Data Controls :: Loop Through CheckBoxList Items And Save Selected Items In Array?
May 7, 2015
below is the code I have but I want to change the ddl.Deal(dropdownlist) to cbl.Deal(checkboxlist).. How can I loop throught each items if checked. and if all items are checked. to filter my data and show in gridview..
protected void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
myAPI.myWeb myAPI = new myAPI.myWeb();
myAPI.SearchParameters sSearchParameters = new myAPI.SearchParameters();
I have a little problem, may be is easy thing , but I don't find way to do, don't understand this it,in one file called search.aspx, I have a two dropdownlist controls working in cascading, one bind the another, the selection of second dropdownlist fill a checkboxlist, user can check or uncheck options, based on what they are looking.the result of the checkboxes selected, bind a DataList,Users can view the results in Datalist, and select it, like this.when user click in item in datalist is send to another file called viewdetails.aspx, and can see details of item.
the problem is when user come back to search.aspx. all controls are reset and user selections disappears, my datalist don't have items is clean, what can i do for keep values ?.
I've this checkboxlist with different sports items inside (Example Swimming, Floorball, Basketball and etc). Users are able to check/tick more than one item as they may be interested in lots of different sports. However, I realised that I'm not able to save all the items that the user has checked into the database; only an item will be saved. How can I save all the items that the user has checked into the database?The codes I'm implementing now:cblSportsInterest.SelectedValue (to save the value into the database)
i am making use of two listboxes. the data from one listbox is transfered to other listbox on button click, bt teh the data which is selected must be added to the table in the sql server. but it is not storing values it is throwing execption...
private void InsertRecords(StringCollection sc) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=ABCD;Integrated Security=True"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);
I need to charge my checkboxlist1 from database, eg load fruits and vegetables. When selecting fruits, new filter based on the previous selection in my checkboxlist2. for specific search.
On a modular popup I have placed a checkboxlist and added items programmatically. Unfortunately I cannot get all selected items when I click the Ok Button. Me.CheckBoxListAddMyPoint.Items.Count is equal to 0 even if there are checked values.
i am using the 2 checkboxlist controls namely chklstearnings,chklstdeductions in my .aspx page and am binding the data tothe checkbox list using ds and now when i try to get the selected items am unable to do it so
here goes my code for data binding
page_load { MySqlConnection con= new MySqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("connectionString")); MySqlCommand com=con.CreateCommand();
now my prob is i am getting the name of the item in ded and ear but the property selected is all ways showing false irrespect of selection
I have a checkboxlist that gets data from my database and displays a list of items.
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
I know how to get the chosen items, but i'm not sure how to get them in the order that they were chosen. This is my code to get the selected items.
So if I choose Item 3, Item 2, and then Item 1, when I display them on a label, the order is always Item 1, Items 2, Item 3. How can i preserve the order of the chosen items?
I am trying to return in a string the selected items from a dynamically bound checkbox list control with no luck. In my code behind file I am conencting to a class called users and building a datatable. I then bind the data table to the cblist control
private void populateUserList() //called on page load { SubmitOptions mySubmission = new SubmitOptions(juris, rptType, tmplName); if (mySubmission.Users.Count == 0) {
The list populates fine and all I want to do is return in a string all selected users from the checkbox list control.
As I said if I hard code the item values into the control the above code works and I can see the selected items in the string however removing the itemslist tags and switching over to a binding nothign happens. The above method counts the entire number of returns but nothing selected is ever returned.
I have a CheckBoxList. I want to select checkboxes then calculate a total price for the items selected. The datasource for the CheckBoxList is a join of two tables and contains the information I want to retrieve. The DataTextField = ItemName and DataValue = ItemPrice. Code behind is C#.
Is there a SUM Selected items property for a CheckBoxList?
I have some checkboxlists on a webform. Based on some options chosen by the user i make some default selections from the checkbox list and disable the entire list on the client side. When i submit the page i'm not getting the selected items from the checkbox list, when i debug i found that listitem.Selected always returns false even though the listitem is selected, i understand this is because the entire checkbox list(all check boxes) is disabled. how to get this with out writing any extra code which is my last option.
what I am trying to do is: insert multiple selected items from CheckBoxList into DB
I tried using (foreach) as:
foreach (ListItem item in bookingid.Items) { if (item.Selected == true) { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["con"].ConnectionString)) { con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("") }}}
But it only adds the first selected item .. What Should i do ?
I added some food items in CHeckBoxList. I want to add selected food item(s) in a ListBox. The Text Property is name of the food and it's value is there Price (Food Price) As soon as I add any food item in a ListBox the total should be displayed.
Whichever code I wrote using it, if i select 1 item then it adds in a ListBox. But If I select another food item then Previous food item also added because it is selected. I will select some food items then it will be adding in the ListBox, I will check the total, if the total is greater than my budget then i can remove some food items.
I have 4 Checkboxlists, if i check 1st item of checkboxlist1 -- > populate items in checkboxlist2 if i check 2nd item in checkboxlist1 -- >populate items in checkboxlist2 with last selection as well as 1st checkboxlist items. So I need to Append items in Checkboxlist with existing items and also with previously selected Checkox. Is it any way except DataTable ?
in this code i have generated runtime checkboxlist controls. my prob is in the page load i want to get the chekboxlist items selected for the items which the user has selected previously and saved. now i get only the last item in the loop as selected and the remaining are not selected.
I have a DropDownList shows the company names and a ListBox shows the products of the company I selected in the DropDownList and I can select many products from ListBox:
I have requiremet like in checkboxlist displaying all country names from database. The first item is 'All Countries' and country names will start from second item. So, when user click on All All Countries checkbox, all the remaing items should be uncheck and when user click on of the country checkbox then 'All Countries' should be uncheck like that. I googled sometime but got the articles which are explaning with a separate checkbox for check/uncheck items in checkboxlist. I don't want a separate checkbox......the All Countries checkbox should be first item of the checkboxlist.
Checked list box in form application in ,it contain 6 items but i want adding two more items one is select all,and other clear all, select all press mean -select the that 6 items,and clear item -press mean deselect the all items.
1. Branch name --> uses checkbox 2. Sub Branch Name --> uses Checkboxlist
both column data are fetched from database the table luks like this
1. (checkbox) Branchname1 (checkboxlist) ALL Subbranchnames 2.(checkbox) Branchname2 (checkboxlist) ALL Subbranchnames
if i select checkbox of branch 1 all my subbranches checkbox list should be selected and viceversa
same for branch2
I am using a javascript code which in which if i select a branch name everything in my page is selected including branch2 n its corresponding subbranch..