DataSource Controls :: Algorithm For Simple Encryption And Decryption Of Field In Sql Server 2000?
Jan 2, 2010
I have to Encrypt and Decrypt Back the Password field in sql server i have used the pwdencrypt and pwdCompare() but i dont have to compare but i have to display the password back using the Decrypt technique Is there any algorithm which i can use only for encryption and decryption of password field?
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Sep 16, 2010
Not sure if I'm posting the question in the right category.
1) I'm working in a project where encryption of data is high priority. Could some one suggest what would be the best encryption method to protect data from being cracked.
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edited: currently we use AES on the website and webservice front
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The only way I can think of doing this is by having an encryption key associated with the the job and then change it after each time the page is requested. The client would either request the key or the entire url from a web service residing on my server.
Is this the best way to do this?
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Jun 16, 2010
For our website, we have decided we would like to maintain our user passwords as encrypted binary data in our database. We are using ASP.NET 3.5 to host our site and SQL Server Express 2008 for the database, both running on the same server. When a user logs in and submits a username and password, there will need to be some sort of encryption or decryption in order to verify the credentials. To me, it would appear that there are 3 ways to do this:
1)[C# Encyrption] On User creation, perform encryption in the Web App and submit the encrypted password to the database. To verify credentials at Login, perform the same encryption on the submitted password and ensure that it matches the value stored in the database.
2)[SQL Encryption] On User creation, submit the plain-text password to the database and have it perform one of the SQL encryption variants during INSERT. To verify credentials at Login, have the database perform decryption on the password during the SELECT statement, and compare the plain-text submitted password to the one in the database.
3)[Mix] On User creation, submit the plain-text password to the database, and have it perform one of the SQL encryption variants during INSERT. To verify credentials at Login, perform the same encryption algorithm used by SQL on the submitted password ( is this possible? ), and ensure that it matches the value stored in the database.
Does anybody have an opinion as to which of these options is best? Number 1) is the most familiar to me, and would be the easiest to use with LINQ to SQL ( which is our current data model ), so I am leaning towards that. But if there are better options I would love to know about them.
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