When I attempt to store the current time of 'DateTime.Now' in a column defined as time in a table within an SQL database, I get an error message that says: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'System.Timespan'.
I have no trouble storing the current date of 'DateTime.Today' in a column defined as date, but this column will not also store time along with the date. The date column has properties that indicate it has a data and system type of date with a Length of 3 and a Numeric Precision of 10. The time column has properties that indicate it has a data and system type of time with a Length of 5, a Numeric Precision of 16 and a scale of 7. Did I define the time column incorrectly for storing the time of day?
I need to create a database in SQL2005 on a webserver (manually (not in code)), have registered users upload an image to a webserver not overwriting if the filename already exists but to append if required Weekly, I wish to review the uploaded images in the uploaded folder, create a user & add the image(s) into the database programmatically for all users to be able to search / When the image(s) are in the database & are searched or shown (ex: profile shown with all those details/pics displayed but before displaying the pics on the form to watermark them. However, a profile could have 1 pick or it could have 20. I would like to have for example 4 pics being shown then the user to click next till the end of the recordset. Then do the same for another profile. Uploading the file is fine but not to append if exists then maybe I should have an upload date as the filename (haven't decided)
I am having one Event Registration form in that I need to provide one control with which user can attach file it may be pdf file or jpeg(Image). Any sample so that to save pdf file or Image file in DB and how to retrieve it.
I want to be able to select rows and save them for later display. I wish to store the data in a session object for viewing before i decide to save permanent in database.
in database I have House_info table that has description column and if I enter text in textbox1 it update description column now problem is when I enter text in textbox1 it didn't change text and didn't update data in database...
I put breakpoint in imagebutton2_click event and see in this code
I am having a problem displaying an image in the fileupload tool.
This is it. I have an image upload tool and also have a VARBINARY field in the database to save the image. during the save process I add the uploaded image into the database VARBINARY field. This is how i add it.
DR["IMAGE"] = FileUpload1.FileBytes;
It saved successfully without no errors. Now after saving i need to display that image in a ImageBox control which is available in my web form. How to display an image which is saved as VARBINARY in the database into an image box?
I'm amazed that it took me minutes to figure out how to retrieve text from a specific SQL database record and display it on my aspx page using FormView---and yet days later I still can't figure out how to retrieve/display the corresponding database image...(I feel like I went to a fast food restaurant, received my burger and drink in minutes---but for the fries I'm told to leave the restaurant, drive to another county, and search for the granite boulder under which I am to find the next clue in the quest to get my fries.
I don't want to waste anybody's time---I do see that this issue has come up here before (but each solution seems more complicated than the previous one): clearest way (or your favorite past thread on this topic) to retrieve/display/edit binary image data using FormView?
When user upload new documents then this document goes for approval to supervisor and for this i use dropdowns ...when I use dropdown the exact result not occur and now i wat to approve/reject through checkboxes...
Background:I'm building a custom control as a base class that derives from CompositeControl. It consists of a FormView, a ObjectDataSource and a CRUD-Button Series (Create, Read, Update, Delete - Buttons). I'm loading the different FormView templates within the deriving classes dynamically from file with Page.LoadTemplate().
Class structure:
Each deriving class knows the specific template-paths for loading FormViews templates.
The ObjectDataSource is connected with a DAL using a Select and an Update Method. The Select-Method works fine: When loading the CompositeControl the data of the DAL are shown in the Labels of the embedded FormView (ReadOnly-Template). When I'm switching to Edit Mode the data also are displayed in the TextBoxes (Edit-Template).
The problem occurs when I'm trying to update data using the "Save" - Button: The connected DAL-Method is calling properly, but the parameters all are NULL.Tree structure of this custom control:
All controls will be added dynamically in the base class "TabControlBase" within the overridden CreateChildControls - method. The CreateChildControls method is called by the deriving classes e.g. Employer after setting specific properties e.g. templates, object data source methods etc.The control is placed in a simple abc.aspx-Page. What I detected so far on PostBack
- When I'm looking at the ViewState Collection within the OnLoad-method of the abc.aspx the ViewState-Collection is Null (Count = 0)
- It seems that the control tree is empty. I'm not able to find any control using a proper working recursive FindControlMethod
- Only the Page.Request Collection shows the expected controls
Conclusion for now:It seems that the CompositeControl "forgets" the values of the FormView TextBoxes on PostBack. It seems it has to do with ViewState Management.
I have a simple web app built in asp.net webforms c#where and how would be the best way to save info from the code behind?(and also retrieve that info)eg all i want to save is a dateTime. and a flag set to True or False.and be able to access them in the code behind.Im not using a db for this web app.Edit: and can't really use session variables for this purpose.
I want to display an image, be-able to drag small images on to the large image and then save the new image. Image having a photo as an image and wanting to put number blobs on and each number blob refers to a piece of text almost like labelling photo. I know how to drag and drop images using jquery but not sure how I would save the thing as a new image.