DataSource Controls :: Possible To Join With A #Temp Table?
Feb 13, 2010
I can join with a regular SQL table fine but this won't work:
SELECT normalTbl.*, tmp.fld1 FROM normalTbl
LEFT JOIN #Temp tmp ON tmp.joinID = normalTbl.joinID
All tmp.fld1 values are shown as NULL even though fld1 contains valid values and the joinID matches the normalTbl (when I call SELECT * from #Temp). If I do the same exact thing with a regular table, fld1 shows the correct value. What am I doing wrong?
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Create proc [dbo].[usp_GetRequestsInfoOnSearchString]
@SearchString varchar(100)
Create TABLE #Request(
[RequestId] [int] NULL,
[RequestDate] [datetime] NULL,
[RequestText] [varchar](500) NULL,
[CurrentStatusId] [int] NULL,
[RiskLevelId] [int] NULL
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([RequestId] ,
[RequestDate] ,
[RequestText] ,
[CurrentStatusId] ,
[RiskLevelId] )
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FROM [dbo].[Request]
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,[RequestDate] as [Request Date]
,[RequestText] as [Request Text]
,[CurrentStatusName] as [Current Status Name]
from #Request
WHERE ([CurrentStatusName] like @SearchString OR len(@SearchString)= 0 OR @SearchString is null)
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No Invalid Port
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select CustID,NoOfChits from tblCust1 where [Group]='A' and CustID='a001'
select count(TKCustID) as Taken from tblAuctionGroup where [Group]='A' and TKCustID='a001'
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CustID NoOfChits
a001 2
Results of 2nd query was:
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CustID NoOfChits Taken
a001 2 4
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