Forms Data Controls :: Multiple Duplicate Records Appearing In Gridview?

Jul 12, 2010

Using 2005 and sql server mgmt studio 2005.

I am querying sql server db and returning unique records, no duplicates when I return the records in sql server mgmt studio.

However when I bind the dataTable that I return it is showing multiple duplicates, meaning I see each record appear 8 times in the gridview, has anyone seen this or know what I'm doing wrong?

My code below:


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Forms Data Controls :: Delete One Duplicate Record Of Many Duplicate Records

Mar 15, 2010

I have a gridview with delete buttons for each record (I've used AccessDataSource). I have loaded the data in and have many duplicate records.

I just want to use the delete button delete each duplicate record while remains many duplicate records. For example:

I used the following query to load in duplicate records:

SELECT * FROM TableA WHERE ([ControlA] IN (SELECT [ControlA] FROM TableA GROUP BY [ControlA] HAVING (COUNT [ControlA]) > 1)))

ID ControlA PIN# FaceValue Date
delete 76637 128232 1234 5 6/4/2006
delete 72722 128232 1234 5 6/4/2006
delete 76638 234567 2345 10 7/3/2006
delete 72723 234567 2345 10 7/3/2006

What is the query to delete single duplicate record instead of deleting all duplicate records?

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Forms Data Controls :: Checking For Duplicate Records In Gridview Before Inserting To Database?

May 10, 2010

I need to check for duplicate records before inserting them into the SQL database.Thus I have the following codes:

For count = 0 To GridView1.Rows.Count
If (GridView1.Rows(count).DataItem("Student Name").Equals(dtDataTable.Rows(count).Item("Student ID"))) Then
lblMsg.Text = "Records Existed"
End If

but there are error message. "Object variable or With block variable not set."

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Data Controls :: How To Remove Duplicate Records From GridView

May 7, 2015

I used this example [URL] but add this in gridview

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" Width="300" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" RowStyle-BackColor="#A1DCF2"
HeaderStyle-BackColor="#3AC0F2" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="White">
<asp:TemplateField runat="server" HeaderText="Imagen">
<table> <tr>


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Select Multiple Records In A Gridview Over Multiple Pages

Jan 14, 2011

I have an inventory page with a gridview that shows 1 item per record, each item starts with a checkbox in the gridview. Currently users can select multiple records and hit the order button and everything has worked well. Now I have multiple pages in my gridview, and if a user selects a few records from the first page, and then goes to the second page, all the records (checked checkboxes) disappear from the first page.


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Forms Data Controls :: Editing Multiple Records In Gridview?

Dec 29, 2010

i have a gridview inside an edittemplate formview control in a master/detail scenario

so in the formview i have some comboboxs/datepicker/..etc corresponding to the master table

and a gridview corresponding to the detail table

in this gridview i enabled multi editing of rows like in this article[URL]

the problem is that even i change the values on the gridview , if i click the update button of the formview the "details table" changes isn't submited to the database

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Forms Data Controls :: Select Multiple Records From Gridview?

Oct 13, 2010

my have requirement is to select multiple records from Grid. by checking check box..

Actually i have 10 records in my Gridview i checked only 3 records by using check box . then i click NEXT button i need to show those 3 records only in another Gridview.

below is my code...

<asp:GridView ID="grvStores" runat="server" BackColor="White"
BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="3">
<FooterStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#000066" />
<RowStyle ForeColor="#000066" />


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Forms Data Controls :: Delete Multiple Records In Gridview?

Feb 13, 2011

I have the below code snippet i found, but when running the delete command I get an run-time error of: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Parameter name: index

For Each row As GridViewRow In InboxGV.Rows

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Select Multiple Records In Gridview To Print A Report

Mar 15, 2011

I would like to let user to select multiple records from a gridview and then click a print button to print a report (*.rdlc).

In the report, there will be a table to list the selected records row by row.

(there is no insert/update/delete for selected records, just selected to print report.)

how to select multiple records to print on a report ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Search Multiple Words Into Textbox And Populate All Records In Gridview

Aug 24, 2010

I have a textbox and a gridview which is bound to a table what I want to achieve is a solution where lets say there are two records - e.g. "1. Book and 2. Red", i want a user to type in those words and the gridview shows the results as followed;

1. Book
2. Red

I have set up the sql data source and everything and my like operator is this.

LIKE '%' + @record + '%'

how can I solve this problem?

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Web Forms :: Duplicate Item Appearing In Dropdown?

Apr 20, 2010

I am using following code for filling dropdown


Till here it is working properly, but when I add following line after loop, it added another name. Actually I want to show username selected for logged in username i.e. strFullName


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Data Controls :: Split And Display Records In Multiple Dynamic GridView

Nov 22, 2015

I have datatable like

Name Sub

abc     x

dfe     y

abc     z

I need the out put as

Name sub

abc    x

abc   z


Name Sub

dfe     y

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Jun 17, 2013

How to program Sending of “Mail to Multiple Users” Using Checkbox within Gridview in C# ?

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Data Controls :: Load On Demand Data In GridView With Records From Multiple Tables

Jul 17, 2015

In article Load on demand data in GridView you clearly described. but it's not enough when we comes to conditions. 

Is it possible to load data on query method?I want to add some field from other table so how to use inner join in this...

Like I'm having a table with userid and want to get user full name from users table where userId = users.userId

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Data Controls :: Check For Duplicate Records While Inserting Data Using Details View Control

Feb 19, 2014

I have a detail view form consist of five fields my 1st field is jobnumber which is primary key i want to do that when user by mistake enter the duplicate jobnumber error occur that this is already used how can i do this ?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Not Appearing?

Jan 10, 2011

have created a simple web page with three text fields and one data gridview, a VB procedure will use these texts values and send call aOracle database proc. and fill a DataTable; and then I assign that datatable as DataSource for the GridView, But the GridView is not appearing at run time on the web page at all!!! I have chedcked the datatable and it contains data.This is the code:

Dim dtMotorEndt As New DataTable
Dim p_pol_no As Integer = txtPolNo.Text
Dim p_pol_year As Integer = txtPolYear.Text


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Dec 7, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: How To Remove Duplicate Records

Jan 29, 2010

I am using visualstudio C# with Sql server. I want to delete previous duplicate values if exists while inserting new values into the table.

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Insert - Duplicate Records

Apr 2, 2010

I have code for inserting a record into the db, it works fine from the admin part of my website but when i put it on the customer side duplicate records are inserted into the db, any ideas? I cant for the life of me see why. I have just also noticed that when i add the claim the first time it adds the duplicate entry, if i press the button again it only adds the entry once, if i refresh the page add the info again, 2 entries, click add again 1 entry?


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DataSource Controls :: Display All The Duplicate Records?

Jul 1, 2010

I want to display all duplicate records in the table.My query has to fetch all the records which are duplicate(First Name or Last Name).Also I want the ability to also pull names where there might be a middle initial placed in the end of the first name field, (i.e., "Maria Z. " vs. "Maria") as well.


ID FirstName LastName
1 Zach H Hoffman
2 Zach Hoffman
3 Troy Hoffman
4 Shawn Livermore
5 Prem S
6 Jony Hoffman H
7 Zach Modan

I need the query to filter.........

ID FirstName LastName

1 Zach H Hoffman
2 Zach Hoffman
3 Troy Hoffman
6 Jony Hoffman H
7 Zach Modan

I hope this example will give you clear idea..... I need SQL Query to perform this

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Multiple Records Into FormView (C#)?

Dec 21, 2010

I have a Vendor table and a Vendor Contracts table.I have a ddl outside of formview that selects VendorID and VendorName from the Vendor table.

FormView gets the VendorID from the ddl attached to the Vendor table and populates formview with records from the Vendor Contract table with the same Vendor ID. The primary key of the Vendor Contract table is VendorContractID.

This works fine as long as there is only one vendor contract. If there are multiple contracts, the ddl shows the vendor twice and aborts when selecting.

If there is only one vendor contract, the vendor is listed once in the ddl and selecting it causes the record to display in formview and is updatable.This is related to an earlier post today solved by PeteNet.

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DataSource Controls :: Deal With Insertion Of Duplicate Records?

Jun 10, 2010

I need to write a sql script which will scan for records in a table (Table1) and thencopy the records found into a second table (Table2). Table2 has the same table structureas Table1Table 1 has a primary Key for the first column named CustIdI thought this would involve A simple sql statement like:

FROM Table1

However I just realized that if A record already exists in Table2 and I try to inserta duplicate record into Table2, how should this be handled?Should I instead use an Update statement without a where clause?

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Forms Data Controls :: Duplicate ClientIDs In GridView?

Aug 11, 2010

'm getting duplicate client IDs in my gridview for some reason. ASP isn't putting a unique ID on them.My gridview is this:


When I view Source on the page, each imagebutton has a name of "lnkPDF". I would expect ctl100_lnkPDF, ctl101_lnkPDF, etc.

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