Web Forms :: CSV Comparison With Only Few Columns To Compare

Feb 25, 2016

I need to know one Comparisons in CSV like this...

These are the columns in CSV 1 and CSV 2 :

Dekking id; Dekking; Acnv_id; Acnv description; From ; To; Value

Sample From CSV 1 Data :

Columns 1

 499; Algemene Contractspecificaties; 122; Periodiciteit; 15/01/16; 15/01/16; 48 

Columns 2

500; Opbouw Pensioenreserve; 130; Premietaks Tak 24; 15/01/16; 15/06/32; 29

Sample From CSV 2 Data :

Columns 1499; Algemene Contractspecificaties; 122; Commerciële; 08/01/16; 08/06/32; 12

Columns 2

500; Opbouw Pensioenreserve; 130; Waarborg 23; 08/01/16; 08/06/32; 29

I need to know how to compare these two columns from the column "Acnv description;" to "Value" as mostly the values from "Dekking id" to "Acnv_id" would be mostly common.

How to compare the values sepately FROM "Acnv description;" to "Value" Columns values IF the Columns "Dekking id; Dekking; Acnv_id;" MATCHES.

Dekking id; Dekking; Acnv_id; Acnv description; From ; To; Value

How to compare only these columns in the CSV ...

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how to comparison with db encryptbypassphrase value?

id passphrasepwd
test1 0x010000000F54469460C6585D39B371536529ABEADE776E5758902946
test2 0x010000004F3E009572D8633335E09F223C98E0A4C2E1401EDCD29A4E

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Comparison Of Fields Between 2 Data Tables - C#

Jul 28, 2010

I have two data tables, Results1 and Results2. Results1 are used to hold records that matches with the user selection criteria. Results2 holds records that matches with the user selection criteria with one search criteria omitted.

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Jan 28, 2010

what MVC stands for,but if I'm already developing .NET websites without it,is there any reason I would need/want to use it?is it designed for people who already have experience with developing in an MVC environment and wanted a ".net"version of it?Is there some "head-to-head" comparison of MVC against other programming environments or techniques that have been written? It seems like what I might gain in development speed I might lose in flexibility.maybe I just don't understand what all the fuss is about.hence this post!

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Password Comparison In Hashed Formatting?

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i m searching a way to compare the password in hash formatting. the saved password in database is in hash formatting and trying to change password. the changed password should be save in hash formatting as well. plz tell me the solution.protected

HashedPassword =
void btnSubmit_Click(object sender,


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Comparison Utilities Between Computer And Files On Website

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Jan 19, 2010

I have a table with userID's stored in it and I want to SELECT a user out of that table to see if it's the current logged in user. I'm using this as logic to determine what action a button click will do. For example the button click will do something like this:


My broblem is getting the UserName from my table of data. I've tried it like this:[Code]....

But when I try debugging it shows that CurrentUser's value = Nothing

My UserNames (ToUser) contain letters and numbers (nvarchar(30)).

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