Data Controls :: Search TreeView Nodes Using TextBox

Sep 20, 2015

I have a tree view which I am populating from active directory. I am trying to implement search in tree view , its returning null while its already fill with Active directory data ...

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Mar 13, 2012

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Web Forms :: Clear Out The treeview Nodes Before Adding New Nodes From Different Date?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a code that load hierarchy( nodes) into trew view.. by selecting different date, the hierarchy result from SP will show in the treeview..

the problem is even though I select a different date.. the result( node) of previous date is still showing in addition to the new hierarchy result...

it;s like the new result node is appended to existing node.. instead of refreshing the node and showing only the new result. How can I clear out the treeview nodes before adding new nodes from different date?

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Forms Data Controls :: TreeView Doesn't Display All Nodes?

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I've created a custom implementation of SiteMapNode. I've attached it to Menu and it works ok. I've attached it to TreeView and it shows only nodes of one level. If I specify at SiteMapDataSource's ShowStartingNode==true, then I will see only root node and no expand buttons, if I specify ShowStartingNode==false, then I will see root's child nodes and no expand buttons also. What's wrong?

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Data Controls :: Insert (Save) Selected TreeView Nodes To Database

Nov 22, 2015

<asp:TreeView ID="TreeView1" runat="server" ExpandDepth="0" ShowLines="true"

<HoverNodeStyle Font-Underline="True" ForeColor="#6666AA" />
<NodeStyle Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="Black" HorizontalPadding="2px"
NodeSpacing="0px" VerticalPadding="2px"></NodeStyle>


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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Added Treeview - Can't Get Checked Nodes Populated On Demand?

Jul 23, 2010

the problem is actually in the subject. I have custom control that uses treeview. The control is added dynamically. Nodes for this treeview are populated on demand. Treeview nodes can be checked. I recreate this control on page load event, but still CheckedNodes is empty if checked nodes were added dynamically (added on demand).

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C# - Get List Of All Tree Nodes (in All Levels) In TreeView Controls?

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Web Forms :: How To Populate Treeview Nodes With Data After Binding The Data

May 13, 2010

I have a treeview associated with an XML Datasource but the treeview loads only the xml node names whereas i want to assign the values in the xml nodes to the treeview instead of typing <databinding> for each node in the source file. I want to write code which dynamically read the xml nodes and populatethe treeview or is there any property which will read the values also ?

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Web Forms :: Xml Data Source Based Bounded Treeview - Hide Some Nodes Depend On User Session?

Jan 6, 2010

I am binding a treeview with XmlDataSource. On my login page I want to hide some node like

see my login code

if (Session["uname"] != null)
if ((Session["uname"]).ToString() != "")
if ((Session["UserType"]).ToString() == "Administrator")
{ dont hide nodes }
else { hide some nodes}
Session["uname"] = "";
Session["uname"] = "";

so how to do that, if you need my .aspx code for treeview so free to ask.

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Web Forms :: Right Align The Nodes In A Treeview?

Dec 1, 2010

Should be easy but I cannot find a property which allows me to right align the nodes in a treeview.

I've tried adding text-align: right in a CSS declaration linked from NodeStyle > CssClass. Nothing.

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Can Treeview Nodes Work Without Javascript

Jan 22, 2011

I understand that a treeview cannot expand/collapse without javascript. But is it possible to open the treeview in expanded form when javascript is disabled? Even if I cannot expand/collapse the nodes, at least I can click on the nodes that will display the data related to that node.

Similar to the treeview used in online auction sites, our treeview looks something like this: [URL], where clicking on a link will redirect me, and clicking on the "+" will expand or collapse the node. The only difference would be that ours is databound.

Another developer is working on this and he tells me that this is not possible without javascript. This webform in particular works almost entirely without javascript, and I'd like the treeview to also work partially.

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Binding Xml To A Treeview / How To Get The Specific Nodes

Mar 10, 2011

I see that the data is there when I autogenerate. I can't seem to understand how to get the values from the nodes? Any reference anywhere on the ways to set the properties of databandings/TreeNodeBinding?

Like I need the name inside here

<TaxonomyName>Resource Enhancement</TaxonomyName>


<asp:TreeView ID="tvSubmissionCategories" runat="server" DataSourceID="xdsSubmissionCategories"
<asp:TreeNodeBinding DataMember="Taxonomy" Text="TextThing" />

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Web Forms :: Select Several Nodes In TreeView

Sep 14, 2010

Second: Is there a way to select more than one node in tree view (like we do in Windows Explorer, by pressing SHIFT or CTRL) ?

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Web Forms :: How To Get All The Nodes Of TreeView Control

Feb 4, 2011

In my application I'm using TreeView control, and at some point I noticed that TreeView.Nodes property doesn't return all the nodes, so I'm curious how can I get ALL Nodes of TreeView control to iterate through them in foreach loop, any tricks, or I miss something?

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TreeView Nodes Not Expanding And Collapsing?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a TreeView menu populated from a SiteMapDataSource. The TreeView defaults to all nodes expanded, but the normal client side expand/collapse behaviour for the nodes is not working. I get one Javascript error in my Firebug console, being:

TreeView_ToggleNode is not defined

What could be causing this?

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Treeview Limit For Number Of Nodes

Feb 22, 2012

Any limit to the number of nodes you can have in a treeview, I have been having some problems getting it to display with the panel I made. I have actually decided not to use the treeview, in fact may drop this part of the app altogether, but just wondering for future reference. I know if certain browsers have a limit for the the url, but can not seem to find anything, if there is anything, on a node limit. I am using 3.5 with VB and my browser is IE8, well the only one I tested on.

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Web Forms :: How To Expand And Collapsed Treeview Nodes

May 18, 2010

I m using Teeview control for displaying Family tree structure.its having around 500 members.

now, i would like to add search functionality inside a tree,after finding appropriate node,a whole tree should be expanded from that node only.

any one have idea? how can it possible?

i found one property called "ExpandDepth" but still its not proper for my requirements.

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Treeview Checked Nodes Not Returned In Order?

Jan 3, 2010

I using TreeView with ShowCheckBoxes="All" in an ASP.NET 3.5 web application and for some reason the checked nodes are not returned in order. Lets say I have nodes A,B,C and I select B and C and hit the save button and when I check the CheckedNodes property of the Treeview the checked nodes are in order (B,C). But the next time when I go back to the page and select the node A the order is being returned B,C,A. What could be the reason for this behavior?

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Web Forms :: Add N-number Of Nodes In Treeview Using DataSet?

Oct 13, 2010

I am Using Treeview Control in my application. My all menue detail is available in Db and i am getting it in dataset. I am binding my TreeviewControl with Dataset and it shows all nodes properly. I am able to done this at 2 levels. But i can't do this work at n-number of nodes. how i can do this for n-number of nodes using Dataset. Waiting for quich Response.

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Web Forms :: Get Count Of Checked Child Nodes In Treeview?

Dec 17, 2010

I have treeview with checkboxes.


when i check Treenode with Text='Velocity', all the three child nodes will get checked. I want only the count of child checked nodes. How can be it done.

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Web Forms :: Treeview Control With Non-collapsible Root Nodes?

May 13, 2010

I wanted to know if there are any Treeview controls with non-collapsible root nodes out there non-commercial preferably open source or if anyone can show me how to do it with the builtin control.

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Web Forms :: Change Color Of Text From TreeView Nodes?

Mar 27, 2011

How can i change color of text from TreeView Nodes? When i click "EditNodes" there is no property which set colours,and in TreeView.Font also i don't see colour's property.

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When Expand And Collapse Nodes In The Treeview, The SurroundingWrapper Div Resizes?

Oct 18, 2010

The following is a version of some code I'm having trouble running in IE version 6. It seems to work fine in IE 7, IE 8, FireFox, and Google Chrome. But in IE 6, when I expand and collapse nodes in the treeview, the SurroundingWrapper div resizes, but the message at the bottom stays glued in place (I'd prefer it stayed glued to the bottom of the div SurroundingWrapper). Can someone please tell my why this code falls apart in IE 6?

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>


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