Web Forms :: Group (Remove) Duplicate Values From DropDownList

May 7, 2015

I have a master table relationship, i.e. depending on what is selected in the dropdown list the grid show the relevant data.In the database there are several identical entries for the Position field, for instance there are four marketing managers that have different name. How can i group the identical Position name in the dropdown and when selected the grid should display all marketing managers. Here is the code:

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" DataSourceID="sqlDdl"
DataTextField="ID" DataValueField="Postion">
<asp:GridView ID="grid" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataKeyNames="ID" DataSourceID="sqlCon" EnableModelValidation="True">

[Code] ....

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Remove Duplicate Values From DropdownList

Jan 12, 2012

I have hard coded and added items to dropdownlist ie teamsize as 1,2,3 like that.When i load this dropdownlist for edit/update i get duplicate values like this


How do i eliminate this duplicate values?

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Web Forms :: Remove Duplicate Items From DropDownList

Jun 28, 2012

I would like to know, how to make sure, item with same name do not appeares 2x in the dropdownlist item? 

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Web Forms :: Remove Duplicate Values From DropDownLists Populated From Database

Mar 18, 2013


ID         FROM          TO

12        TXS             NY

12        LS               NY

This is my table ... I am retriving the values of "FROM"  and "TO"  based on the id .. Separate Dropdownlist for FROM & TO . While Displaying , in  "TO" Dropdownlist NY value is repeated twice .. How to remove the duplicate value? need vb coding frnz ...

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SQL Server :: How To Remove Rows For Duplicate Field Values

Oct 18, 2010

suppose I am having sample table like below.

I need to remove duplicate orderid's and i need all column names also while doing query.

note that rows are not in the order. Order will be like this only.

I am able to get the records which are duplicated but not able to delete further.

In this case how to delete?

My consideration is that only distinct orderid's should be there in the table. Not bothering about the which orderid row is being deleted.

name orderid destination
a 1 aaa
d 2 ddd
b 1 bbb
f 3 fff
e 2 eee
g 4 ggg
h 3 hhh
c 1 ccc

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C# - Dropdownlist Shows Duplicate Values While Editing A Row In The Gridview?

Jan 11, 2011

Well the dropdownlist has an existing items. I just want the selected gridview record to be displayed in the dropdownlist. The dropdownlist has several DataTextField in string and consist of DataValueField in numeric. The gridview passes a string text to the box which has an equal or same item inside the dropdownlist. Whenever i passed a record from a gridview to be viewed in the dropdownlist it just duplicates the same item. Q: How can i simply pass a text inside the dropdown and just simply display it without adding on the list.

sample item on the dropdown:

after selecting on the gridview and display inside the dropdown:

(you see the '--Select--' was erase and replace with the selected record)

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Web Forms :: Duplicate Group In Gridview?

May 11, 2010

I am populating group from two different tables one by one. I have setup Group on "UserName" field which is exist in both the tables. Records are adding properly. But Group appearing twice with two different tables, How Can I merge 2 groups (which has grouped on same username) into 1 groups.

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C# - Select DataTable (only Some Values) From _GetDisplayData And GROUP Data By Days Where Group Rules Is Different For Different Columns

Mar 4, 2010

Stack-Overflow :3 I've got a kind of hard-case question.

So I'll try clearly explain my idea with my poor english :/ need select to DataTable SOME values from ???_**GetDisplayData **procedure for each day of previos month (GROUP IT) where group rules for different columns is different

I need to select some values in stored procedure from other stored procedure like this :

SELECT X FROM Y_Procedure(@ProcedureParameters)Also I need to select from dynamic SQL Procedure like

SELECT X FROM Y_Procedure(@ProcedureParameters)

Also I need to load it to DataTable :-/INSERT INTO @Report (CellHorizontal, CellVertical, CellValue) --to TABLE
SELECT Date,X2,X3 FROM Y_GetDisplayData(@Param)

FROM @Report

GetDisplayData works as select with parameters and that doesn't returns SQL DataTable
And there is no way to recode GetDisplayData's procedures, it's just constant procedures for me.Finally I need to Group nodes from this table

INSERT INTO @Report (CellHorizontal, CellVertical, CellValue)
IF ((Select grouptype...)=1) T1.X2 + T2.X2
ELSE IF ((Select grouptype...)=2) AVG(T1.X2,T2.X2),
IF ((Select grouptype...)=1) T1.X3 + T2.X3
ELSE IF ((Select grouptype...)=2) AVG(T1.X3,T2.X3),
(SELECT T2.Date,X2,X3 FROM Y_GetDisplayData(@Param) T2
WHERE T2.Date>T1.Date AND T2.Date>=T1.Date)
FROM Y_GetDisplayData(@Param) T1
GROUP BY EVERY DAY ???--and here is epic fail

I can make all stuff on asp server :And C# allows me to use something like SelectCommand = IzmProc + "_GetDisplayData"; And then I will work (select special data) with DataTables on ASP.NET Server but it's better to make all on SQL ... But looking like it's just unrealizable on SQL >_<

I gonna think about C# realization,but my code is very weird , got errors and doesn't works >_<

public static DataTable GetReport(string Param)
System.Configuration.ConnectionStringSettings connSetting = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["FlowServerConnectionString"]; [code].....

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DataSource Controls :: List Duplicate Records And Group By Clause?

May 27, 2010

I have some duplication that I need to clean up. I wrote a SQL query that is supposed to return duplicate customers who are located in the same city and zipcode.

I have 2 questions regarding it:

1. Is the query syntax correct to find duplicate records by same city and zipcode, data is being returned but it just returns the same customer a few times?

2. I only need to do the GROUP BY clause for Fullname and City however it gives an error when the other columns are left out. The error is Address, State and Zip not being in the aggregate function or in the group by clause.

Adding all the remaining columns to the GROUP BY clause works.

Query is as below:


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ADO.NET :: How To Remove Duplicate IdDokumen

Feb 9, 2011

i have 2 table in my sql server..

IdTable Notes
1 First

IdTable2 IdTable1 IdDokumen
1 1

2 1 3

3 1 3

4 1 7

How to remove Duplicate IdDokumen? So it will produce IdDokumen= 1,3,7

i'm using linq to sql and c#

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JQuery :: Remove DIVs With The Duplicate IDs?

Dec 3, 2010

I have 2 divs with 2 nested divs in them. Let's say div1 contains div11 and div12 and div2 can also contain div11 and div12. I know that this is not normally allowed but I am using jTemplates and they do allow you to print the div11 and div12 twice or more on the same page. The HTML looks like this:

<DIV11>Some text</DIV11>
<DIV12>Some text</DIV12>
<DIV11>Some text</DIV11>
<DIV12>Some text</DIV12>

How do I ensure that I only have one div with the unique ID loaded on the page, so I don't get in any duplicate DIVs. The result should look like this:

<DIV11>Some text</DIV11>
<DIV12>Some text</DIV12>
Some other text

Is there any way to check for a duplicate ID in either jQuery/javascript language and remove all but one using each or some other method?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Remove Duplicate Records

Jan 29, 2010

I am using visualstudio C# with Sql server. I want to delete previous duplicate values if exists while inserting new values into the table.

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ADO.NET :: Process Returned List - Remove Duplicate Row

Mar 4, 2011

I have a linq statement that retrieves several rows from a stored procedure and maps them to a custom class. The rows returned could contain mulitple instances of the same ID

id date total
1 01/01/2011 3
2 01/02/2011 2
3 02/03/2011 5
1 01/01/2011 3

the stored procedure perfoms some complex calculations to return the data How can I remove the duplicate rows in the list ive returned? Ive tried distinct but it doesnt work I want to process the RETURNED list (as there are only 4 rows here, i want to end up with 3) and just have 1 instance of ID 1.

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Remove Duplicate Row - Edit Remaining Row?

Feb 25, 2010

removing duplicate rows from datatable or (dataset) by columnd ID (unique). Below function is working but I would like to edit/adjust the remaing (former) duplicate row's value, not the ID value btw.


ID name sport
356 John Football
357 Johny Hockey
357 Johny Hockey
358 mike Soccer

should be:

ID name sport
356 John Football
357 Johny newFoo Hockey
358 mike Soccer

Public Function RemoveDuplicateRows(ByVal dTable As DataTable, ByVal colName As String) As DataTable

Dim hTable As New Hashtable()
Dim duplicateList As New ArrayList()
For Each drow__1 As DataRow In dTable.Rows
If hTable.Contains(drow__1(colName)) Then
hTable.Add(drow__1(colName), String.Empty)
End If
For Each dRow__2 As DataRow In duplicateList
Return dTable
End Function

View 5 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Remove / Hide Duplicate Value In Datatable?

Feb 23, 2010

how can i only display the name columne once in the repeater, when more than 1, then hidden the label
now my table are:

name col. age
mary 11
mary 16
Sam 18

now i would like to hidden the duplicate name as below:

name col age
mary 11
Sam 18

how can i manage the datatable to prevent duplicate name to bind to repeater.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Remove Duplicate Date In Search

Jun 14, 2010


and user3 duplicate more time as the table can i remove duplicate data

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Data Controls :: How To Remove Duplicate Records From GridView

May 7, 2015

I used this example [URL] but add this in gridview

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" Width="300" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" RowStyle-BackColor="#A1DCF2"
HeaderStyle-BackColor="#3AC0F2" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White">
<asp:TemplateField runat="server" HeaderText="Imagen">
<table> <tr>


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Web Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Values In Listboxes

Feb 17, 2011

I have 2 listboxes, when i add a item retrieved from database to Listbox1, i need to select the item and bring it to listbox2. But i do not want to have same records added again. In my case, i cannot use the codes below


because the text displayed on listbox1 and after transferring to listbox2 are different. So i come out with a logic which is "if listbox2 does not contain the item value in listbox1 then populate listbox2". So i tried the codes below, but it is not working as there are errors


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Web Forms :: How To Group Data In Dropdownlist

Aug 6, 2010

How to group data in dropdownlist

i am binding dropdownlist from databse


and i added two list items in code


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Web Forms :: Group Data In Dropdownlist?

Dec 13, 2010

How to group data in dropdownlist

i am binding dropdownlist from databse


and i added two list items in code

Me.ddlModule.Items.Add(New ListItem("Colors", -1))
Me.ddlModule.Items.Add(New ListItem("Depts", -2))

i have table in db

objectno objectname
101 red
102 blue
103 Hr
105 Dept
106 white

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Web Forms :: Group Items In DropDownList

Jan 24, 2016

Category and Sub Category in single Drop Down List DDL example with showing subcategory inside Main Category...

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Security :: Add And Remove Users From A Local Group Of A Remote Computer?

Feb 16, 2010

I want to populate members of a local computer group on a webpage and allow the user to add / remove users of that remote computer from a group say Administrators or Remote Users Group.

The application pool will be running with a user who is admin on all remove systems.

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Web Forms :: How To Get Four Values As A Group From Arraylist

Dec 7, 2010

I want to add four values to the arraylist when i click on UP button. and if i click on UP button again i need to add four more values to arraylist.

While getting the values from arraylist i need get four values at a time and so on .

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Forms Data Controls :: Highlight Duplicate Values In Gridview?

Feb 18, 2011

The user will enter values in the textbox of the gridview in item template. A button outside the grid, when it is pressed we have to highlight the duplicate values.

Is there is any way to use validation control.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Conditional Formatting Based On Duplicate Values?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a gridview containing serial-numbers.

I would like to format the background each data-row that contains a duplicate serial-number value.

I'm planning to do this using a DataBound event handler.

So, in English:

Set background colour of THIS_ROW to red where the Serial_Number of THIS_ROW is the same as the Serial_Number of ANY_OTHER_ROW.

All rows with duplicate serial-numbers would be red.

I'm not sure how to write the code for this event.

The gridview is bound to a SQL datasource. Getting the dupes in SQL is easy:

FROM Table
HAVING (COUNT(Serial) > 1)

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