SQL Server :: Return Sum Of 2 Subsets To Single SqlDataReader?

Sep 20, 2010

I still have plenty to learn about SQL... I'm pretty sure what I want to do is possible, but I'm getting lost in the syntax.

I have two tables:

TABLE A: [ID] [Name]
TABLE B: [ID] [TableA.ID] [intValue] [intTypeID]

There are 3 pieces of information I want:

Total Sum(TableB.intValue)
Sum(TableB.intValue) WHERE intTypeID = 1
Sum(TableB.intValue) WHERE intTypeID = 2

Getting one of those pieces is simple: SELECT a.ID,a.Name,SUM(b.intValue) WHERE a.ID = x GROUP BY a.ID,a.Name

I assume I need some kind of JOIN, but I can't seem to get it..

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my code


ALTER procedure [dbo].[userss](@email varchar(100),@password varchar(25),@name varchar(250),@DOB varchar(20),@acc_vari int,@ip_address varchar(50),@vari_code varchar(7) )
declare @uid int
select @uid=uid from users where email='12we'
return 0
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SQLDataReader Find Value Of Each Row?

Nov 10, 2010

I used to use datasets instead of sqldatareaders and I used to be able to do something like this

If dataset.tables(0).Rows(0)(1).ToString()) = "N" Then
lbl.Text = dataset.tables(0).Rows(0)(2).ToString())
'Do Nothing
End If

This obviously doesn't work with sqldatareaders.I have code to see if the SQLDatareader has any rows but was wondering if there was a way to get the value of each rowI'm guessing this is possible and i've had a look around but can't seem to find anything

Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("server='h'; user id='w'; password='w'; database='w'; pooling='false'")
Dim query As New SqlCommand("DECLARE @investor varchar(10), @sql varchar(1000) Select @investor = 69836 select @sql = 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(db,''SELECT * FROM table WHERE investor = ''''' + @investor + ''''''')' EXEC(@sql)", conn)
Dim oDR As SqlDataReader = query.ExecuteReader()
If oDR.HasRows or dataset.tables(0).Rows(0)(1).ToString()) = "N" Then
lbl.Text = dataset.tables(0).Rows(0)(2).ToString())
'Do Nothing
End If

That is the code I have at the moment which obviously doesn't work

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Using SqlDataReader In Linq?

Sep 7, 2010

In normal way of write the code as follows in DAL.

DataSet ds=db.executedataset();
IEnumerable<datarow>= ds.tables[0].asEnumerable();

For better performance can use datareader in Linq instead of DataSet

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internal static string[] GetToolsForRole(string selectedRole) {
string[] tempStr;
ArrayList myAL = new ArrayList();


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SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
//how do I read strings here????

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using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;


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Difference Between SqlDataReader.NextResult() And MARS

Sep 19, 2010

hile i have been working with application perfomance tuning part i found an article for doing the same from Microsoft. it suggests me to reduce the round trip between application and database by using Sqlbatch statements. i got two ways to achieve it 1. SqlDataReader.NextResult() - we can use single connection to execute sql batch statements2. MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets) - we can use single connection to open multiple readers and execute the batch statements

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C# - Use UserControl To Display SqlDataReader Data?

May 13, 2010

i try to use userControl to display SqlDataReader data.

in the main page

public SqlDataReader Data2;
<uc1:WebUserControl ID="WebUserControl1" RData1="<%=Data2 %>" runat="server" />
and in the userControl
Repeater1.DataSource = RData1;

But i keep getting this error

Cannot create an object of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader' from its string representation '<%=Data2 %>' for the 'RData1' property.

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