DataSource Controls :: Fetch Record Using Join Query When One Join Condition Is True?

Feb 18, 2010

To write a join query with or condition. It means a query has two inner join, here it is possible to fetch the records, if one inner join is true and other is false. I got a record when only two join conditions are true.

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Similar Messages:

DataSource Controls :: Delete Records Based On Join Condition From Other Table?

Feb 25, 2010

I want to delete recodrs from based on some join condition between two tables.

One table belongs to my DB ( table name : FeeDetails)

and second table ( TargetTable) is on different server.

I have delete records from TargetTable table based on join condition between two tables.

I am able to select records


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DataSource Controls :: Join Query Or Union?

Jun 30, 2010

i have two queries they are:
select CustID,NoOfChits from tblCust1 where [Group]='A' and CustID='a001'
select count(TKCustID) as Taken from tblAuctionGroup where [Group]='A' and TKCustID='a001'

Results of 1st query was:
CustID NoOfChits
a001 2

Results of 2nd query was:

But i want to like below:
CustID NoOfChits Taken
a001 2 4

in the above queries, 1st query displayed two columns and 2nd query displayed one column. but i would like to append the both results in single table or single record, i mean all results should be in same row in same result.

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DataSource Controls :: Not Getting The Expect Result Set From Query / Join Or Union?

Jan 27, 2010

i have a form that my i use to look up whether or not there is an email address in the database. i wrote a query with this basic structure:

select *

from table A, table B

where table = "email" or table b = "email"

i though that would return all instances that the email occurred in either table. what i am getting back is a bunch of null or other unrelated records from table A with a matching email in table B. the thing is, these two tables primary key to join them. i thought i wouldnt need to do that though in this case.

here is the actually query i am using if it makes things more clear:

select lm.cemailaddr, lm.b1emailadd, b.emailaddr

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Clause Criteria Eliminating Records In Outer Join Query?

Feb 15, 2010

I know I'm missing something here but I can't figure out what it is. I've got a query joining three tables....accounts, payments, and a table linking the two (there is a M:M relationship).I'm trying to pull a list of all accounts in the account table that have a payment that needs to be resequenced, and also the maximum payment priority if there are any payments that haven't been fully paid. If all payments HAVE been fully paid, I want to return a 0.

It's that last bit of logic that I can't get right. If I include that in the where clause, I get only the accounts that have a payment that hasn't been fully paid. If I take it out, I get all the accounts I get, but I get the highest payment priority whether or not the payment has been fully met.

Here is the do I include the where clause criteria but still include all accounts?

select distinct
isnull(max(isnull(crt.pymt_priority, 0)), 0)[code].....

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DataSource Controls :: Creating Join Query / How To Address The Results To Be Stored Within The Output Variables

Apr 8, 2010


Well I'm not familiar with SP's yet, and I can't find a single example of what I want to do. basically I want to retrieve the town & county where the customers id are equal (note there will only ever be 1 result)

I can't figure out how to address the results to be stored within the output variables.

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ADO.NET :: Forum Function Using Linq, Group, Distinct Left Join, Join?

Mar 24, 2011

I'm trying to build a linq2Entity/gridview function for a forum, that draws data from multible tables.The result should be: Get the latest 10 threads that user(xx) has replyed in, that is not disabled or has a subject that is not allowed.Include information on the last post, thread owner user, and last post user, in each thread.
ere is my code... is returns the correct threads and some that should not be there.


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Databases :: 'join' Text Files Similar To Sql Left Join?

Jan 31, 2011

I have some text files I need to parse in order to display my data, and what I have now are two text files with lots of redundant data. Instead of this I would like to replace the redundant data with a number referencing the text in another text file.

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DataSource Controls :: Using LINQ To Pull Out A Single Value From A Single Result Row Of A Join Query?

May 25, 2010

For context: First of all, I am new to LINQ, as I have been using SubSonic for quite some time now.

I have two tables, Users, and Affiliates. They both have a very typical schema. The FK that joins them is the UserId field, which is in the Affiliates table. I want to create a LINQ query that pulls the Username from the Users table using the AffiliateId value. The AffiliateId is a primary key of the Affiliates table.

I have tried to accomplish this using many variations of the following code:


In the above query, I expect to get a single row result set. However, I instead receive the entire table of results.

How can I make this work? I have yet to see an example or article out there to do what I am trying to do.

View 9 Replies

ADO.NET :: HQL (Join With Sub Query Together )

Oct 26, 2010

i am working with HQL in Nhibernate (in a Application )

i tried to implement this query

select distinct Course_Title from Course_Info join CMM_BatchCourse_Map on Fk_Course_Id= Course_Id where Fk_Batch_Id= (select Batch_Id

from CMM_Batch_Info where Batch_Title = 'BSC P1')

(THIS query is correctly in SQL SERVER )

but i tried to implement this in through HQL it gives semantic error

public IList<Course> GetByBatchName(string batchTitle)
ICriteria criteria = Session.CreateCriteria<Course>();
Session.CreateQuery("select distinct CourseTitle from Course join CMM_BatchCourse_Map on FkCourseId = CourseId where

Fk_Batch_Id= (select Batch_Id from CMM_Batch_Info where Batch_Title = 'BSC P1')" );
return criteria.List<Course>();


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DataSource Controls :: Types Of Join In SQL?

Feb 25, 2010

let me know the types of joins available in SQL, so far i've used only Inner joins and left joins.

But have been clear and comfortable using inner joins only.

give me a more clear picture on all the types of joins available and their importance.

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DataSource Controls :: Using Count And Join?

Jul 7, 2010

I have three tables nameTbl contains the following columns: BarID, Name, Description locTbl contains locID and Location namelocationTbl contains BarID(from the nameTbl) and locID(from the locTbl)

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DataSource Controls :: Sqldatasource With Inner Join SelectCommand...

Sep 4, 2010

I have a gridview with a sqldatasource with SelectCommand as below:


but it's not workling.....

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DataSource Controls :: Columns To Join Tables?

Apr 27, 2010

I need to join some tables to get the matching records. I often have to ask around to see how certain tables could be joined. Is there any way to query the information schema or some thing else to see what columns/values match in certain tables in order to figure out how tables should be joined.

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DataSource Controls :: Inner Join Using Two Different Connection Strings

Feb 11, 2010

Anyone know if it's possible to inner join tables using two different connection strings? I'm using vb.

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DataSource Controls :: Possible To Join With A #Temp Table?

Feb 13, 2010

I can join with a regular SQL table fine but this won't work:

SELECT normalTbl.*, tmp.fld1 FROM normalTbl
LEFT JOIN #Temp tmp ON tmp.joinID = normalTbl.joinID

All tmp.fld1 values are shown as NULL even though fld1 contains valid values and the joinID matches the normalTbl (when I call SELECT * from #Temp). If I do the same exact thing with a regular table, fld1 shows the correct value. What am I doing wrong?

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DataSource Controls :: Update Statement With Inner Join?

May 5, 2010

I am trying to update a Single Record in a table. I also trying to join columns of that single record with another table to update prices the prices of that record.

Here is my current query.


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How To Modify Sql Query Without Using Join Operation

Nov 18, 2010

The following query uses join operation, i want the same query to execute without using join operation. Is it possible to do so? If yes than how can i do it?select jname, jcode from heardt inner join judge ON heardt.jud1 = jcodThe reason i am trying to do this is because i am using odbc connection for mysql and join operations are not getting executed at all as web page is loading for infinitely long and not giving any output. That is the reason why i want to try without using join operation

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SQL Server :: Need One Sql Query For Join Two Numbers?

Jul 22, 2010

i need one sql query for join two numbers...example:



c=a+b that answer i need 1545.. not 60...i dont about that query..

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SQL Server :: How To Make Join Query

Dec 22, 2010

I have a problem with a sql server query, what am I missing - why doesn't it work? This is what I want to retrieve:

tblMeetings: ID, subject, description

tblOccasion: dateStart, dateStop

WHERE Meetings.status = 'bokad'

AND Meeting.ID = Occasion.meetingID

Below is two alternatives for the same result, with different error messages:



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ADO.NET :: LINQ Query With Multiple Join?

Aug 18, 2010

I ned to run a query with two joins, the second join does not work please help with the correct syntax.


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C# - Print After Join Linq Query?

Mar 15, 2011

I have this code:

public ActionResult Index()
MembershipUser currentUser = Membership.GetUser();


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DataSource Controls :: Can Join The Results Of Multiple Datareaders

May 4, 2010

pull data from 3 databases, same query with the same result set (data can vary) and i want to combine those results in to a single datareader so i can easily dump it to a gridview.

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DataSource Controls :: Join Across Two Databases On (possibly) Different Servers

Feb 12, 2010

I would like to create a gridview where all of the items in one table are listed and a checkbox is checked if that item also shows up in another table. The difficulty comes in the fact that table are not only in different databases, but possibly on different servers.

Is there any way to do this via ASP.NET connection strings, so that it doesn't matter where the databases live? I'd rather use connection strings, because I don't want to hard-code credentials into the queries (OPENROWSET or whatnot).

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DataSource Controls :: Left And Right Outer Join In C# Using Linq?

Apr 20, 2010

How to use Left and Right Outer Join in C# using Linq with Eg.

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