DataSource Controls :: LINQ To SQL Add's Extra Precision To DateTime - Causing Error
Apr 26, 2010
I am having an issue when trying to update a ModifiedDateColumn in the database via LINQ. I am setting the ModifiedDate property (which is a DateTime in both SQL Server and my code) using DateTime.Now. I am getting an error where LINQ is generating too many precisions when generating the SQL to execute. Here is what the LINQ is generating (see @p3 & @p5)
How do I get LINQ to only generate to only 3 decimal places?
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May 3, 2010
Is there a way to use the OrderBy command in Linq with a DateTime field using the Date portion only (without the Time Stamp portion) that is nullable such as in the following query?
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group myTable by myTable.EnteredDate into myOutput[code]....
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Jan 11, 2010
I have FormView that has a DropDownList
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after loading the page if i changed the value of the session an error get fired !!
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Jul 22, 2010
I have a dropdown list where the user can select a name, on change event populates a Session variable and at the same time populates a formview with the full record detail. I want to add a List Item that states "Select Name" but when I add this the page errors. Input string was not in a correct format.
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details:
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
Because the value returned from the dropdown list box is a string and not a numeric equal to the first name in the list.
AppendDataBoundItems is = true
AutoPostBack is = true
because I want to update the page as a differnent name is selected. I guess I need to not load the form until an actual first name is selected. Uncertain how to prevent the Formview from loading at page load an until a name is selected and not when the dropdown is set back to "Select Name"
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Mar 8, 2011
I have a complicated join between a few tables but I have managed to replicate the error using linqpad and the small tables below. There are references between the COLNAME column and the YAXIS column and also between COLNAME and XAXIS that is not explicitly defined.
The error is "Specified cast is not valid", which originally I wasted time thinking the problem was converting the data returned to my object in VS 2010, but the error also happens in linqpad with no defined object. It seems insane that a bit column would cause this problem. If I change the column type to a VARCHAR it works fine. If I run the generated SQL from linqpad or sql profiler that also returns fine.
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Jan 10, 2010
This is my format file
1 SQLCHAR 0 0 "," 5 LastName ""
2 SQLCHAR 0 0 "," 4 LastName ""
3 SQLCHAR 0 0 "," 2 DOB ""
4 SQLCHAR 0 0 "," 3 AdmissionNo ""
5 SQLCHAR 0 0 "
" 7 Reg ""
This is my Sp
INSERT tblChild
FROM 'F:ArruniArruniRaj-NathanSchool-DocPupils.txt'
formatfile = 'c:format.txt'
This is my table structure.......
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Nov 15, 2010
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I pass a string to that parameter which looks exactly like that, but I get an error: "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime?"
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Apr 20, 2010
I've added the Dynamic.cs file to my project and have set it's Build Action = Compile in order to get the System.Linq.Dynamic namespace.
However, when I try to use any of the new code I am getting an ambiguous call error; see below.
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Jul 5, 2010
I am very new to ASP .NET and am getting above error when trying to insert a new record into a SQL database. I have turned on Option Explicit On so the default date of 01/01/1900 does not get assigned to this field automatically. Since most of the people in the database will not have a date of death, I need to have "blank" deathDate. When I run the stored procedure within SQL and choose pass null value, the Insert Procedure works fine. When I attach to Web Form, however, I get String was not recognized as a valid DateTime error. How can I set it so Null values are accepted into this date field.
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Mar 13, 2010
Cannot load linq-sql Data Context Type Error
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May 5, 2010
We have an application developed on VS2008 [Asp.Net & C#], in this application we provide the facility to the user to write his/her business logic code. For that purposes we maintained a Businesslogic.cs file where user can write his/her code and our application build it as a BusinessLogic.dll file at runtime.
But the problem is when we introducing Linq statement/code into the BusinessLogic.cs file then it generated compilation error [CS1026 ].
Note that, when we build the dll from VS2008 environment then it working fine with the same code which we write into the BusinessLogic.cs & don't generated any compilation error.
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Oct 13, 2010
I am having a problem with the correct dateTime. Currently I have an application that pumps data into my Microsoft SQL 2005 database. But the dateTime that gets inserted is in the format of, 12 Oct 2010 21:30:24 GMT.How can i change this on the Sql Database on the backend to the correct format?
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Jan 5, 2010
I have a "simple" method that takes a Linq entity containing the information I want to update. The method then creates a list of counties the information is to be updated for, and tries to update the information for each county.
So user goes in fills form out selects update All counties, and the information in the form should be updated for all the counties for the member. Here is the code.
The first pass through the foreach runs perfectly, the second time through I get an error: Cannot attach an entity that already exists.
What is best way to work around this?
I have though about putting the foreach loop in my business_logic layer, and have it pass both the newRecord and OldRecord, but figured I would ask, before making the code change.
View 1 Replies
Jun 9, 2010
I am developing a C# VS 2008 / SQL Server 2005 Express website application. I have tried some of the fixes for this problem but my call stack differs from others. And these fixes did not fix my problem. What steps can I take to troubleshoot this?
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was caught
Message="Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string."
Source=".Net SqlClient Data Provider"
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, DbAsyncResult result)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at ADONET_namespace.ADONET_methods.AppendDataCT(DataTable dt, Dictionary`2 dic) in c:Documents and SettingsAdminMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008WebSitesJerryApp_CodeADONET methods.cs:line 102
And here is the related code. When I debugged this code, "dic" only looped through the 3 column names, but did not look into row values which are stored in "dt", the Data Table.
public static string AppendDataCT(DataTable dt, Dictionary<string, string> dic)
if (dic.Count != 3)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dic can only have 3 parameters");
string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AW3_string"].ConnectionString;
string errorMsg;
using (SqlConnection conn2 = new SqlConnection(connString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = conn2.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = "dbo.AppendDataCT";
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Connection = conn2;
foreach (string s in dic.Keys)
SqlParameter p = cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(s, dic[s]);
p.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar;
errorMsg = "The Person.ContactType table was successfully updated!";
View 17 Replies
Mar 18, 2010
I am trying to update a records by calling a SPROC throgh my SQLDataAdapter.Here is my code in this order :
I have looked for parms which are field names with the @ in front but I can't seem to locate them in my code.I could use the assistance of a fresh pair of eyes.
View 2 Replies
Nov 23, 2010
here my code-
List<ReservationSlotLimitDetailEntity> sorted = (from p in slotLimitCollection.OfType<ReservationSlotLimitDetailEntity>()
where p.DayOfTheWeek == dayOfTheWeek
select p).ToList<ReservationSlotLimitDetailEntity>();
I want to sort in such a way so that it will add on more temp column "DayName" based on condition such that if dayOfTheWeek==1 DayName=Monday and if dayOfTheWeek==2 DayName=Tuesday and so on.
View 1 Replies
Jan 27, 2010
Is there a way to copy a row from one table and insert to another but at the same time insert extra values to destination table?Let's say source table Item has values:
Destination table ItemHist:
I want to copy row from source table where itemid is 25, insert it into destination table and add extra values: ChangeDate, ChangeReason, ChangedBy. I tried:
INSERT INTO ItemHist (ItemID, ChangeDate, ChangeReason, ChangedBy, ItemType, ItemModel) VALUES (ItemHist.ChangeDate=GetDate(), ItemHist.ChangeReason="why not", ItemHist.ChangedBy="me")
SELECT ItemID, ItemType, ItemProducer, ItemModel FROM Item WHERE ItemId=25
but obviously it didn't work ("The name 'ChangeDate' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.").
View 4 Replies
Mar 19, 2010
I am writing queries with CONVERT function. I have more than 200 columns in query. I am processing each row and write it to file.I need to log all errors occured during process. I need to capture column which is causing exception (Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type varchar.) and log it in other file and send to administrator.
How can I get Column which is causing exception?
View 5 Replies
May 27, 2010
Is there built in methods into .net framework to do the following:
Get role GUID from user name/user GUID
Get role name from role GUID
So far I have been sending queries to the asp_roles and asp_users tables to obtain that information and I'm wondering if there is a nicer way of doing this?
I have the following methods that I store in the ASPUtilities class:
getRoleGUID(guid userGuid) { LINQ joins }
getRoleGuid(string userName) { LINQ joins }
getRoleName(guid roleGuid) { LINQ joins }
I have just looked into extending SQLMembershipProvider examples.
Few examples completely override the SQLMembershipProvider, but I think what I'm interested is just adding few extra methods to deal with the roles by using LINQ. Is this feasible?
View 1 Replies
Aug 15, 2010
I have a user control with a datalist. I just want to do some simple binding but keep getting an object reference not set to an instance of an object error. The following is the code, I am sure I am just missing something simple:
Dim dc As Forms.DataClassesDataContext = New Forms.DataClassesDataContext
Dim formQuery = From fq In dc.v_form_questions _
Where fq.FormTypeID = FormTypeID _
When I debug, I see values for the formQuery; I am also able to loop through the formQuery and response.write a field out, however every time I try to bind it to a databound control, I get the Object reference not set to an instance of an object error.I initally was using a simple LinqDataSource object, but needed to set the where parameter to the FormTypeID property of this usercontrol. I had a Where condition defined on Page Init, but started getting the object reference error.
View 1 Replies
Apr 7, 2010
I have a query that gives me the average number of days between 2 dates in the database. It gives an error saying line does not reconize the subtract method. What is the best way to do this, i prefere not to have to get the whole table as a list and loop though.
Using em As EE.EclipseEntities = New EE.EclipseEntities
Return em.OrderLines.Where(Function(w) w.Received_Factory_On.HasValue) _
.Average(Function(a) CDate(a.Received_Factory_On).Subtract(CDate(a.Sent_Factory_On)).Days)
End Using
View 2 Replies
Jan 27, 2011
I have the following:
I keep getting this error:
Message = "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value."
What i'm trying to do is group by ContentObjectId and then get StartDate that is greater than today.
I'm using entity framwork and MS SQL2008
View 2 Replies
Mar 12, 2010
I am writing a plugin to help with a current ERP system we have that I am not allowed to modify the data structure at all. The table I am dealing with has over 100 columns and I am wanting to set my linq object propertychanged event and submitchanges or do I really have list out each property and set it equal to the new one?Below is an example of what I am trying to do:
View 4 Replies
Mar 9, 2010
txtLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Last_Name.ToString();
Like that I have large number of controls on my form. I have dought, if I assigned like this, db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Last_Name.ToString(); to every control, then I have set of controls like,
ddlSalutation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Salutation.ToString();
txtLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Last_Name.ToString();
txtFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).First_Name.ToString();
txtMI.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Middle_Initial.ToString();
txtAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Home_Address.ToString();
txtCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).City.ToString();
ddlState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).State.ToString();
txtZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Zip_Code.ToString();
txtSSNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ssn.ToString();
txtMRNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Mr_No.ToString();
txtDOB.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Birth_Date.ToString();
RBGender.SelectedItem.Value = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Gender.ToString();
RBMaritalStatus.SelectedItem.Value = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Marital_Status.ToString();
txtHomePhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Home_Phone.ToString();
txtWorkPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).WorkPhone.ToString();
txtCellPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).CellPhone.ToString();
ddlSuffix.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Suffix.ToString();
txtReligion.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Religion.ToString();
txtEmail.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Email.ToString();
txtSSOName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ssn.ToString();
txtPatientKin.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Patient_Kin.ToString();
txtRelationWithPatient.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Kin_Relation.ToString();
txtPhoneNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Kin_Phone.ToString();
ddlPreferredPharmacy.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Id_Pharmacy.ToString();
txtEmergencyContactName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Emergency_Contact_Name.ToString();
txtEmergencyContactNumber.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Emergency_Contact_Phone.ToString();
txtRelation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Kin_Relation.ToString();
txtRace.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Race.ToString();
ddlHowDidPatientFindUs.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).How_Found.ToString();
txtEmployerName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Name.ToString();
txtEmployerOccupation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Occupation.ToString();
txtEmployerPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Cell_Phone.ToString();
txtEmployerAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Address.ToString();
txtEmployerCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_City.ToString();
ddlEmployerState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_State.ToString();
txtEmployerZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Employer_Zip.ToString();
txtRecordsReleasedTo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Records_Released_To.ToString();
txtOtherInfo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Other_Info.ToString();
txtPopupNote.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Popup_e.ToString();
ddlPPlanName.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Insurance_Name.ToString();
txtPGroupNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Group_No.ToString();
txtPIDNo.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Id_No.ToString();
txtPPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Plan_Phone.ToString();
txtPVerifiedWith.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Verified_With.ToString();
txtPVerifiedPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Verified_Phone.ToString();
txtPEffectiveDate.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Effective_Date.ToString();
txtPExtDate.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Ext_Date.ToString();
if (db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).Count() > 0)
txtPGLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Name.ToString();
txtPGFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Name.ToString();
txtPGMI.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_MI.ToString();
txtPGBirthGDate.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Dob.ToString();
txtPGAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Address.ToString();
txtPGCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_City.ToString();
ddlPGState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_State.ToString();
txtPGZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Zip.ToString();
txtPGEmployerFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Fname.ToString();
txtPGEmployerLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Lname.ToString();
txtPGEmployerPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Phone.ToString();
txtPGEmployerOccupation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Occupation.ToString();
txtPGEmployerAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Address.ToString();
txtPGEmployerCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_City.ToString();
ddlPGState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_State.ToString();
txtPGEmployerZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Grn_Emp_Zip.ToString();
ddlPGPatientRelationshipToGuarantor.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Grn_Rel_With_Pat.ToString();
txtPGOtherInsuranceNotes.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Other_Notes.ToString();
txtPGAuthorization.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_Authorization.ToString();
txtPGAob.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(0).Ins_AOB.ToString();
if (db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).Count() > 1)
txtSGLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Name.ToString();
txtSGFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Name.ToString();
txtSGMI.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_MI.ToString();
txtSGBirthGDate.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Dob.ToString();
txtSGAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Address.ToString();
txtSGCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_City.ToString();
ddlSGState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_State.ToString();
txtSGZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Zip.ToString();
txtSGEmployerFirstName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Fname.ToString();
txtSGEmployerLastName.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Lname.ToString();
txtSGEmployerPhone.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Phone.ToString();
txtSGEmployerOccupation.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Occupation.ToString();
txtSGEmployerAddress.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Address.ToString();
txtSGEmployerCity.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_City.ToString();
ddlSGState.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_State.ToString();
txtSGEmployerZip.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Grn_Emp_Zip.ToString();
ddlSGPatientRelationshipToGuarantor.SelectedItem.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Grn_Rel_With_Pat.ToString();
txtSGOtherInsuranceNotes.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Other_Notes.ToString();
txtSGAuthorization.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_Authorization.ToString();
txtSGAob.Text = db.usp_ATI_FetchPatientDetails(iPatientID).ElementAt(1).Ins_AOB.ToString();
My question is that, for each control the Stored Procedure called or not? If it is yes then it is time consuming and I need to use LINQ to DataSet or LINQ to Object rather than to call SP for each control. What is difference between LINQ to DataSet and LINQ to Object?
View 5 Replies
Oct 21, 2010
I have a textbox wherein user is allowed to enter the value of type (4,4) but that will be in string and while sending it to database I need to convert this value to double format. I have searched alot but alas no help .for example my string is 12.244 and i need to convert it into double value 12.2440.
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