Data Controls :: Swapping In Gridview Using Database Connection

Jul 24, 2013

My question of "selected gridview1 data swap in gridview2 on button click and vice versa" but did not used the DB connection for that.

I want the same problem to be implemented using database connection i.e values in gridview1 should come from database table and then swapping shold be done from gridview1 into gridview using the 2 buttons.

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I have button wiht ID="Button1".

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am writing a series of WSS/MOSS webparts amongst which one will need to detect the current SQL Server database connection, prompt the user to setup a new connectionstring, and fire appropriate stored procedures to create a new database if needed. The user needs to be presented a textbox or label control with the current database connection. I've never had to detect current database connection, what methods do I call for this? If the desirable connection is not present, the web application needs to prompt the user to make a new database. The user really won't make the database, they simply need to click the command button which will fire the stored procedure to create the database.

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Mar 26, 2010

I want to make sure I go about this in an efficient manner. I have a gridview. On the gridview, I have some columns that are read only values . These values go through calculations based on values in a database. The stored procedure takes information in the database, does some simply calculations (this value * that value / another value type of stuff) then returns a recordset as a datasource for the grid.

Other columns on the gridview have values the users can enter data. I want to be able to provide a recalculate button that will run calculations based on the entered values which will change the readonly values and then repopulate the gridview's read only values without going back to the database. This recalculate button is not the save to the database button. The save to the database button will take the values in the user entered columns and save them to the database. Then, the next time the grid is called, the page calls to the database and loads the grid.

So, what I'm looking to do is allows for recalculations on a gridview, a gridview with about 24 columns and about 1000 rows. My first thought is to create a class that reads the gridview and then applies the business rules, then updates the gridview some how. Or, maybe have a dataset table thats i read the value from the user inputs, then apply business rules and then bind the gridview to the dataset table. Do any of you have thoughts here, maybe have done something like this?

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Feb 25, 2016

With reference to the following link: [URL] .....

I want to save data to a different table. My save is working fine but the challenge is that it saves empty cells as well.I will like to save only QTyDelivered cell with value. Any empty QTyDelivered cell should be ignored (which means the row of QTyDelivered cell that is empty will not be saved) .How can i achieve this?

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Jul 19, 2010

how to get the values text box values to gridview..

if i enter any text in text box those values should display in gridview.

after entering of 2 or 3 records, i will click on save then all the values of grid should insert in to DAta Base.

i dont want to get the values form Database to Gridview.

how to retrive the values form Database to Gridview.

i just want to display the values which are there in Textbox...

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DataSource Controls :: ODBC SQL Connection To Connect A SQL 2005 Database To .NET App In Visual Web Developer Express?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm using an ODBC connection to connect a SQL 2005 database to my ASP.NET app in Visual Web Developer Express. I'm finding that the expected functionality that tutorials review does not work for ODBC connected databases the same way as it does for SQL databases created in the Web Developer. For example, I can't use stored procedures because the option to create one is disabled in the Web Developer, and if I create the stored procedure in SQL Server Management Studio Express, it doesn't show up in Web Developer because Web Developer only finds the system stored procedures, not the user-defined ones. I've seen other cases as well where database management options in Web Developer don't work with ODBC databases.

Am I missing something in my setup, or is there an inherent limitation with ODBC connected databases? Or, is this a limitation with using the Express versions of these development tools?

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