
BackgroundColor = new BackColorOrGradient(System.Drawing.Color.FromName("'#f1f2f7'")),
ZoomType = ZoomTypes.X

[Code] ....

in this code I want to bind data from database in series so how can i bind data from database 

in above they have two parameters in series parameter1 and parameter2.

they have hardcoded array . I want to make it dynamic.

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Bind Data In DropDownList In GridView Edit Update Delete

Feb 22, 2013

I created  3 category table. categry1,categry2,categry3. product table.

And then use of gried view add ,edit ,update ,delete  product . in product table.

In gridview retrive data from product table . i select categry from dropdownlist in gridview categry1, categry2, categry3 and save update dropdown list category value dynamically  in product table.  not define value static  in source code. 

When select category 1 change  on selected index change categary 2 or 3.

In my code I used text box to ediit update delete. but here i will use dropdownlist. 

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Grid View Columns Dynamically

Feb 9, 2010

I am developing an application using ASP.NET with my application i have a gridview control and radobutton list having the values as Manufacturer and Distributor. based on the radiobutton selected value,the gridview will bindedup.

i am using SQL SERVER 2005 as backend server. in my database i have one table with columns as







My gridview has 3 columns as Opendate,closedate,awarddate.

if user select the radiobutton as manufacturer,only mfropendate,mfrclosedate,mfrawarddate have to bind. and if user select the distributor the remaining 3 fields will have to bind. for that i had write a storedproc as create procedure sp_GetDraftBids as begin select mfropendate as opendate,mfrclosedate as closedate,mfrawarddate as awarddate, distopendate as opendate,distclosedate closedate,distawarddate awarddate from draftbids end GO

i.e i had taken the alias names for that fields so that i will bind the only 3 columns to grid view as opendate,closedate,awarddate.

My gridview code is


here i had taken the same alias names as i have to bind only 3 columns to gridview.when i run my application i am getting the records in data table with column names as opendate,closedate,awarddate,opendate1,closedate1,awarddate1.i.e it does not allow the same alias name.

for two radio button conditions i.e for manufacturer and distributor the gridview binded with opendate,closedate and awarddate columns as i had binded the gridview boundfields withat names.

but when user select the distributor radiobutton i have to bind the opendate1,closedate1 and awarddate1 to the gridview. for that should i can i change the storedproc are any other solution is there?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Text Box From Dynamically Created Table

Feb 17, 2011

i want to bind text box that is located in dynamically created table.


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Data Controls :: Unable To Bind DropDownList When New Row Is Added Dynamically To GridView

Oct 9, 2012

* i binded dropdown value from database in gridview

* then display the value in next column based on selecting dropdown value

* when  i click add new row button . could not bind the dropdown value.

below are my code

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server">
<contenttemplate> <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="2"></asp:Label>
<asp:gridview ID="Gridview1" runat="server" ShowFooter="true" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
<asp:BoundField DataField="RowNumber" HeaderText="Row Number" />


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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Bind Grid Then Send To Stored Procedure?

Jan 11, 2011

I am looking to have 1 Gridview/Datagrid (which ever is now more appropriate) on my code in front,

the columns will need to be dynamically generated, with a "Always present" checkbox control with the default being checked

Each column will be a Label type - so not editable

The Idea is the user will tick or until each item that they wish to submit to the database.

I am able to dynamically populate the control - using new bouncontol, but I have been unable to then obtain the selected data.

My codebehind is below



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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Bind Images To Repeater Control From Different Folders?

Jun 23, 2010

I have tried binding images to repeater from one folder called images . But now, I am trying to bind the repeater with different folder's images, based on which menu item is clicked like "Wedding", "Birthday". When "Wedding" is clicked then it repeater should be loaded from Wedding folder's images similarly with "Birthday".

Currently i am using following code to load from single folder.

Repeater1.DataSource = di.GetFiles();
(!IsPostBack)string imgDir = Server.MapPath("~/images");DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(imgDir);


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Jqgrid Creation And Removal Dynamically?

Jan 14, 2011

How to remove and add jqgrid dynamically update the jqgrid The data in the jqgrid has to be changed of click event. how is it possible to remove or update the existing jqgrid

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Set Image URL At Runtime For Image Control Inside GridView

Jul 31, 2013

How can I make image control through C# coding in gridview column?? and then display image in it.

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