DataSource Controls :: How To Handle Membership Info Among Multiple Databases
May 13, 2010
I'm creating a site that will offer several different services (blogs, videos, images..), all under the same site.
Each service will use a separate database and all services must use the same membeship info. Users will only need one login to access all these services.
For the membership database i will use the default aspnetdb database.
There are two ways i can think of:
1) Use a join-query between two databases, each time i want to show some service records per user.
2) Create a custom membership-info table in each service's database, and keep it in sync with the master membership table in aspnetdb database.
The custom membership table will be like this:
Id - int, primary, identity
UserId - uniqueidentifier (of aspnetdb database)
What is the best way to do this in the long run, when i will have six or seven or more services ?
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