Forms Data Controls :: How To Manually Populate A Listview Control Without A Database Connection

Oct 10, 2010

I'm currently developing an application w/ VB as the code behind. I have a page that shows all the user name currently assigned to the system. The problem now is that the page does not communicate directly to the database. Instead, I use HTTPrequest to get all the user names from a different sever. Now I want to populate the listview control w/ the response that I got (and not directly from the database).

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: How To Manually Populate Listview

Oct 11, 2010

How can I manually populate a listview control without sql connection?

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Forms Data Controls :: ListView Connection Error - Database Schema Could Not Be Retrieved For This Connection?

Jul 23, 2010

I am using VS2008 and oracle 10g ODP.Net. The oracle database that I used in the connection is working and tested it using sql plus.The connection string when used in a GriDView works perfectly. Now when I created a new listview control with the same connection it gives an error.Database schema could not be retrieved for this connection. Please make sure connection settings are correct and the database is online

Object reference not set to an instance of an object at VSDataObjectSupport (478,6)

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Forms Data Controls :: Inserting Item Manually In A ListView?

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to insert manually new items in a Listview control using objects. The item seems to be inserted, but when the page is sent back to the browser, there is nothing there. Here is the code that I am using:


I can assign a list of object to the datasource, but when I try to input a new object to the list of items from the ListView, it doesn't work.

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Forms Data Controls :: Sort Listview - Datasource Manually Bind?

Nov 11, 2010

i would like to sort a listview. i don't have a datasourceID. i bind the datasource manually. i think of using jquery(tablesorter) but i don't know how to use it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate A Literal Control In A ListView When User Clicks A "Select" Button?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a ListView tied to a DataSource, included in the layout is a Literal control. I want to be able for the user to click the Select button, and then I want to populate the Literal control with some Data. I have it working, but I have to click the Select button twice to get the data to show. My code is below.

Here is the html

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" OnItemCommand="ListView1_ItemCommand" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ListView1_SelectedIndexChanged"
DataKeyNames="TxnID" OnItemCommand="ListView1_ItemCommand">


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Forms Data Controls :: ListView Control Does Not Render First Row Of Data In Database Column

Aug 5, 2010

using .NET 4, SQL 2008 R2 and VS2010:

My issue is that the first row of data in my db table does not seem to be output to my ListView control when I run the page. The first item in the ListView control is the 2nd row of my db table.

If I execute the stored proc listed below in SQL Server Mgmt Studio all rows are returned to the query results window.

The ListView control is defined as follows:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Populate ListView Using Dataset

Jul 10, 2010

Current code:


It seems that it doesn't have datasource that I usually do. How could I?

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate ListView Via LINQ To SQL

Nov 29, 2010

Here's my C# cobe behind:


No data is loaded when the button (btnSearchWrd) is clicked. Instead, in the Firefox Error console, it listed these two errors:Error: item is undefinedError: ys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Could not determine a MetaTable. A MetaTable could not be determined for the data source '' and one could not be inferred from the request URL. Make sure that the table is mapped to the dats source or that the data source is configured with a valid context type and table name, or that the request is part of a registered DynamicDataRoute.

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Dropdownlists Within A Listview?

Jul 28, 2010

I'm comfortable populating dropdownlists in a standard webform, but I seem to be having trouble populating them from within a gridview or listview.I know that I'll probably need to use the find control method, I've had a stab at it with the following:


The purpose of this is to allow someone to look at a bunch of records, and in a dropdownlist add an item to a group, but this "group" is in a separate table, so I want to take whatever value that select in the dropdown menu, lookup their user id, and add both bits of information to the other table, so it's technically not even editing, even though i suspect I'll need to use the edititem template?

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Forms Data Controls :: Name The Headers Of The ListView Control According To Values Of The First Rows Of A Table In The Database

Jan 24, 2011

I want to name the headers of the ListView control acording to values of the first rows of a table in the database. This I want to do because the number of columns varies for each cutstomer and also the name of the column.

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Use The ListView Control To Display A Products Catalog Comming From A Database?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm really new at 3.5 I'm comming from Classic ASP and I have been experimenting with ASP.NET. I'm trying to use the ListView Control to display a products catalog comming from a database. My first test was succesfull but I have a question.I want to be able to display the title of the product in Bold if certain conditions exists for that product. I tried using the ItemDataBound event but I don't know how I to get the value from the database field.I have the following code




Protected Sub productsList_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewItemEventArgs) Handles productsList.ItemDataBound

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Dropdown Box In The Edititemtemplate Of The Listview?

Feb 17, 2010

I want to dynamically populate data in Dropdown box in the Edititemtemplate of the Listview. The below code is showing error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". The problem is in Findcontrol function. How to solve this.


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Data Controls :: Populate (Bind) Data From Database In DetailsView Control?

May 7, 2015

product id,product name,price resp as label and textbox.

actually product details fetching from database based on product id .

my requirement is based on product id how to fetch data and fiill the details in textboxes . fetching one product at a time.

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Data Controls :: Populate Menu And SubMenu Dynamically From Database Using Repeater Control

May 18, 2013

I am using Asp.Net web-application. How exactly to create UL menu with ListView control such as :

<ul> <li> <a href="#">Item #1</a> <ul> <li> <a href="#">SubItem #1</a> </li> </ul> </li></ul>
MenuId SubMenuId MenuName MenuUrl

1 0 Home Home.aspx
2 0 Administration Administration.aspx
3 2 Add User AddUser.aspx
4 2 Add Organizaion Add Organizaion.aspx
5 2 Add Program AddProgram.aspx
6 2 Add Activity AddActivity.aspx
7 0 Search Search.aspx
8 0 Utilities Utilities.aspx
9 0 ContactUs Contact.aspx

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Populate Dropdownlist Whit Items In Listview

May 24, 2010

In my project I have a listview which I am binding from code behind. Now I would like to add a droppdownlist for each item in listview. So my question would be:

Is there a way to populate my dropdownlist whit data which I have in a List?

Here is a bit of code to show how my listview looks like:


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Forms Data Controls :: On New Record - Populate A Value On Listview From A Details View Recordset?

Feb 26, 2010

Hi. On my webpage, I have a listview that has a field called BookId. I also have a Detailsview with an ID field. When I add a new record on the listview, I would like to populate the BookID from the Id on my detailsview (there is a one to many relationship between the 2 ids).

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Forms Data Controls :: Single Click ListView Record To Populate Text Field?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a listview that has been constructed using tables. I have set the DataKeyNames="SomeTextField" among others. This column is currently not visible in the ListView.

I'd like to populate a textbox on the click of any listview record with the contents "SomeTextField" column.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Push Down Outer ListView From Nested ListView Control

Mar 13, 2011

I have anested ListView control. I also implemented a jQuery to automatically expand the TextBox control inside of the nested ListView Insert Template. The problem is, when the Textbox expand, the outer ListView control is not; therefore, the Textbox control expands underneath the buttons of the outer listView control. How do I expand the outer ListView control as the nested ListView textbox is automatically expand? One great example is in Facebook where if I add a response comment, it'll automatically push any comments below mine down. If nested Listview control is not the best way to do this, what are my options?

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Data Controls :: Add CheckBoxes Inside ListView Control And Save Selections To Database?

Dec 4, 2012

i want to know how to add checkboxes in listview (e.g: Approve / Dissapprove) and save it to database. i need to submit today

here is my code:
For Each item In ListView2.Items
Dim chk1 As CheckBox = item.FindControl("CheckBox1")
Dim chk2 As CheckBox = item.FindControl("CheckBox2")


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Data Controls :: Populate ListView With DataTable

Nov 22, 2015

This is what i want to do with my website. I want to pull data from an access query and and load it into a listview table. The user will sort through the data on the website and remove the rows she doesn't want. After the user is done, they will click a send button that will email the data to the appropriate party.I have read the access query data into a data table. I have the list view table built, but I am unsure how bind the data table into the listview table. Is this the best route to go? Will binding the datatable to the listview table allow the user to delete rows out of the datatable?

Protected Sub btnView_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnView.Click
Dim query As New QueryBuilder.SelectQuery("qryVendorReport")
'Fill data table with vendor information
Dim sample As String = ""
Dim results As New DataTable
results = (db.fillTable(query.toSelectQuery))


how to bind the results datatable to lvdatasource. I tried a few different ways to do this with no luck. Maybe the syntax I trying to use is incorrect.

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Data Controls :: Bind (Populate) ListView Inside GridView?

Feb 25, 2016

i want to populate a gridview within the listview.I amm taking reference from the article Populate ASP.Net ListView from database and Repeat columns horizontally using GroupTemplate.

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C# - Populate A TreeView Control To Display Hierarchy Data From A DataBase?

Jan 6, 2011

I need populate a TreeView control to display Hierarchy Data from a DataBase.

The Hierarchy Order has been dictated by a Column, in my DB called "CategoryNodeString" and "CategoryNodeLevel".

/ = Root
CategoryId CategoryNodeString CategoryNodeLevel
1 / 0
2 /1/ 1
3 /2/ 1
4 /1/1/ 2
5 /1/2/ 2
6 /1/1/1 3

Can you provide me a sample of code to start?

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Radiobuttonlist From Database?

Mar 22, 2011

New to asp. I'm trying to figure out how to populate a radiobuttonlist with selections from a table in a database. I honestly have absolutely no idea how to do. There will be different products in the database that need to be pulled to different radiobutton lists.

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Detailsview Control From Dropdownlist Control?

Mar 7, 2010

I've got a dropdownlist control that the user can select an an employee name and that should then fill in the detailsview control with specific information about that employee.

My dropdownlist control works fine and I do have AutoPostBack set to true. For some reason my detailsview doesn't work. There's no error message. The detailsview control just doesn't show up.

Here's my code:

This is the sqldatasource control for the dropdownlist control:


This is the sqldatasource control for the detailsview control:


Dropdownlist control:


Detailsview control:


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