Data Controls :: Save And Retrieve Data From Local And Session Storage

Aug 18, 2015

How save and display data from local storage with angular..I want save this data example

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DataSource Controls :: How To Retrieve The Data From The Session (Dataset) And Save It Into A Database

Mar 24, 2010

How to retrieve the data from the session (Dataset) and save it into a database


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Use XML File As A Data Storage To Add - Retrieve - Update - Delete?

Dec 27, 2010

I want to use XML file as a data source for my application.

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Data Controls :: Save And Retrieve Data Of CheckBoxes Inside Repeater To Database

Feb 3, 2014

When user upload new documents then this document goes for approval to supervisor and for this i use dropdowns ...when I use dropdown the exact result not occur and now i wat to approve/reject through checkboxes...

Here is code:

<table class="CSSTableGenerator" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="results">
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[Code] ....

Now I want to use checkboxes, how I replace dropdown checkboxes in html and also in ....

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Data Controls :: Save And Retrieve Data From ViewState

May 7, 2015

I have the following code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!Page.IsPostBack) {
ViewState["NewRecord"] = "False";


I have a button to Save data as well. In this Save routine, I simply look at the value of the ViewState to determine which button the user clicked, because that determines which code I should process. This used to work but is no longer working.

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Data From SQL Server Based On Login Username (session Data)

Oct 12, 2010

I'm trying to make a dropdown list with data available based on the users login name. Heres what I have as my SQL Query in the SQLDataSource:

SELECT Client_Name, Client_ID FROM Client WHERE (Client_Name LIKE '%@Client_Name%')

So say if the login username is "User1" but the database client name is "User1 Steel" I want the dropdownlist to pull "User1 Steel" as the display and Client_ID as the value from the dropdown list.

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Data Controls :: How To Save And Retrieve PDF Files From SQL Server Database

Oct 10, 2012

How a pdf file will save in database sqlserver(2008) and Reteriving  all file(s)them in pageload() in required  page? in C#

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Save And Retrieve Multiple Gridview Rows

May 13, 2010

I want to be able to select rows and save them for later display. I wish to store the data in a session object for viewing before i decide to save permanent in database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Save And Retrieve Images To DataList Through MultiUpload?

Aug 14, 2010

i took a Table Name as Gallery Like The Above Pic

Now refer for Below Link & Image..


From The Above Link i took the code of JavaScript For MultiUpload...

Now I Want The Code For Button Click When I Click Upload and only images(jpeg/gif/png/bmp..etc) should only be accepted


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Forms Data Controls :: Store Gridview Datatable In Session And Then Retrieve From Session And Store Database

Nov 11, 2010

Its related to datatable in gridview store in session and then session retrive and store to database. basically i am using gridview here creating new row for button click and these row adding untill user's last entry then submit all these entry to database. so i want to use session variable to store this data temporarily and after final entry user click on submit button and all data shold be save in db.

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Data Controls :: How To Save Data In Session

Apr 27, 2016

I have 5 textbox and 2 dropdownlist in page

I want save all these control data in session I do some thing like this:

Session["FirstName"] = FirstNameTextBox.Text;
Session["LastName"] = LastNameTextBox.Text;
Session["Mobile"] = MobileTextBox.Text;
Session["Tell"] = TellTextBox.Text;
Session["Address"] = AddressTextBox.Text;

is it correct way?

is there other way that I save data in session?

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Custom Server Controls :: CompositeControl Does Not Retrieve FormView Data On PostBack ("Save")

Feb 10, 2010

Background:I'm building a custom control as a base class that derives from CompositeControl. It consists of a FormView, a ObjectDataSource and a CRUD-Button Series (Create, Read, Update, Delete - Buttons). I'm loading the different FormView templates within the deriving classes dynamically from file with Page.LoadTemplate().

Class structure:




Each deriving class knows the specific template-paths for loading FormViews templates.

The ObjectDataSource is connected with a DAL using a Select and an Update Method. The Select-Method works fine: When loading the CompositeControl the data of the DAL are shown in the Labels of the embedded FormView (ReadOnly-Template). When I'm switching to Edit Mode the data also are displayed in the TextBoxes (Edit-Template).

The problem occurs when I'm trying to update data using the "Save" - Button: The connected DAL-Method is calling properly, but the parameters all are NULL.Tree structure of this custom control:

Panel -
--- FormView
EditTemplate (ascx): Name, Name1, Segment
--- ObjectDataSource
--- CRUD-Button Stack: New, Edit, Delete, Save, Cancel, Copy, Print

All controls will be added dynamically in the base class "TabControlBase" within the overridden CreateChildControls - method. The CreateChildControls method is called by the deriving classes e.g. Employer after setting specific properties e.g. templates,
object data source methods etc.The control is placed in a simple abc.aspx-Page. What I detected so far on PostBack

- When I'm looking at the ViewState Collection within the OnLoad-method of the abc.aspx the ViewState-Collection is Null (Count = 0)

- It seems that the control tree is empty. I'm not able to find any control using a proper working recursive FindControlMethod

- Only the Page.Request Collection shows the expected controls

Conclusion for now:It seems that the CompositeControl "forgets" the values of the FormView TextBoxes on PostBack. It seems it has to do with ViewState Management.

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SQL Server :: How To Save And Retrieve Arabic Data In SQL2005

Feb 12, 2011

I have my field type nvarchar(50) and also save my aspx file with unicode with/ (without) signature?But still I am getting the return value ????? and saving also in database by ?????

I am usin SQL 2005 2008 and also using some AJAX Controls in my file Like Clander I can Save and Retrive the Arabic DAta from my Entry Page?

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DataSource Controls :: Storage Of Data - Separately?

Jun 26, 2010

I have data for Visa, Mastercard, moneybookers, etc. .. How do you propose to store data? In each table separately or not? You might like: 1 table that stores all the data and then call the information according to Visa, Mastercard, moneybookers, etc. Example: a table stored all data has deposit_options from each payment, or payments for each option do I need to each payment separately.

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What Is The Easiest Generic Way To Save Form Data And Retrieve It When The User Navigates Back To The Page

Feb 17, 2011

What is the easiest way to save form data and retrieve it when the user navigates back to the page?

We have an application process that consists of several web forms. If the user clicks to go back a step we would like to auto-populate the fields. I am assuming there is a common generic way to do this without having to mess with individual controls - what is it?

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C# - Custom Session State Provider Needed For DB Storage?

Jan 16, 2011

I know this question is related to many others, but please bear with me.I am trying an experiment to store all information in database tables instead of the ASP.NET session. In ASP.NET 4 one can create a custom provider for session. So, again should I implement a Custom Session-State Provider or should I just disable session (in Web.config)?From the comments my question can be misunderstood. Hopefully this tidbit will help clarify:don't want to store the session in the database. I want to store information in the database that you would typically store in the session. One reason why: I don't want to carry around a session on every page, especially if thapage doesn't care about 90 percent of the information in the session

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C# - Can Use HashTable For Temporary Data Storage After Reading Data From Database

Feb 5, 2010

I am looking for opinions and best coding practices.I need to get info from a database with a query such as SELECT this, that FROM MyDB (returning 2 fields). Would it be wrong to use a hashtable for temporary storage?Is there a better way to accomplish the same thing? What about if I am returning more than 2 fields, would it be best to step up to a DataSet or something?

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

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State Management :: Save Session Data To Oracle 10g R 2 In Application?

Feb 26, 2011

I am creating a web application that will be running on an infrastructure which will utilise a number of web servers, web gardens and a load balancer.

As the application is using Sessions, and that our application is using Oracle as the database, we would like to use the database to save the Session data. However, I am struggling to find any good examples on how to do this with Oracle.

I note that Oracle provides the following class: Oracle.Web.SessionState.OracleSessionStateStore, but I am unsure what I need to do in the Code Behind and what if any tables do I need to create in the database.

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Controls :: Create And Save PDF To Local Disk Using ITextSharp

Aug 18, 2015

This Article is so nice.But  my requirement is save the PDF on my local

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How To Save Video files into folder and save path only into database in using c#.

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What Is The Lifespan Of Each Data Storage Area In MVC

Jan 3, 2011

I've seen some explanations of these, but nothing that really compares where they start, end, or overlap, or good examples of their use.

What is the life span of each of the following data collections? And am I missing any?


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DataSource Controls :: How To Save And Retrieve The Time Of Day

Jun 21, 2010

When I attempt to store the current time of 'DateTime.Now' in a column defined as time in a table within an SQL database, I get an error message that says: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'System.Timespan'.

I have no trouble storing the current date of 'DateTime.Today' in a column defined as date, but this column will not also store time along with the date. The date column has properties that indicate it has a data and system type of date with a Length of 3 and a Numeric Precision of 10. The time column has properties that indicate it has a data and system type of time with a Length of 5, a Numeric Precision of 16 and a scale of 7. Did I define the time column incorrectly for storing the time of day?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Save And Retrieve Image Using C#

May 24, 2010


now i want to store my image from frontend using stored procedure

how can i achieve this and the later part would be displaying image in gridview but first i need to store

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Forms Data Controls :: Use Local Gridview Data To Populate Filter Dropdowns?

Aug 5, 2010

Using ASP.NET 2.0

I have a gridview populated by a SQLDataSource that is fairly complicated on a dataset changing constantly. It takes a second or so to fetch the data.

I want to have external dropdownlists for filtering the data that appears in the gridview, either with a FilterExpression or with parameters.

The problem is that querying the database to populate the dropdownlists takes a long time, because of the complexity of the query. The values in the dropdowns can vary based on other filters.

Is there some simple way of querying the database only once, for the main gridview, and then somehow querying the local (to ASP.NET) copy of the data to extract distinct values for populating the filtering dropdowns? I am thinking this might speed things up a bit.

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Architecture :: Layered Web Application. XML As Data Storage?

May 4, 2010

I'm thinking of using 3 layered architecture in my web site.Kind of classic layers - Presentation, BL, DAL and BO - business objects, just like in this great article will have 4 projects according to levels.I'm goung to store data in xml files and my question is where should those files be located? In App_Data folder of web site? Then how DAL will know path where to find files to parse?

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