Data Controls :: How To Reduce / Remove Extra Space Between Nodes In TreeView

Mar 10, 2013

How can i reduce the vertical spaces between nodes in TreeView in

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May 7, 2015

I am just new to programing and i want to make a function to remove the additional space between the words

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Web Forms :: Remove Extra Spaces (Space Character) From A Sentence

Oct 21, 2015

How to remove whitespaces if it is more than 2. What i want to say is -

1. If there is one whitespace, its OK.
2. If there is two whitespace, its OK.
3. BUT, if there is more than two whitespace than replace them with only two whitespaces.

String may be like this :- (it may contain any character)

DuntaviDilaniyd.dilaniy@woridnitattnit                        15 jim alixandir id         PALESTINE      TX

48568 2470325837 US              FEMALESunday, April 09, 1939 162       170     A+      • Duntavia

Delaney           Jon Muller         Sherman                          TX        84321 US          9974766226 NO           NO       YES


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Data Controls :: How To Add Edit Delete Nodes And Sub Nodes In Treeview

Mar 13, 2012

how can add , edit, delete nodes and sub nodes  in treeview in 2005 and sql server2005

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Web Forms :: Use Treeview.CheckedNodes.GetEnumerator To Remove Nodes?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm coding an Webpage in VS.NET 2010[C#] that scans the Serial Number of Product into a Treeview in a Work Order > Box > Product hierarchy.

What I wanted to do was to use the following to Remove the ChildNodes:

//Use the GetEnumerator method to create an enumerator that contains the root node data.
IEnumerator nodeEnumerator = myTreeView.CheckedNodes.GetEnumerator();
// Iterate through the enumerator to display the root nodes.
while (nodeEnumerator.MoveNext())
/In here I would like to Remove the TreeNode
MessageBox("The TreeView control does not have any nodes.");

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Data Controls :: Search TreeView Nodes Using TextBox

Sep 20, 2015

I have a tree view which I am populating from active directory. I am trying to implement search in tree view , its returning null while its already fill with Active directory data ...

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Web Forms :: Clear Out The treeview Nodes Before Adding New Nodes From Different Date?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a code that load hierarchy( nodes) into trew view.. by selecting different date, the hierarchy result from SP will show in the treeview..

the problem is even though I select a different date.. the result( node) of previous date is still showing in addition to the new hierarchy result...

it;s like the new result node is appended to existing node.. instead of refreshing the node and showing only the new result. How can I clear out the treeview nodes before adding new nodes from different date?

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Forms Data Controls :: TreeView Doesn't Display All Nodes?

Jan 30, 2011

I've created a custom implementation of SiteMapNode. I've attached it to Menu and it works ok. I've attached it to TreeView and it shows only nodes of one level. If I specify at SiteMapDataSource's ShowStartingNode==true, then I will see only root node and no expand buttons, if I specify ShowStartingNode==false, then I will see root's child nodes and no expand buttons also. What's wrong?

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Data Controls :: Insert (Save) Selected TreeView Nodes To Database

Nov 22, 2015

<asp:TreeView ID="TreeView1" runat="server" ExpandDepth="0" ShowLines="true"

<HoverNodeStyle Font-Underline="True" ForeColor="#6666AA" />
<NodeStyle Font-Names="Tahoma" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="Black" HorizontalPadding="2px"
NodeSpacing="0px" VerticalPadding="2px"></NodeStyle>


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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Added Treeview - Can't Get Checked Nodes Populated On Demand?

Jul 23, 2010

the problem is actually in the subject. I have custom control that uses treeview. The control is added dynamically. Nodes for this treeview are populated on demand. Treeview nodes can be checked. I recreate this control on page load event, but still CheckedNodes is empty if checked nodes were added dynamically (added on demand).

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SQL Server :: Truncate, Find The Last Space, Remove Any Characters After That Space, Then Add Some Full Stopseg?

Feb 10, 2011

i'm writing a stored proc and if a field i return is longer then 200 characters, i want to truncate, find the last space, remove any characters after that space, then add some full stopseg:

INSERT INTO @rec(articleid, abstract)


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How To Reduce Space Between Gridview And Scroll Bar

Sep 11, 2013

I have Gridview inside div and i achieved the gridview scroll with the div. but i am struggling with reducing the space between gridview and scroll bar. below is my code and screen print also attached.

<div id="divGrid">
<div style="overflow-x: auto; width: 800px; height:360px;">
<asp:GridView ID="gvReport" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="true" EnableViewState="false"
AllowSorting="false" EmptyDataText="No Data." AllowPaging="false" PageSize="50"
ShowFooter="false" GridLines="Both">


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Reduce The Space Before The Node In Tree View?

Nov 1, 2010

how can I delete or reduce the space before the node in tree view.

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Web Forms :: Drag And Drop TreeView Nodes Of TreeView?

May 7, 2015

Code to drag and drop a TreeNode to another control or tag such as Div or even another TreeView.

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Bar Chart - Reduce Space To Display Bar In The Middle Of Co-ordinate Line

Feb 16, 2012

I have created a bar chart which gives me the appropriate data as i required but the only problm in it is that i have inherited a jquery file which gives the variable and using that variable only i can set its values.

Now i want the bar_width/bar to be in the middle of the co-ordinate line i.e

In the above image, it can be seen that between the bar and the co-ordinates there is a space and i want to reduce that and want the bar to be displayed in the center.

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C# - Get List Of All Tree Nodes (in All Levels) In TreeView Controls?

Jan 15, 2011

how to get list of all tree nodes (in all levels) in TreeView Controls ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Add / Remove And Delete A Node In A Treeview?

Jan 17, 2011

I want to add, edit(update) and delete a node from a treeview. These all opeartion must be performed on the treeview itself.

I am using VS2010 with framework 3.5, in c# language.

My database is Mysql.

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Web Forms :: Calendar Is Rendering With Extra Space In The Title?

Feb 4, 2010

I can't seem to get rid of this extra space in IE7. (IE8 I could, but I need to support IE7) The grey area is the same size as the blue area... If I align the title to "bottom" then I get the full size of the grey area above the title. Align to "top" and the grey area is below the blue. Usign the default, the grey area is split above and below as indicated int he screenshot.

How can i get rid of the grey? I just want the blue area. I've tried setting hte title height to 0px, but that does nothing. But if I set the height to something large, such as 200px, then I get 200px of blue and 200px of grey.

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Web Forms :: How To Populate Treeview Nodes With Data After Binding The Data

May 13, 2010

I have a treeview associated with an XML Datasource but the treeview loads only the xml node names whereas i want to assign the values in the xml nodes to the treeview instead of typing <databinding> for each node in the source file. I want to write code which dynamically read the xml nodes and populatethe treeview or is there any property which will read the values also ?

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Web Forms :: Xml Data Source Based Bounded Treeview - Hide Some Nodes Depend On User Session?

Jan 6, 2010

I am binding a treeview with XmlDataSource. On my login page I want to hide some node like

see my login code

if (Session["uname"] != null)
if ((Session["uname"]).ToString() != "")
if ((Session["UserType"]).ToString() == "Administrator")
{ dont hide nodes }
else { hide some nodes}
Session["uname"] = "";
Session["uname"] = "";

so how to do that, if you need my .aspx code for treeview so free to ask.

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Crystal Reports :: Remove Blank Space Between Two Data Field?

Jun 21, 2010

is there a way in crystal report to remove blank space between two data field for example

Field 1 Field 2

how do i make it the distance between Field 1 and Field 2 become closer and look like this

Field 1 Field 2

without changing the position of the Field 2 in the report design... i need this cause the data in Field 1 is different for each user and i need the Field 2 to have a smaller font size than the Field 2 so i cant use formula since formula only allow 1 font size.

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Crystal Reports :: Page Setting - Bottom Margin Takes Extra Space?

Mar 31, 2010

I have an web application with crystal report. The report are printing fine. But the problem is

i have applied page margin setting as

Top Margin 0.25 in

Left Margin 0.02 in

Bottom Margin 0.17 in

Right Margin 0.42 in

all are fine without Bottom Margin. Bottom Margin will come with more space without considering 0.17 in. I think that it may be happened that the detail section i have a rectangle box object. Inside this box have data from data base. I want to print this box as 3 times in a page with three records. all are fine.I adjested maxium to fit the box in details section to dispaly three times in a page. But when i wil get the print out the three box will come with 3 times. But after the three rectangle box ,the footer of the page will take some extra space.

I don't want to print pagefooter,page header,report header, report footer at all. i am suppressed these things.

I want to know why it is came with some more space on the footer.?

How to solve the issue?

And tell me the C#.Net code for pageHeader Suppress,report header suppress,report footer suppress,page footer

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Reduce The Time Taken To Populate Tree Node In C# Treeview?

Dec 15, 2010

I am binding the XML Data to treeview using XMLDataSource. Its working fime, but when the Number of nodes and childnodes increases, the treenode expand and to display the content in iframe takes moer time.

<asp:TreeView ID="TreeView1" OnSelectedNodeChanged = "OnClick" runat="server"
ExpandDepth="0" ShowExpandCollapse="true" ForeColor="Red" Font-Underline = "false"
ondatabinding="TreeView1_DataBinding" CollapseImageUrl = "Resources/TocColapse.bmp" ExpandImageUrl = "Resources/TocParent.bmp" Font-Names="Arial" >
<SelectedNodeStyle Font-Underline="false" BackColor="White" ForeColor="#0483e0" />
<NodeStyle Font-Size="11pt" ForeColor="white" HorizontalPadding="5px"
NodeSpacing="0px" VerticalPadding="0px" Font-Underline = "false" />
<ParentNodeStyle ForeColor="#0483e0" Font-Underline = "false" />
<LeafNodeStyle ForeColor="#0483e0" Font-Underline = "false" ImageUrl = "Resources/TocChild.bmp" />
<asp:XmlDataSource ID="XmlDataSource1" runat="server" XPath="/*/*" EnableCaching = "false" ></asp:XmlDataSource>
In OnDataBinding event of treeview I implemented the following code:
TreeNodeBinding[] TreeNode = new TreeNodeBinding[Count];
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
TreeNode[i] = new TreeNodeBinding();
TreeNode[i].DataMember = TableOfContents[i].GetElementName();
TreeNode[i].TextField = TableOfContents[i].GetFirstAttributeName();
TreeNode[i].ValueField = TableOfContents[i].GetSecondAttributeName();
// TreeNode[i].Target = "contentFrame";

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Web Forms :: Right Align The Nodes In A Treeview?

Dec 1, 2010

Should be easy but I cannot find a property which allows me to right align the nodes in a treeview.

I've tried adding text-align: right in a CSS declaration linked from NodeStyle > CssClass. Nothing.

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Can Treeview Nodes Work Without Javascript

Jan 22, 2011

I understand that a treeview cannot expand/collapse without javascript. But is it possible to open the treeview in expanded form when javascript is disabled? Even if I cannot expand/collapse the nodes, at least I can click on the nodes that will display the data related to that node.

Similar to the treeview used in online auction sites, our treeview looks something like this: [URL], where clicking on a link will redirect me, and clicking on the "+" will expand or collapse the node. The only difference would be that ours is databound.

Another developer is working on this and he tells me that this is not possible without javascript. This webform in particular works almost entirely without javascript, and I'd like the treeview to also work partially.

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