DataSource Controls :: How To Use 2 Columns (one Is StartDate Another Is EndDate) To Compare With System Date

Apr 22, 2010

I have 2 coulmns

PromCode, StartDate , EndDate
A001 2010/05/01 2010/05/30
A002 2010/04/01 2010/04/30
C120 2010/03/01 2010/03/31

SET @NOWDATE = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),111) -- Get System Date

I want to use (StarDate + EndDate) compare with SystemDate to make sure if the PromCode is process or expired..

my problem is .. how to compare both StartDate and EndDate with SystemDate?

this is the result I trying to query..

PromCode, StartDate , EndDate ,Status
A001 2010/05/01 2010/05/30 Future
A002 2010/04/01 2010/04/30 Valid
C120 2010/03/01 2010/03/31 Expired

, .... AS STATUS ( does here I should use or use subquery? I try use Case..but get syntax error)from Table

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<asp:TextBox id="txtDate1" runat="server" />
<asp:CompareValidator runat="server" ErrorMessage="The date must be greater than today"
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my markup


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I have table in database that one column is Expire date that save date like below


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if (_dr["ExpireDate"]<DateTime.Now) {

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if (dt2.rows.find(dr["x"]) but this checks the whole row and if finds an "x" in any column, "if" condition is true. I need to only check one column of dt2. Tables have different columns but the same primary column and that's what I need to check

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I need to compare 2 DataTables that do not necessarily have the same structure. One dataTable is the master (dtDB), the second dataTable (dtFORM) is what will have the changes, if any, but not necessarily all of the columns of dtDB. In both tables the first column will be the primary key and all columns that dtFORM has, dtDB will have.

There is another DataTable (dtResults) that will flag the differences

This is where I am at so far:


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Web Forms :: CSV Comparison With Only Few Columns To Compare

Feb 25, 2016

I need to know one Comparisons in CSV like this...

These are the columns in CSV 1 and CSV 2 :

Dekking id; Dekking; Acnv_id; Acnv description; From ; To; Value

Sample From CSV 1 Data :

Columns 1

 499; Algemene Contractspecificaties; 122; Periodiciteit; 15/01/16; 15/01/16; 48 

Columns 2

500; Opbouw Pensioenreserve; 130; Premietaks Tak 24; 15/01/16; 15/06/32; 29

Sample From CSV 2 Data :

Columns 1499; Algemene Contractspecificaties; 122; Commerciële; 08/01/16; 08/06/32; 12

Columns 2

500; Opbouw Pensioenreserve; 130; Waarborg 23; 08/01/16; 08/06/32; 29

I need to know how to compare these two columns from the column "Acnv description;" to "Value" as mostly the values from "Dekking id" to "Acnv_id" would be mostly common.

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Dekking id; Dekking; Acnv_id; Acnv description; From ; To; Value

How to compare only these columns in the CSV ...

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DataSource Controls :: An Unhandled Exception Of Type 'System.InvalidOperationException' Occurred In System.Xml.dll

Jun 8, 2010

An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Xml.dll

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DataSource Controls :: Schema And Data Compare

Feb 24, 2010

I already may have access to the solution i am after but cant find a way to keep the data and schema the same during deployment, ie development server SQL database to be the same thing as what i put on the sql server host during the deployment of the web application

i was using Quest Rocket compare to sync data and schema, it worked fine but they dropped that project with the intro by MS of VS08, ie the Quest plug-in works in VS05 but not in VS08 anyway, i probably have the solution I am after at my disposal due to my MSDN subscription which includes SQL server products, but my first problem there, is that i cant identify which MS tool to download and to use that will do the same thing or better than the Quest Rocket compare product,

i believe the solution i need is the full version of SQL Management Studio (which i think i have due to my MSDN subsctiption but my second problem 2) is i cant find in that full studio download in my MSDN subscriber area) also is it only the full verison of SQL Mgt studio and not the Express version that might have the "sync" capabiltiy, is that correct? or is there a way (I am a intemediate on SQL techonologies), within the Express Management Studio to painlessly sync both the schema and the data? I am using VS08 Pro, so mayber there is a way in the VSIDE to do the syncing, I think i tried the Publisher but ran into difficulties, am going to try that again and repost here what those difficulties were,

SO really just after a nice tool or utility that will keep SQL database schema and data the same during the deployment process for the web application i build, kinda urgent to as am buried and dont have time to breath.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Compare Two Scripts Or Databases

Jan 9, 2010

I'm using SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005. I have a database that I'm trying to make an exact copy of under a new name. I generated a script, made a new database then ran the script on it. My problem is the new database is short two objects, it shoudl have 840, but has 838.

I need to find out which two objects are not there.

Maybe there is a way to copy the exact database under a new name? I tried to detach, copy to a new name and then attach, but that did not work.

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DataSource Controls :: Compare Data In Two Datatables?

Jun 30, 2010

I have two datatables with same columns. I want to compare those two tables and I want to know whether data in those tables is same or different. If both Prod and Qty are same then I have to get true or else false.

That is

Prod Qty
A 2
B 2
C 3

Prod Qty
A 1
B 2
C 2

As of now I am looping thoruh all the rows. Is that the only solution or is there any best way to do this ?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Compare Values In 2 C# Var Objects

Jan 27, 2010

I have 2 Linq to Entity queries, here they are:


In "query" there are several columns, 2 of them are NIIN and Qty. In "objViewDDRT" there are only 2 columns, they are NIIN and AvailBalance.

What I need to do is for each row in "query" check to see if the NIIN is in "objViewDDRT", and if it is get the AvailBalance for that NIIN from objViewDDRT.

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