DataSource Controls :: How To Create An Insert Statement For Two Tables In One Query

Apr 1, 2010

i have a form view that takes fields from two tables 'Contract' and 'volunteers', however because i used a query builder,i have to input an insert statement. How do i create an insert statement for two tables in one query?

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Similar Messages:

DataSource Controls :: Insert Statement For Multiple Tables?

Jul 12, 2010

I've got 3 tables.

Table A: UID, Name
Table B: CID, Category
Table C: ID, UID, CID

I've got a TextBox to capture the value of "Name" in Table A.

Ive got a CheckBoxList that displays all the pre-determined values of Table B.

When the user selects an item from the CheckBoxList i want to populate Table C with the value of the selected item from the CheckBoxList and the cooresponding ID associated with the user name for that person's entry.

How do I write the INSERT statement?

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DataSource Controls :: Insert Query Statement?

Aug 16, 2010

I have SQL Details View insert statement, I need to have a Condition checked for the Insert Query. The condition is, I do have a table by name table1 with the No of Questions (for Eg: 10). The insert statement shud insert data to the table2 (Another table) only if the no of rows is less than or equal to 10 else it shud give me a message (It has exceeded the no of questions).

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DataSource Controls :: Failed To Create Custom Statement In Query Builder?

Mar 2, 2011

i faced a problem during i want to create inner join in query builder.

Here is my statement


If i select 2 tables, i can get the result. But when i insert 1 more table, i failed to get my result.

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Insert A Join Statement - (Insert Data To Multiple Tables) - C#/SQL/T-SQL?

May 20, 2010

I have a Winform that has fields need to be filled by a user. All the fields doesn't belong to one table, the data will go to Customer table and CustomerPhone table, so i decided to do multiple inserts. I will insert appropriate data to CustomerPhone first then Insert the rest data to Customer table.

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Statement To Get One Record Each From Two Tables?

Feb 2, 2010

I don't know if I'm posting this in the right place - I have a feeling it can't be too difficult but I can't seem to figure it out. I've come across this problem many times and I've never solved it. I would imagine the scenario is commonplace - I have a table of Products with a PK of ProductID, and a table of related images with a FK of ProductID. Each product can have many images, but for my initial display I want to display one product record with one image record. I have a Sequence field in the Images table and I could pick the lowest one. Right and left Joins return too many records - if I have three images for Product 1 then Product 1 is listed three times.

I've gotten around this before using a flag in the Products table, or listing an image in both tables but I'm sure there must be a SQL statement that can get the information that I need.

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DataSource Controls :: Select Statement Across Three Tables?

Mar 17, 2010


Select statement across three tables

View 15 Replies

DataSource Controls :: INSERT Statement For A CSV To Insert Into SQL Express?

Dec 15, 2010

I have a project that I was using Access for but now find I have to change to SQL Express. Well I have no big problem with that but I now find that the SQL Statement I have been using was for OLE and does not work in SQL/Express. I am not even sure anymore if I can dump the entire CSV file in at one time? The statement I was using is below.


Here is my problem. What is the INSERT statement to insert a complete flat (CSV) into SQL Express? OR what method can I use to preform this task?

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DataSource Controls :: Insert In To 2 Tables Using A SQL And Details View Insert Functionality?

Aug 12, 2010

I do have a details view, which insert data to a database table using SQL Datasource. Now i need the data to be inserted in to 2 tables instead of one.

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DataSource Controls :: Statement To Combine Columns Of Different Tables

Feb 4, 2010

I have 2 tables and I want to entries of the tables into something like this:

Table 1: Table 2: End Result:
a 1 a - 1
b 2 a - 2
... ... b - 1
... ... b - 2
... ... ...

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DataSource Controls :: Drop Multiple Tables Through An SQL Statement?

Apr 27, 2010

How can i Drop Multiple table through an SQL Statement rather than using a procedure or a function.

View 7 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Count From Several Tables In One Select Statement

Mar 14, 2010

I am trying to count records belonging to a certain person in three different tables in a single select statement. The database looks like this:



-GameId (FK->Game.GameId)
-PlayerId (FK->Player.PlayerId)
-Assist (FK->Player.PlayerId)

-GameId (FK->Game.GameId)

I want to select the number of goals, assist and cards a player has in a specific tournament. I tried with this query but then the goal and card column shows the sum of the number of rows matching the playerid in the Goal table and the Card table...For example if there is two matching rows in the goal table and three matching rows in the card table, I get 5 in both these columns in the resultset.


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DataSource Controls :: SQL Server SELECT Statement Is Slow In Large Tables?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm facing a problem in our current running application. There is a table in database which has 67 columns,among these 18 columns are nvarchar(max) datatype and contains 30K records. Problem is now that SELECT * FROM myTable it takes around 3 to 4 seconds. Which is degrading our application's performance.

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DataSource Controls :: Insert Statement And Where Clause?

Apr 7, 2010

I am trying to do an insert statement to a table from classic ASP.I tried the below:


But, I am getting the error as: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'where'.How to insert data, using a where clause in the above scenario?

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DataSource Controls :: INSERT SELECT Statement?

Apr 30, 2010

How would you handle an INSERT that gets some values from another table using SELECT, where you wanted some values to come from the source table record and other values to come from a different parameter source like a session value? Is this possible?

View 3 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Insert Statement Violation?

Jun 22, 2010

i'm developing windows application one of its forms supposed to fill a table called rooms with data throughout a collection of text boxes and comboboxes controls, i'm successfuly bound each control to the binding source and make sure that each data adapter contains the required data but when i start to excute the insert statement

insert into rooms([room_id],[floor],[price],[currency_id],[rec_id],[s/d],[s/ns],[room_direction],status)
values( '"+Int64.Parse(textBox1.Text) +
"' ,'" +
Int64.Parse(textBox2.Text) +
"', '" +
Int64.Parse(textBox3.Text) +
"','" + comboBox1.SelectedIndex +
"','" + comboBox2.SelectedIndex +
"','" + comboBox3.SelectedIndex +
"','" + comboBox4.SelectedIndex +
"','" + textBox4.Text +
"','" + comboBox5.SelectedIndex +

it displays an error message when i'm trying to select a value from the combobox for any parameter that is"column currenc_id is constrained to be unique value 2 is already exists"can any body help me it is very important

View 5 Replies

DataSource Controls :: SQL Select Statement - Values To Appear In Same Query

Feb 15, 2010

I am having difficulty selecting data from 2 tables that do no share a primary key value. For instance, I have an actual table, a forecast table, and a GLText table. I may have an actual value but not a forecast value but I need them to appear in the same Query (like the query results shown below). I can get all values to appear in each table but have been unsuccessful in getting all values from both tables.

View 5 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Configuring An Insert Statement In Sqldatasource?

Mar 12, 2010

I dragged and dropped a sqldatasource and want to do an insert statement, taking the new values from a textbox. I did this already however when i do my insert statement eg. INSERT INTO Development_Programme(MHID) VALUES (@m) HOWEVER when to select the insert parameters the 'Next' button and the 'Finish' button is shaded off, I added a Select statement and the 'Next' was unshaded HOWEVER the screen to select the insert parameters is not appearing it goes straight to the Test Query.

View 3 Replies

DataSource Controls :: INSERT Statement Conflicted With The Foreign Key?

Jan 9, 2010

There is this error troubling me whenever i tried to do something to the ShopCart such as add to cart.

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_ShopCart_Shopper". The conflict occurred in database "DIYERA", table "dbo.Shopper", column 'ShopperID'. The statement has been terminated.

I checked the database and the foreign key, ShopperID, was set correctly.

View 7 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Unable To DataBing After Exe Insert Statement?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a problem with my SqlDataSource, when the web form i loaded it works OK but when I execute an insert statement and then i execute the method DataBind(), the data in my grid view is not changed.

View 1 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Insert Data Into Two Tables With Sql?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a details view form inserting data into one table successfully with no problems and picking up the ID parameter from a session.

What i would like to do is one insert SOME of the fields NOT ALL get inserted into another table.

Table 1 = course

table 2 = matrixoneantwo

I tried creating a datasource which inserted data into Matrixoneanttwo and called it from the detailsview_inserting event (sqldatasource.insert() but then i realised that this data source is seperate to my current one and therefore cannot use its parameters.

View 11 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Code Behind - Syntax Error In Insert Into Statement

Apr 9, 2010

I can't find my syntax error. Here is my code behind:


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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Scope_identity Value From Insert Statement In Codebehind

Jun 7, 2010

Iam inserting ,updating in one DBfunction .i want to retrieve identityvalue when in insert.for that am adding select SCOPE_IDENTITY() in insert i can i get this value??

public int funAddEdit_rtblIncidentTypesDB(clsCM_Inc_IncidentTypesData objData, int actiontype)
string qry = "";
if (actiontype == 1)
qry = "INSERT INTO _rtblIncidentType (cDescription,iEscGroupID,bAllowOverride,bRequireContract,iIncidentTypeGroupID,iWorkflowID,bAllowOverrideIncidentType,bPOIncidentType,cDefaultOutline) VALUES ('" + objData.cDescription + "'," + objData.iEscGroupID
+ ",'" + objData.bAllowOverride + "','" + objData.bRequireContract + "'," + objData.iIncidentTypeGroupID + "," + objData.iWorkflowID + ",'" + objData.bAllowOverrideIncidentType + "','" + objData.bPOIncidentType + "','" + objData.cDefaultOutline + "'); select
else if (actiontype == 2)
qry = "UPDATE _rtblIncidentType SET cDescription='" + objData.cDescription + "' WHERE idIncidentType=" + objData.idIncidentType;
int result = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(clsHelper.ConnectionString.ToString(), CommandType.Text, qry);
return result;

if i exceute the above query individually,it returns iddentity value,,bt unable to retireve the value in codebehind.

View 1 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Multiplying Column Values On Insert Statement?

Jun 6, 2010

This is my code so far:

SQL = "insert into " & tableNameToday _
& "(ID, Name, Calories, Of_Which_Fat, Protein, Carbohydrate, Of_which_sugars," _
& "Fat, Of_Which_Saturated, Of_Which_Monounsaturates, Of_Which_Polyunsaturates," _


how do i multiply the columns like this. for now static explanation would be ok but eventually i would like to make it dynamic so there would be a text box for users to enter the amout they like e.g 160g then the table would know to multiply the columns by 1.6.

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DataSource Controls :: LINQ And C# - Accessing More Then 2 Tables In A Query

Apr 23, 2010

As the title sugests, I am missing a (basic?) concept as I teach myself, linq, and C#. It has been awhile since I've done anything object oriented, so I don't know how much that is impacting this gap in my understanding. Anyhow, here is what I am trying to do. I have three SQL Server tables: PERSON, POSITION, AREA. There is a 1 to many relationship between PERSON and POSITION, and a 1 to 1 relationship between POSITION and AREA. Given the following code I verify who the person is who has logged into the browser:


I want to be able to return all of the AREAs the person is able to access, based on the position they currently hold. I am able to easily do this in a SQL Server query, and I am sure I can do this with a SQL stored procedure once I pass the EMPLOYEE_ID to the procedure. However, I would rather do this in the page_load event, and load the returned results into gridview1 for the viewer. The issue I am running into is in building the LINQ query. When I try to build it, I can only get access to two of the three tables, depending on which table I select with db. Is it possible to access all three tables in the same query?

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