DataSource Controls :: Data Suddenly Changes In The SQL Table
Jan 12, 2010
I have a big problem, some how i changed the CreateNewBoundFile, because the heading were mispell (Qrt instead of Qtr. I only changed the BOLD part.
strQuery = "SELECT [Industry Title] AS Industry_Title, [Area Name] AS Area_Name, [Year], [Ownership Title] AS Ownership_Title, [Ownership Code] AS Ownership_Code, [NAICS Code] AS NAICS_Code, [Qrt 1 Disclosure] AS Qrt_1_Disclosure, [Qtr 2 Disclosure] AS Qrt_2_Disclosure,
[Qtr 3 Disclosure] AS Qrt_3_Disclosure, [Qtr 4 Disclosure] AS Qrt_4_Disclosure, [Annual Disclosure] AS Annual_Disclosure"
vArea = Context.Items("Area")
vYear = Context.Items("Year")
vAggLevel = Context.Items("AggLevel")
vIndustry = Context.Items("Industry")
vOwnership = Context.Items("Ownership")
strQuery = strQuery & ", [Qrt 1 Establishments] AS Qrt_1_Establishments, [Qtr 2 Establishments] AS Qtr_2_Establishments, [Qtr 3 Establishments] AS Qtr_3_Establishments, [Qtr 4 Establishments] AS Qtr_4_Establishments"
strQuery = strQuery & ", [Annual Establishments] AS Annual_Establishments"
strQuery = strQuery & ", [Jan], [Feb], [Mar], [April], [May], [June], [July], [Aug], [Sept], [Oct], [Nov], [Dec]"
strQuery = strQuery & ", [Annual Avg Emp] AS Annual_Avg_Emp"
strQuery = strQuery & ", [Qrt 1 Wages] AS Qrt_1_Wages, [Qrt 1 Taxable] AS Qrt_1_Taxable, [Qrt 1 Avg wk wage] AS Qrt_1_Avg_wk_wage, [Qtr 2 Wages] AS Qtr_2_Wages, [Qtr 2 Taxable] AS Qtr_2_Taxable, [Qtr 2 Avg wk wage] AS Qtr_2_Avg_wk_wage, [Qtr 3 Wages]
AS Qtr_3_Wages, [Qtr 3 Taxable] AS Qtr_3_Taxable, [Qtr 3 Avg wk wage] AS Qtr_3_Avg_wk_wage, [Qtr 4 Wages] AS Qtr_4_Wages, [Qtr 4 Taxable] AS Qtr_4_Taxable, [Qtr 4 Avg wk wage] AS Qtr_4_Avg_wk_wage"
strQuery = strQuery & ", [Total Annual Wages] AS Total_Annual_Wages, [Taxable Annual] AS Taxable_Annual, [Avg wk wage] AS Avg_wk_wage, [Avg Annual Pay] AS Avg_Annual_Pay"
strQuery = strQuery & " FROM [vQCEWHIST]"
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_1_Disclosure", "Qrt_1 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_2_Disclosure", "Qrt_2 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_3_Disclosure", "Qrt_3 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_4_Disclosure", "Qrt_4 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Annual_Disclosure", "Annual Disclosure", False)
Because of the mis spell Qrt, so i change it to Qtr.
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_1_Disclosure", "Qtr_1 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_2_Disclosure", "Qtr_2 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_3_Disclosure", "Qtr_3 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_4_Disclosure", "Qtr_4 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Annual_Disclosure", "Annual Disclosure", False)
After i changed it, when going to SQL server express, looking at the original table, some how most of the data were changed to 0 and 1, some of them still stay the same, but most of it has been changed to 0 or 1.
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#2 - Meetings -> MeetingID
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ref_no s_id whoami
12,34,56,68 7,8,4,2 p,p,s,a
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r_id sno whoami
12 7 p
34 8 p
56 4 s
68 2 a
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DataTable table2 = new DataTable();
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in ds.Columns)
pfDataContext pf = new pFDataContext();
var itemlist = from i in pf.item_tbls where i.item_id == dr[dataColumn].ToString() select new { i.item_guid, i.item_description_title };
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Colour(Colour ID, Colour)
DogColours(ColourID, Dog ID)
Dog(Dog ID, Breed)
Colour ID and Dog are primary keys.
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May 17, 2010
I have a form that has dropdown box and user can either select Store Associate or Store Manager, when they click on either, I have GetASsociate function that pulls data from sql database. What i am trying to figure out how to do, is that if they say select Store Manager I want to filter what data to pull from that sql table that has all associates in it, so I was trying use an 'expression' statement to stay if Store Manager was selected, only pull me back the store managers from that table. Then same thing for if they selected STore Assoicate, then only bring me back teh store assocites from that table. But the expression statment does not appear to be working.
asxc.vb code behind
Sub GetDataAssociates()Dim provider
As DbDataProvider' Create a collection of parameters.
Dim coll
New DbParameterCollection()
Dim prmCompany
New DbParameter
provider = DbDataProviderFactory.GetProvider(DataAccessLayer.Enumerations.ProviderType.SqlClient,
prmCompany.ParameterName = "@Company"
prmCompany.DbType = DbType.Int32
Case ddlCompany.SelectedItem.Text.ToStringCase
prmCompany.Value = 100
prmCompany.Value = 300
prmCompany.Value = 900
prmCompany.Value = 200
prmCompany.Value = 0
coll.Add(prmCompany.ParameterName, prmCompany)
Dim expression
expression =
"Pos_Group >'0900'"
dsAssociates.Merge(provider.GetData(coll).Tables(0).Select(expression)) --IS ERRORING OUT ON ME HERE AT THIS LINE
dtAssociates = dsAssociates.Tables(0)
Dim expression
expression =
"pos_group < '0900'
dsAssociates.Merge(provider.GetData(coll).Tables(0).Select(expression)) -IS ERRORING OUT ON ME HERE AT THIS LINE
dtAssociates = dsAssociates.Tables(0)
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Aug 4, 2010
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Feb 27, 2010
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May 14, 2010
I am trying to store data from an XML file to a table in my database, but I keep getting the same error.
This is my code from the cs file:
And this is my error:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Areas'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Areas'.
The statement has been terminated.
In my XML file I have both existing rows and new rows for the database table. I'm guessing I have to do something to sort out the the rows that are not already in the database, but so far I have been unsuccessful to figure this out.
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