DataSource Controls :: How To Return A Single Row Where There Is A One To Many Relationship

Jun 23, 2010

I have 2 tables. Table_A has one to many relationship with Table_B.

For example. Table_A has an ApplicantKey and in Table_B I am storing (Resume_name and CoverLetter_name for the Applicant). Joined by ApplicantKey

Now when I join them and execute the query obviously it returns me two rows. But what I want is that it should return only one row with Columns like Resume_name, CoverLetter_Name

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SQL Reporting :: Return The Results Of A 1 To Many Relationship?

Aug 31, 2010

A co-worker of mine just came back from a SQL Server Reporting Services class (we are using SQL Server 2005). In that class they were told that if they had a one to many relationship that they would have to flatten the results into one row of the resultset in order to show the 'many' portion of the relationship. For example, my company has two tables:Jobs Notes/Memo'sor each Job we can have 0 or more Notes/Memo's.According to my co-worker the Report Server must have each of the Notes/Memo's in one row of the resultset. That we therefore have to flatten the list of Notes into Note1, Note2, Note3...etc fields.Is this correct? How would I handle a situation where I didn't know how many Notes there were?

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DataSource Controls :: Get Data From One To Many Relationship?

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i have master table and it has related record in the child record

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how can i get the data group by master id ?? i want a sing row record


order 1: item1 : item :2 item 3: item 4 in this shape

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DataSource Controls :: .edmx Excluding A Relationship?

Apr 25, 2010

I need to know if I've done something wrong, or if the message I'm getting is nothing about which to be alarmed.I'm getting "The relationship '....' has columns that are not part of the key of the table on the primary side of the relation ship which is not supported, the relationship was excluded.

I built four tables, each with one foreign key. I'm assuming I haven't done anything wrong or unusual with my four tables (SQL statements generating the tables are shown below).However, I don't get any lines connecting tables together and all the examples I've seen today seem to have no problem with drawing the connecting lines all over the place.


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DataSource Controls :: Using LINQ To Pull Out A Single Value From A Single Result Row Of A Join Query?

May 25, 2010

For context: First of all, I am new to LINQ, as I have been using SubSonic for quite some time now.

I have two tables, Users, and Affiliates. They both have a very typical schema. The FK that joins them is the UserId field, which is in the Affiliates table. I want to create a LINQ query that pulls the Username from the Users table using the AffiliateId value. The AffiliateId is a primary key of the Affiliates table.

I have tried to accomplish this using many variations of the following code:


In the above query, I expect to get a single row result set. However, I instead receive the entire table of results.

How can I make this work? I have yet to see an example or article out there to do what I am trying to do.

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DataSource Controls :: Using Multiple Columns In A Data Relationship

Mar 4, 2010

I have two tables - dt(Mods) and dt(Mods2) - I am trying to create a relationship between them. So dt(mods) has department, category and item columns dt(mods2) has parentDept, Parentcategory and parentItems Now I need add them to a dataset with a relationship key - Something like this but with three cloumns

Dim ParentCol As New DataColumn, ChildCol As New DataColumn

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DataSource Controls :: Entity Framework Deleting Many To Many Relationship?

Jul 9, 2010

I have 3 tables User, role and UserInRole THe entity frame work made entities for User and Role and I have successfully made a join with the user and role entities using user.add(role); but I can't seem to get it to remove the link (I want to retain the user and role just remove their association).

using (ProviderEntities context = new ProviderEntities())
User u = context.User
.Where(n => n.ApplicationName == application)
.Where(n => n.Username == username).First();
Roles r = context.Roles
.Where(n => n.ApplicationName == application)
.Where(n => n.RoleName == roleName)

The oposite worked when I did r.User.Add(u); but it wont let me now remove it after it been created. Driving me mad as I can't see where I have gone wrong.

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Aug 6, 2010

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SQL Server :: Return Sum Of 2 Subsets To Single SqlDataReader?

Sep 20, 2010

I still have plenty to learn about SQL... I'm pretty sure what I want to do is possible, but I'm getting lost in the syntax.

I have two tables:

TABLE A: [ID] [Name]
TABLE B: [ID] [TableA.ID] [intValue] [intTypeID]

There are 3 pieces of information I want:

Total Sum(TableB.intValue)
Sum(TableB.intValue) WHERE intTypeID = 1
Sum(TableB.intValue) WHERE intTypeID = 2

Getting one of those pieces is simple: SELECT a.ID,a.Name,SUM(b.intValue) WHERE a.ID = x GROUP BY a.ID,a.Name

I assume I need some kind of JOIN, but I can't seem to get it..

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C# - Return Linq Query Into Single Object?

Mar 16, 2011

I have this code in my controller:

public ActionResult Details(int id)
using (var db = new MatchGamingEntities())


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ADO.NET :: Return A Single Row From A Database As A Strongly Typed Object?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a products table whereby I want to return a single row via a product id and use it as a data object.

I have used a .xsd dataset and a product class where I return a dataset and add the values into the product object that I created but I don't like having to write code like

"Product[0].ProductDescription" to get the product description. Is there a way of returning is straight as an object rather than a dataset?

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DataSource Controls :: Representing A Simple "1 To Many" Or "parent/child" Relationship In The Database?

Sep 1, 2010

a FormView that is linked to SqlDataSource1a Repeater control (inside the formview) that is linked to SqlDataSource2 Thus representing a simple "1 to many" or "parent/child" relationship in the database!

SqlDataSource1 is simple in that it just retrieves a straight set of records from a table and they are displayed back in the FormView (nothing special happening there).

SqlDataSource2 has parameters that filter the contents of the repeater based on the record that is shown in the Formview. This would normally be simple enough to set up by setting the parameter to the formview.selectedvalue property.


The formview has multiple DataKeyNames because the table that the SqlDataSource1 links to has a compound key. So to filter the Repeater correctly SqlDataSource2 needs to map 3 parameters to 3 data key values in the formview.

I've tried setting the SqlDataSource2 parameters to:

<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="FormView1" Name="Parameter1" PropertyName="DataKey(0)" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="FormView1" Name="Parameter2" PropertyName="DataKey(1)" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="FormView1" Name="Parameter3" PropertyName="DataKey(2)" />

but it doesn't seem to like that approach. I'm expecting the answer is something similar .

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DataSource Controls :: How To Read A Single Row

Feb 5, 2011

I wanted to know is it possible to pass "SqlDataSource" data to a variable? if not how can i use datareader to do this?

i couldn't figure out how to pass SqlDataSource to a varialbe so i tried use datareader and i'm stuck in middle of it, also my query only returns one row and one column so i rather not to use array if possible. here is my code:


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DataSource Controls :: Get Sum In Single Query?

Jan 4, 2010

I have 2 tables table1 and table2 as given below.

Table1 - user master table. table2 - transaction table. Now I want to write a single query which will give results like table 3. how to write single query.



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DataSource Controls :: Why Does Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() Return -1

Mar 3, 2010

I have created a stored procedure that reset my tables' identity value. The store procedure works fine when I didrectly run it in my ms sql server 2008. It reset my table Identity value However, when I call it from my function reset, it returns -1, and does not reset my table identitity value. The function to restet my identity value is:


My stored procedure is


To call the the function:

Dim result
Integer = util.resetTableIdentity("myTable", "id", 60)

I got result is -1, and it does ot reset my table identity. Why? How to resove it?

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DataSource Controls :: Return Value From Sql In GridView?

Aug 28, 2010

I have textbox for searching a Names in My database. I return the information from the Select Statement in GridView, but i want to know the number of affected rows. How to do that?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Know If A Single Row Query Fails

Jan 15, 2010

I am using a 'SingleOrDefault' LINQ query with a Lambda expression such as:

Email email = db.Emails.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Email1 == Textbox1.Text);

If the textbox entry does not match anything stored in the table, how would I know and how could I deal with this situation in the code?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Lock Single Row For Update

Jul 2, 2010

i develop a c# windows application. My database is sql server 2008 exp. i want lock single row for user select it for update. for example;

userA - Connection a (connection id 52);

user select a single row (select * from t1 with(rowlock?, updlock?,or what) where id=1) and bind data to form fields (texbox, checkbox,combobox etc.). (there is no problem)

userB - Connection b (connection id 54);

userB can select all other rows from t1 (where id=2 or 3 or anything) but not id=1. when userB select * from t1 where id=1 system generate an exception with (you cannot select this row because it is updated. Updated users connection id is 52.)

when userA (connectionid52) close form or commit changes then userB can select id=1.

i am read few documents (transacions, rowlock,updlock, concurrency violation optimistic,pessimistic) but i couldn't understand.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Get Single Record From SqlDataSource

May 25, 2010

I need to get one record from rows. For example:


id, name, age, nick, gender , etc...

1, John, 18, gobb, M, ....
2, Andrew, 22 , AND, M, .....
3, Simon, 35, Lucky, M, ......

How to Get name (For example Simon) from DB and enter it into label? Or perhaps this is impossible?

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DataSource Controls :: Getting A Single Value From A Returned Dataset?

Feb 18, 2010

I've managed to connect to the database and return a record based upon a login name. I can itterate through the rows printing out the password but I know there's only 1 row (or can test for that) so how do I get the value of the password for the one row without the loop?

Dim supervisorAdapter As New SupervisorTableAdapters.SupervisorTableAdapter
Dim supervisors As Supervisor.SupervisorDataTable
supervisors = supervisorAdapter.GetSupervisorByLogin(login)
For Each count As Supervisor.SupervisorRow In supervisors

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DataSource Controls :: Selecting A Single Value From A Field?

May 18, 2010

I have a table in which a field consists of a multiple values like CSE, INF, ECE etc., I want to take only one value from the field like

When an user selects a particular branch like CSE, the user should get the list of Colleges assosiated with the branch CSE. How to do this?

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DataSource Controls :: Different Datatable In A Single Dqatatable?

Jan 15, 2010

How can I filter two different datatable in a single dqatatable? like consider I have following two datatables

DataTable A DataTable B

1 | 1 1 | 1
2 | 2 4 | 8
4 | 16 16 | 32

So after filtering I can have a output like

DataTable C

1 | 1
4 | 32

So in my filtered dattable I can have only matching results of datatable A and Datatable C? How can I do this using .Net datatable?

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DataSource Controls :: Single Owner On Both .mdf And Log File?

May 2, 2010

I'm working on my private website(using VS2008) which is connected to a simple database(using SQL management studio 2008). The database is currently located in the App_Data folder and the connectionstring should be quite simple;


After reading several forum threads I have changed the following;- Permission (locating the db and going into security, removing current users and adding me (local) to it as single owner on both .mdf and log file.

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