DataSource Controls :: Creating A DB For Use With VS2010?

Jun 2, 2010

I'm having some issues trying to create and setup a database to use for a project. I have SQLExpress running in the background, but I figure that's from my old Visual Web Developer 2008 Express. I have MS SQL Server 2008, but it doesn't look like it's installed. I'm guessing I need to manually install it before trying to add databases/tables.

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Web Forms :: Creating A Clock In VS2010

Oct 4, 2010

I'm trying to create a stopwatch in that displays the time in seconds as the text of a label. But I noticed that the timer control in only refreshes the whole page at each tick interval. I managed to create a clock in using the following code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Creating Stacked Bar Chart From VS2010 Chart Control (Documentation)

Nov 17, 2010

i'm trying to create a stacked bar chart on a vb web form using vs2010.My data source returns:

Error in Functionality Awaiting on Supplier

1IMT IssuesmActive6

IMT Issues,Awaiting on Supplier

2,IMT Issues,Awaiting on User 4

IMT Issues Closed 120

Login / Password Active

But I can't get this into a stacked chart. I know I must have to do quite a bit of work declaring what the series are and soforth, or having a different dataset but can't find any documentation on it.A link to some documentation or an example of a stacked chart from an sql datasource would be much appreciated.

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C# - Error Creating Control Vs2010 MasterPage?

Jul 1, 2010

Someone can explain this error?Error Creating Control - headObject reference not set to an instance of an object.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Controls/Master1.Master"
AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="GrupoUsuario.aspx.cs" Inherits="GrupoUsuario" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" runat="server" contentplaceholderid="head">

I Think this is a bug of visual studio 2010 in design view. I'not using any event to manipulate session object in the method OnInt(). The "PlaceHolderTopo" is an placeholder in the web user control Topo.ascx. It's work normaly. I Don't have any code inside the content place holder in the page tha inherits from the master page and get this error.Below is the code of the masterpage:

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="PrincipalSeguranca.Master.cs" Inherits="PrincipalSeguranca" %>
<%@ Register Src="Topo.ascx" TagName="Topo" TagPrefix="uc1" %>


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MVC :: Creating Data Service In Project With Vs2010 - Getting Error

Mar 23, 2010

I get the following error which I don't get when I build a simple WCF Data Service in an non MVC project. I added the following to my global.asax:


The type 'MvcWebApp.WcfDataServiceTwitter', provided as the Service attribute value in the ServiceHost directive, or provided in the configuration element system.serviceModel/serviceHostingEnvironment/serviceActivations could not be found.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Implement SSIS With VS2010 And SQL Server 2008

Oct 31, 2010

I am new with SSIS, what I need is to search on a specific column in a table.

I am using with C#, and I dont have a cluw how to start and implement this.

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Visual Studio :: Configure SQL Server In VS2010 / Creating Model Classes With Linq To SQL?

Mar 17, 2011

I can't believe I'm having so much trouble finding this information. I'm endeavouring to learn about creating model classes with Linq to SQL. By default VS2010 wants to use SQL Express, but our organisation has several database servers for development so I'd rather use one of those. PLEASE can somebody tell me how I can configure VS2010 to do that, as all I get is 'A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server ... Verify that the instance name is correct'. Yeah, thanks Microsoft. Actually telling me how to verify the instance name would be a really good move here.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Use Server.MapPath As Datasource While Creating Connection With OLEDB

Nov 15, 2010

i am trying to create connection using OLEDB connection in my app. but i am not able to create the connection as in datasource i want to use Server.mappath, but cudn't find the right method to use it. i am trying to make connection with Access database file. following is code i have tried:

string path = Server.MapPath("~/uploadaccess/Production.mdb");
string ConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("~/uploadaccess/Production.mdb")&";";
and also
OleDbConnection myConnection = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & path&";");
and tried this
OleDbConnection myConnection = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("~/uploadaccess/Production.mdb"));

and this is the error i am getting:

Operator '&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'string' and 'string'

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DataSource Controls :: Entity FK Setup Via VS2010 / Working Enity Model With Foreign Keys Working?

Jul 9, 2010

Am trying to get a working enity model with foreign keys working but have run into a problem. I have imported 3 tables with content and some data.Lets call these tables geo_countries, geo_counties, geo_municipalities and the FK are:1. geo_county have a column country_id wich corresponds to country_id in geo_country 2. geo_municipality have a column county_id wich correspond to the county_id in geo_county.The problem i have is when i try to get correspondig child items with the following code i run into trouble:


The problem above is that 'test' generates results but not 'test2', wich never return anything. Am i not supposed to be able to do it like i do in 'test2'? I earlier tried to add a child object by replacing ToList() with Add() and that worked. But i cant seem to get anything out of it.

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Creating Rows Dynamically From Database?

Jun 27, 2010

Never really worked with the asp tables but for this project it makes more sense, I am having trouble addding rows dynamically from the sql datatable i am pulling. In hte datatable it has 12 rows with 14 columns, I need to make this into a table, with a dtagrid I would be done but I have to pull other data that they could add columns, so a table I am told is easier.

This gets my data and I can see it

mydataTable = new DataTable
mydataTable = GetData(sql)

I get nothing but errors trying to do this, what is the correct way to add rows to an table

Can I add this all to a datagrid and then add the extra columns I need if they are there with out using a table.

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DataSource Controls :: Creating New User In Sql Server 2005?

Jun 16, 2010

i already followed steps in msdn and created a new

using Right Click on Security and New Login

I am trying to Create a Sql Sever Authentication User

which i selected and filled both password and confirm password and then OK

now when i am trying to Login this User its giving me this error

New User-mojo



While Login Giving Error


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DataSource Controls :: Creating A Dataset With Multiple Tables

Jan 29, 2010

I have a dataset with 3 tables that are inner joined. Thsi dataset is connected to an object datasource which is connected to a gridview. So at runtime it displays data from the database. The problem is when I click on a save button to add information to the database it throughs me an error saying Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints. But if i have two tables in my dataset it works 100%. But the problem i need that 3 tables in order to pull the required information. And if i populate the gridview using code to select the information from the database and insert information it also works 100%.

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DataSource Controls :: Error While Creating DB Diagram In Sqlserver2008 ?

Mar 25, 2010

I got these this error while creating DB Diagram in sqlserver2008 several times, [Code]...

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DataSource Controls :: Generate A SQL Script For Creating A Complete Database?

Jun 18, 2010

I've got a MS SQL (Express) database. its quite complex and uses a lot of tables. Is there a way to generate a SQL script for creating the complete database, but not the content of it.

I like to copy the database. Right now i copy the database. After that i need manually to clear all fields. There are also some relationships, so its a lot of work to clear all of it manually.

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DataSource Controls :: Creating / Loading DataTable Into SQL Server Database?

May 26, 2010

If I have a DataTable (in-memory) read by my C# program from a flat file, and I want to create it as a new table in a SQL Server database... what is the simplest way to do that?

It seems like something like SqlBulkCopy with an option to create a new destination SQL server table would be on my line of thinking, but I dont see a way.

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DataSource Controls :: Creating A New Project And Having Full Database Control?

Feb 23, 2010

Ok, I have some experience, but I have always started with something and moved on from there.

I want to create a Project in MSVC 2008 with the following...

- SQL 2005 database that I can use MSQL Server Management Studio with

- Forms authentication

- Authentication/roles etc is stored in the above database

So far every attempt has resulted in a database that when I attach with MSQL Management Studio I am logged in as guest, and thus can't do much.

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DataSource Controls :: Creating Files From Image Datatype Records?

Mar 29, 2010

I've inherited a SQL Server 2005 table where there are several colums of the image datatype. I'd like to extract all of those images and save them as files to a folder. How can I do this using VB.NET?

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DataSource Controls :: Benefit Of Creating New Data Souce In Visual Studio

Oct 7, 2010

In visual studio 2005 for windows application , there is option where you can add New datasource by going to menu Data>Add New Data source, I know you can connect to database by using Dim con as connection, Dim cmd as command, Dim da as ataadapter, then query database and get result

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DataSource Controls :: Creating Cluster Index From View With Aggregate Function?

Mar 5, 2010

Here is my code in SQL


Error i am facing is :Msg 8668, Level 16, State 0, Line 2Cannot create the clustered index 'RateViewIndex' on view 'NoteToPass.dbo.RateView' because the select list of the view contains an expression on result of aggregate function or grouping column. Consider removing expression on result of aggregate function or grouping column from select list.

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DataSource Controls :: Unable To Select Any Stored Procedure While Creating TableAdapters In Wizard?

Aug 24, 2010

I'm using VS 2008 and SQL 2008.

I have created the tables and the stored procedures in SQL 2008.

In VS 2008, I created DataSet1.xsd in App_Code and created the connectionString in web.config file.

Then when I go into the DataSet1.xsd and try to add a TableAdapter, strange things happened.

First I chose the data connection, then selected "Use existing stored procedure", then there was nothing listed in the dropdownlists (in Select, Insert, Update, or Delete).

I'm sure the connectionString is correct because if I choose "Use SQL statement" and type in a "select * from mytable1", the TableAdapter can be created without any problem.

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DataSource Controls :: Creating Join Query / How To Address The Results To Be Stored Within The Output Variables

Apr 8, 2010


Well I'm not familiar with SP's yet, and I can't find a single example of what I want to do. basically I want to retrieve the town & county where the customers id are equal (note there will only ever be 1 result)

I can't figure out how to address the results to be stored within the output variables.

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DataSource Controls :: Creating Cluster Index From View Error / Cannot Create The Clustered Index 'RateViewIndex'

Feb 26, 2010

Here is my code in SQL


Error i am facing is :

Msg 8668, Level 16, State 0, Line 2

Cannot create the clustered index 'RateViewIndex' on view 'NoteToPass.dbo.RateView' because the select list of the view contains an expression on result of aggregate function or grouping column. Consider removing expression on result of aggregate function or grouping column from select list.

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AJAX :: Can't Insert Controls In VS2010?

May 29, 2010

I can't insert Ajax controls in VS2010. I installed the latest release of Ajax and have tried to use several ajax controls. In particular I tried to insert a combobox control and I get nothing. I removed Ajax and reinstalled and I get the same problem.I have installed ajax twice. I am an expereinced ajax user. Is there something else I need to install in VS2010 to get Ajax to work?

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VS2010 Not Displaying Any Controls At Design Time?

Jan 15, 2011

I've just started working on some test webforms projects and am having a problem with VS2010. It is not displaying any controls at design-time. For every control I'm getting message -

Error Creating Control - xxxxx
Object reference not set to an instance of an object

It is doing it on new web.application and Tailspin Spyworks demo app. If I switch a new from asp.net4 to asp.net3.5, all the controls display properly.

I've tried removing and re-installing VS2010 and had no changes.

It acts like something didn't get installed.

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AJAX :: VS2010 - Controls In The Toolbox Are Grayed Out And Disabled

Jun 5, 2010

I am using VS 2010, just downloaded the Ajax Control Toolkit Binaries, have got not wireless mouse (even I tried to unplug my mouse - no success -) and I have tried deleting the .tbd files as mentioned

here; but still the Ajax control toolkit controls are grayed out and disabled!

I have tried the following also:

1. creating a new webite.

2. changing the target .NET framework from 4.0 to 3.5 and vice versa.

3. Restarting VS and Windows.

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