Web Forms :: Drag And Drop TreeView Nodes Of TreeView?

May 7, 2015

Code to drag and drop a TreeNode to another control or tag such as Div or even another TreeView.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Treeview With Drag And Drop From Listbox?

Oct 27, 2010

Users want to have the ability on a page to have a treeview with hierarchy that can be updated by dragging and dropping from a listbox. They can drag a change request from the listbox and drop it on the treeview as a parent request or a child of one of the treenodes. There also needs to be the abililty to drag and drop from within the treeview. With all the changes being done, the item from the listbox would also need to have a field changed to either Parent = 'Yes' or IsChildOf = parent id. My first question is;

1) Is all of this possible?

2) Know of any samples or examples of how this would be accomplished?

3) Is there a better way of doing the hierarchy with parent and children then mentioned above (I hope there is)?

4) What have others done for something like this?

I am open to other thoughts of doing this a better way and I'm sure the users can be persuaded. Prepping for a Access conversion project beginning of year. And if this conversion from A2007 to ASP.NET goes well, there is another major conversion waiting in the wings.

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Web Forms :: Implement Drag And Drop Of Node In Treeview?

Jun 14, 2010

iam having a treeview where the sample structure is like this. Cabinet under cabinet there is folder and under folder there are some documents.now i want that documents to move from one folder to another folder using drag and drop ...how can i perform this functionality.

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Forms Data Controls :: Drag And Drop Functionality In Treeview Control

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Could you point me to a reference article on how to implement drag and drop within a treeview control using ASP.NET in C#? Is this best implemented with AJAX? I will be using an XMLDatasource. Also, I did not want to use any third party control at this point

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May 31, 2010

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Nov 24, 2010

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AJAX :: Create A Treeview With Drag Drop Functionality?

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How can i create a Treeview with Drag drop functionality.

I want to show the values in my tree from DB.

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Web Forms :: Clear Out The treeview Nodes Before Adding New Nodes From Different Date?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a code that load hierarchy( nodes) into trew view.. by selecting different date, the hierarchy result from SP will show in the treeview..

the problem is even though I select a different date.. the result( node) of previous date is still showing in addition to the new hierarchy result...

it;s like the new result node is appended to existing node.. instead of refreshing the node and showing only the new result. How can I clear out the treeview nodes before adding new nodes from different date?

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Web Forms :: Right Align The Nodes In A Treeview?

Dec 1, 2010

Should be easy but I cannot find a property which allows me to right align the nodes in a treeview.

I've tried adding text-align: right in a CSS declaration linked from NodeStyle > CssClass. Nothing.

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Web Forms :: Select Several Nodes In TreeView

Sep 14, 2010

Second: Is there a way to select more than one node in tree view (like we do in Windows Explorer, by pressing SHIFT or CTRL) ?

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Feb 4, 2011

In my asp.net application I'm using TreeView control, and at some point I noticed that TreeView.Nodes property doesn't return all the nodes, so I'm curious how can I get ALL Nodes of TreeView control to iterate through them in foreach loop, any tricks, or I miss something?

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Web Forms :: How To Expand And Collapsed Treeview Nodes

May 18, 2010

I m using Teeview control for displaying Family tree structure.its having around 500 members.

now, i would like to add search functionality inside a tree,after finding appropriate node,a whole tree should be expanded from that node only.

any one have idea? how can it possible?

i found one property called "ExpandDepth" but still its not proper for my requirements.

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Web Forms :: Add N-number Of Nodes In Treeview Using DataSet?

Oct 13, 2010

I am Using Treeview Control in my application. My all menue detail is available in Db and i am getting it in dataset. I am binding my TreeviewControl with Dataset and it shows all nodes properly. I am able to done this at 2 levels. But i can't do this work at n-number of nodes. how i can do this for n-number of nodes using Dataset. Waiting for quich Response.

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Web Forms :: Get Count Of Checked Child Nodes In Treeview?

Dec 17, 2010

I have treeview with checkboxes.


when i check Treenode with Text='Velocity', all the three child nodes will get checked. I want only the count of child checked nodes. How can be it done.

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Web Forms :: Treeview Control With Non-collapsible Root Nodes?

May 13, 2010

I wanted to know if there are any Treeview controls with non-collapsible root nodes out there non-commercial preferably open source or if anyone can show me how to do it with the asp.net builtin control.

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Web Forms :: Change Color Of Text From TreeView Nodes?

Mar 27, 2011

How can i change color of text from TreeView Nodes? When i click "EditNodes" there is no property which set colours,and in TreeView.Font also i don't see colour's property.

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Web Forms :: Use Treeview.CheckedNodes.GetEnumerator To Remove Nodes?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm coding an Webpage in VS.NET 2010[C#] that scans the Serial Number of Product into a Treeview in a Work Order > Box > Product hierarchy.

What I wanted to do was to use the following to Remove the ChildNodes:

//Use the GetEnumerator method to create an enumerator that contains the root node data.
IEnumerator nodeEnumerator = myTreeView.CheckedNodes.GetEnumerator();
// Iterate through the enumerator to display the root nodes.
while (nodeEnumerator.MoveNext())
/In here I would like to Remove the TreeNode
MessageBox("The TreeView control does not have any nodes.");

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Web Forms :: TreeView - Load/Save To DB - Checked/unchecked Nodes

Mar 23, 2010

In my Treeview i have for all nodes checkboxes.


1. when i check leaf - i want to have checked child and parent too

2. when i check parent - i want to have checked child and leaf
3. on a save button i only want to save checked leaf to DB - if they are not checked delete from DB

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Web Forms :: Treeview Expand/collapse All Nodes Client Side?

Mar 26, 2010

This is so frustrating...that such a simple feature should not be included in the design of this control. I am using the cssfriendly adapters and the rendered code is shown below.

I thought I might be able to use the adapter's treeview JS function ExpandCollapse__AspNetTreeView(this) since this is what is called when I click on the node that causes it to expand/contract. But that did not work.

I have seen other code posted but it seemed to imply the treeview was a table not a ul.

Does anyone know how to simply expand or collapse all nodes from a link button without doing the postback. Of course the postback works but what a waste to have to postback to do such a simple action.

Why doesn' t MS consider the users and developers when creating these controls and tools? Stupid!


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Forms Data Controls :: TreeView Doesn't Display All Nodes?

Jan 30, 2011

I've created a custom implementation of SiteMapNode. I've attached it to Menu and it works ok. I've attached it to TreeView and it shows only nodes of one level. If I specify at SiteMapDataSource's ShowStartingNode==true, then I will see only root node and no expand buttons, if I specify ShowStartingNode==false, then I will see root's child nodes and no expand buttons also. What's wrong?

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Web Forms :: Treeview Child Nodes Are Not Showing In Dotnetnuke Website?

Jun 29, 2010

i added one treeview control in aspx page .All parent and child nodes are working perfect in this aspx page.

Now this same code i pasted in an ascx page and that ascx page i called through DNN website.That time parent node display is coming properly,but when i click on the parent node child nodes are not showing up?

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Web Forms :: TreeView - Maintain Expanded Or Selected State Of Nodes?

Feb 8, 2010

I am trying to maintain the state of a TreeView on postback. I have a simple method to save the state of the tree on postback but it does not seem to capture the Expanded and the Selected state. Also, i have another method to restore the tree state after a postback. When a user selects an item in the TreeView i would like to have this item highlighted/selected. Along those lines i would also like to have all expanded or collapsed mainated after a postback.


store the state of a TreeView on postback?

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Web Forms :: Populate TreeView Parent And Child Nodes In DropDownList

Sep 20, 2015

How can I add a Treeview to the DropDownList for show child and parent record..

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