DataSource Controls :: List Duplicate Records And Group By Clause?
May 27, 2010
I have some duplication that I need to clean up. I wrote a SQL query that is supposed to return duplicate customers who are located in the same city and zipcode.
I have 2 questions regarding it:
1. Is the query syntax correct to find duplicate records by same city and zipcode, data is being returned but it just returns the same customer a few times?
2. I only need to do the GROUP BY clause for Fullname and City however it gives an error when the other columns are left out. The error is Address, State and Zip not being in the aggregate function or in the group by clause.
Adding all the remaining columns to the GROUP BY clause works.
Query is as below:
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ID FirstName LastName
1 Zach H Hoffman
2 Zach Hoffman
3 Troy Hoffman
4 Shawn Livermore
5 Prem S
6 Jony Hoffman H
7 Zach Modan
I need the query to filter.........
ID FirstName LastName
1 Zach H Hoffman
2 Zach Hoffman
3 Troy Hoffman
6 Jony Hoffman H
7 Zach Modan
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FROM Table1
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ID ControlA PIN# FaceValue Date
delete 76637 128232 1234 5 6/4/2006
delete 72722 128232 1234 5 6/4/2006
delete 76638 234567 2345 10 7/3/2006
delete 72723 234567 2345 10 7/3/2006
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Agencies ON CAT.CAT_ID = Agencies.CAT_ID
CAT_A Val1
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<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" Width="300" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" RowStyle-BackColor="#A1DCF2"
HeaderStyle-BackColor="#3AC0F2" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White">
<asp:TemplateField runat="server" HeaderText="Imagen">
<table> <tr>
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My code below:
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For count = 0 To GridView1.Rows.Count
If (GridView1.Rows(count).DataItem("Student Name").Equals(dtDataTable.Rows(count).Item("Student ID"))) Then
lblMsg.Text = "Records Existed"
End If
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Apr 21, 2010
I am having difficulties using a variable in the "where" clause:
declare @shift_started as datetime
set @shift_started = (SELECT *
FROM salestkt AS STK
WHERE SD.shift_started = STK.shift_started)'))
FROM OPENQUERY(ADS_RGWP_SERVER, ' sum(case when customer_type = ''Inter-Company'' then qty_shipped_today else 0 end) as intercompany_qty,
sum(case when customer_type = ''Charge'' then qty_shipped_today else 0 end) as outside_qty
FROM salestkt
WHERE shift_started ='" & @shift_started & "' ''')
Getting error:
Incorrect syntax near ' & @shift_started & '.
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Jan 28, 2010
i am developing an application using and backend server is SQL SERVER 2005.
in my application i have 12 regions. from that 12 regions user will select any of them.
if user select 1,2,3 then i have to pass this string to IN clause
for that i have storedproc like
create procedure sp_updateDistributorContractforAllRegions (
@unitprice float,
@region varchar(50)
update employee set UnitPrice=@unitprice where regionid in (@region)
here regionid datatype in employee table is INT.
from code behind i am adding the parameter as 1,2,3.when i run the query it gives the error as
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '1,2,3' to data type int.
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May 7, 2015
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<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="sqlDdl"
DataTextField="ID" DataValueField="Postion">
<asp:GridView ID="grid" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataKeyNames="ID" DataSourceID="sqlCon" EnableModelValidation="True">
[Code] ....
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Jun 1, 2010
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