DataSource Controls :: Fetch Some Data From Sql Table
May 9, 2010
I have a small problem I want to fetch some data from sql table. Table looks like as
sno acno amnout cash
1 A-100 5000 withdrawal
2 A-101 7000 Deposit
3 A-100 8000 Deposit
4 A-101 6000 Deposit
5 A-101 1000 withdrawal
And i want to records something like this:
acno Deposit withdrawal
A-100 8000 5000
A-101 13000 1000
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Jul 12, 2010
Equivalent of recordset.Edit, Movefirst,NoMatch of vb6 in vb.Net? I want to fetch records from single table of database(Sql server 2005) and collect in collections. How can we do that by dataset and dataadapter ? We want to fetch not to display.
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Apr 14, 2010
i have a database and database have 3 tables... i want the table data show in asp:table not in grid view....
like in frid view we a doing simple wizard mode to fetch data from database... But in my query i want show data in <asp:Table> ..
data from sql
server table>
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May 26, 2010
I am having dataset.xsd file which contain table-1 and thousands of record.The table contains rollno,name,mark and soon.If i give rollno means it automatically select name dfrom the table .How to perform this operation?
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Mar 13, 2010
I have a dataset that has two datatables.
In the first datatable I have EmpNo,EmpName and EmpAddress
In the second datatable I have Empno,EmpJoindate, EmpSalary.
I want a result where I should show EmpName as the label and his/her details in the gridview
I populate a datalist with the first table, and have EmpNo as the datakeys.
Then I populate the gridview inside the datatable which has EmpNo,EmpJoinDate and EmpAddress.
My code is some what as below
Now I have a problem, I have to bind the Details of the corresponding Employee to the gridview. Whereas the above code will display all the details of all employees in the gridview.
If we use IEnumerable we give a condition where(a=>a.eno=EmpNo), and bind that list to the gridview.
How do I do this in datatable.
I modified the program as below
Igor, instead of datarelation,(my TL did not approve of it) I used IEnumerable
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Mar 24, 2010
I want to fetch data from two table buut i m realy confused.
just i want recent two users in my site but problem is there that two users releted information stored in other table .
I also used join query to fetch that data but proper result not get .
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Jun 13, 2010
Basically i deal with two tables.i have a table T1 of the following format:id company_name i need to read this data and create a table T2 as followsi wrote the following code. it worked fine for retrieving data and modification but fails to insert the modified data into the 2nd table.the error is, it does not recognise the value for @token
ArrayList dynarr=new ArrayList(); // global variable
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int row = 1; int i;
string strcmd = null;
string Connection = "Data Source=....";
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Connection);
string str = "select company_name from T1 where ID=@ID";
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May 15, 2010
May you tell me how can I transfer data from a table to another table, the condition of non-repetition rows
as a procedure in database MS QSL server 2005 ,Works in the first day of the month I use the first table in the prodation environment it is contain the employee data and the second to update first table only
View 4 Replies
Jul 6, 2010
I am using C#, and my Ms Sql server table name is getdetail which contains id(int),name(nvarchar(20)) fields and the table data are 101, bob. Now i want to fetch the name value and assign it to the string datatype variable and show that value in the page.
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Aug 5, 2010
how can I get data from more than one table using sqldatasource,,, am trying the following code but i get error "Invalid column name 'Category_tbl.CategoryI"
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Jan 12, 2010
I have a big problem, some how i changed the CreateNewBoundFile, because the heading were mispell (Qrt instead of Qtr. I only changed the BOLD part.
strQuery = "SELECT [Industry Title] AS Industry_Title, [Area Name] AS Area_Name, [Year], [Ownership Title] AS Ownership_Title, [Ownership Code] AS Ownership_Code, [NAICS Code] AS NAICS_Code, [Qrt 1 Disclosure] AS Qrt_1_Disclosure, [Qtr 2 Disclosure] AS Qrt_2_Disclosure,
[Qtr 3 Disclosure] AS Qrt_3_Disclosure, [Qtr 4 Disclosure] AS Qrt_4_Disclosure, [Annual Disclosure] AS Annual_Disclosure"
vArea = Context.Items("Area")
vYear = Context.Items("Year")
vAggLevel = Context.Items("AggLevel")
vIndustry = Context.Items("Industry")
vOwnership = Context.Items("Ownership")
strQuery = strQuery & ", [Qrt 1 Establishments] AS Qrt_1_Establishments, [Qtr 2 Establishments] AS Qtr_2_Establishments, [Qtr 3 Establishments] AS Qtr_3_Establishments, [Qtr 4 Establishments] AS Qtr_4_Establishments"
strQuery = strQuery & ", [Annual Establishments] AS Annual_Establishments"
strQuery = strQuery & ", [Jan], [Feb], [Mar], [April], [May], [June], [July], [Aug], [Sept], [Oct], [Nov], [Dec]"
strQuery = strQuery & ", [Annual Avg Emp] AS Annual_Avg_Emp"
strQuery = strQuery & ", [Qrt 1 Wages] AS Qrt_1_Wages, [Qrt 1 Taxable] AS Qrt_1_Taxable, [Qrt 1 Avg wk wage] AS Qrt_1_Avg_wk_wage, [Qtr 2 Wages] AS Qtr_2_Wages, [Qtr 2 Taxable] AS Qtr_2_Taxable, [Qtr 2 Avg wk wage] AS Qtr_2_Avg_wk_wage, [Qtr 3 Wages]
AS Qtr_3_Wages, [Qtr 3 Taxable] AS Qtr_3_Taxable, [Qtr 3 Avg wk wage] AS Qtr_3_Avg_wk_wage, [Qtr 4 Wages] AS Qtr_4_Wages, [Qtr 4 Taxable] AS Qtr_4_Taxable, [Qtr 4 Avg wk wage] AS Qtr_4_Avg_wk_wage"
strQuery = strQuery & ", [Total Annual Wages] AS Total_Annual_Wages, [Taxable Annual] AS Taxable_Annual, [Avg wk wage] AS Avg_wk_wage, [Avg Annual Pay] AS Avg_Annual_Pay"
strQuery = strQuery & " FROM [vQCEWHIST]"
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_1_Disclosure", "Qrt_1 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_2_Disclosure", "Qrt_2 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_3_Disclosure", "Qrt_3 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_4_Disclosure", "Qrt_4 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Annual_Disclosure", "Annual Disclosure", False)
Because of the mis spell Qrt, so i change it to Qtr.
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_1_Disclosure", "Qtr_1 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_2_Disclosure", "Qtr_2 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_3_Disclosure", "Qtr_3 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Qrt_4_Disclosure", "Qtr_4 Disclosure", False)
CreateNewBoundField("Annual_Disclosure", "Annual Disclosure", False)
After i changed it, when going to SQL server express, looking at the original table, some how most of the data were changed to 0 and 1, some of them still stay the same, but most of it has been changed to 0 or 1.
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Jan 19, 2010
I am building an app (ASP.NET 3.5 + SQL 2005) that allow users to schedule meetings and these meeting will show in the users to-do list.
One kind of meeting, when scheduled, should show into ALL users to-do list.
I have 3 tables:
#1 - Users -> UserID
#2 - Meetings -> MeetingID
#3 - Member_Meeting -> UserID+MeetingID
What I need is:
Based on the scheduled meeting, read all users from table #1 and add their info in the table # 3 with the MeetingID (which I can get from the UI, because it will happen when they create the meeting).
I have been browsing about it, but so far, I couldn't find a good source of info to start with.
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Jan 26, 2010
I have two tables cust and order_cust cust table have cust_id, name, addr, zip columns and order_cust have order_id and cust_id columns I take input from user for cust table i.e. name, addr, zip... the cust_id is an IDENTITY column so generates the value automatically Now I want to insert the last generated cust_id into order_cust (order_id is also an IDENTITY column)
How can I achieve that using stored procedure?
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May 20, 2010
I am working on a tool which migrates all the data from one table to another table.there r three column in the 1st table which has say
ref_no s_id whoami
12,34,56,68 7,8,4,2 p,p,s,a
now iam supposed to put this data into 2nd table like this
r_id sno whoami
12 7 p
34 8 p
56 4 s
68 2 a
i was thinking of using split method and using looping .
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Jan 6, 2010
I am using 2 data tables one for comparing the i.item-id=dr[datacolumn] and one for storing the result i.item_guid,i.item_description_title. But getting an error at table2.Rows.Add(itemlist) {"Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table."}
DataTable table2 = new DataTable();
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Rows)
foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in ds.Columns)
pfDataContext pf = new pFDataContext();
var itemlist = from i in pf.item_tbls where i.item_id == dr[dataColumn].ToString() select new { i.item_guid, i.item_description_title };
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Feb 2, 2011
I am project where I am having 2 tables namely sales_master & sales_transaction.
how to populate data in crystal report so that master records are not duplicated.
For ex. Date , Customer name & etc. should not be repeated again..
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Feb 18, 2010
To write a join query with or condition. It means a query has two inner join, here it is possible to fetch the records, if one inner join is true and other is false. I got a record when only two join conditions are true.
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