DataSource Controls :: Populate TextBox With Storeprocedure Results?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to populate the textbox with store procedure results.I am getting the Error As Follows :

There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.Here Storeprocedure i m using n my C# Code.

Store Procedure:
@FirstName nvarchar(30),[code]....

I just want to display the results of store procedure by any means.I dont know who to populate Gridview using the store procedure by giving two input paramters.

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DataSource Controls :: Showing Query Results In A Textbox?

Jan 8, 2010

Lets say I had a query like SELECT Name FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = '1'

How could I show the result in a textbox?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Write A Function Or A Storeprocedure

Feb 17, 2010

I have a tbale in database tow tables city and Intrest I need to calculate somethign like this

city1*intrest1 + city2*Intrest2 + city3*intreste3

final result I ned to asing in other column

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DataSource Controls :: Replace Storeprocedure With C# Coding?

Mar 10, 2010

My database is not allowing me to execute store procedure as perssion is denied by administrator. But I have to run a store procedure in my application, described below.

Can I replace this store procedure with "select query " on .net coding page i.e I want to make a function which will only select data from database and give the result same as this store procedure . store procedure-

CREATE procedure NEW_VIV
@user varchar(50),
@year char(50),
@month char(50)


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DataSource Controls :: Export Data From A StoreProcedure?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a store procedure that retrieves several records, I need to create a "Save as file" button in order to export all this data in a external file such as: tab delimited or xls or csv.

Note: I don't use a gridview.

How can I achieve this?

I work with VS2008, C#, SQL Server.

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DataSource Controls :: Insert Multiple Record Using Storeprocedure?

May 21, 2010

how can i insert a gridview(multiple) record using store procedure.if record exist then it first Delete then Insert in a particular table is below.


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DataSource Controls :: Populate Textbox Or Label From Database?

Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to Populate a label or a textbox a Primary Key Value from a Data base. My goal is to enter this value into serveral other tables in the same DB. The DB is called Record_Review.mdf and it is local to this machine through The table im pulling from is tblDemographics and the column I want to use is CaseID. The bit of code i got so far is:


and i think i need to do something like,

lblCaseID.Text = ds.tables[0].rows[

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DataSource Controls :: Populate Label / Textbox From Dropdownlist In Insert Item Template

Nov 19, 2010

I've been trying to find a solution to my problem for about 2 days now, and have found nothing. I am new to .net and not really sure how to accomplish this. I have 4 tables in a database, Vendors, RepairCos, Cons, ConRepairHistory. What I'm trying to do is make a page called SendOutForRepair.aspx that has a insert item template where the first control is a dropdownlist that is attached to the Cons table (got this figured out) and is populated with the Serial Number field. I would like the selection from the dropdownlist to populate the 2nd control (VendorID) that is also from the Cons table....

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SQL Server :: Call A Storeprocedure From Another Storeprocedure?

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How can I call a store procedure from the other storeprocedures ?

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Getting Results From A Stored Procedure To Populate A GridView?

Mar 4, 2011

I have a windows aspx form that I have a TextBox, Button and a GridView. The TextBox is stored as a variable @subschedule and passed to a stored procedure. What I'd like to do is to populate the results of that procedure into my GridView.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Results In Textbox?

Nov 10, 2010

I am search option(textfield), normally i am giving exact input and click on button to get the result, but i want If I enter some character into seach field I need to return all results that have in the datase in the search field so that user need not type all the information in textbox like we have in google search.

I tried with following way but not able to acheive it, it pull only first letter match records..

Dim query As String = "Select vendor,ponumber,partno,description,qtyorder,qtybalance,duedate,processStep,ETA, Comments from openorder where PartNo like '" + txtSearch.Text + "%' "

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ADO.NET :: EF4 / Linq Eager Loading With Include Fails To Populate All Results?

Aug 25, 2010

I'm trying out EF4 as part of a .Net 4.0 WCF service. The aim of the service is to return document data as an array of entity objects to any of our ASP.Net apps. The apps are still in .Net 2.0. Due to the nature of the solution I've disabled LazyLoading at context level. I started with this:


Everything works ok, I receive the correct number of populated objects. However when I add an Include into my query to allow us to pickup fields from a related table that has a defined navigation only the first record is returned fully populated to a calling application:


The array is the correct size but all elements after the first are blank, default placeholders. Its like using the Include has reverted to LazyLoading and I can't seem to kick it into line.

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ADO.NET :: Object Oriented Linq - Populate Second Dropdown List With Results?

Sep 23, 2010

I am wondering into the unknown field of OOA and was looking for a way to separate my business logic from my UI. A small example is as followed:

Two DropDowns where the second one is depended on the selection in the first DropDown. You have Cars, planes, etc. inm the first DropDown and Toyota, Chrysler, etc in the second (depending on the value in the first DD.I have som Lin syntax. The file is situated in the App_Code folder and NOT as code behind. [Code]....

I would like to know how i can make populate my second Dropdown list with results. At this point it's just putting in the complete ProductSubCategory.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Results Similar To Textbox.text

Mar 12, 2010

I'm using a SqlDataAdapter to return search results produced by ddlsearch.selectedvalue and txtsearch.text. The results are returned to a DataTable which is bound to gridview MySearch.

Here's the code I'm working with:


This works great for Exact matches. However, I need to modify the above code so that it will find similar matches also. If I enter screw I need to return all results that have screw in the search field, beginning middle or end.

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DataSource Controls :: SqlDataReader Does Not Get Results

Aug 19, 2010

I am trying to run a stored proc from this function. When I run it thorugh the debugger I can see that myReader.HasRows = true and myReader.FieldCount =14.

But the control does not go in the loop while (myReader.Read()) where I am trying to read Version field returned by the stored proc.


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DataSource Controls :: How To Populate A Listbox With More Than 1 Datasource

Jul 18, 2010

I need to populate a listbox with queries from 2 sql tables, but I can only see how to populate it with 1 datasource.

Do I need to do some hand coding? If so, where should I put it?

I'd also like to add some text items to the listbox so I could say populate the listbox with a query, plus an "other" option, so that if "other" is selected, a textbox will appear that will let the user specify a new item.

View 10 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Perform SUM On Results That Repeat?

Mar 2, 2010

I have the following query:


The results look like this:

DocumentNumber NIIN QtyReq AvailBalance
12345 015551212 2 5
12346 015551212 1 5
12347 015551212 3 5
12348 015554787 10 12

As you can see, the first 3 documents are for the same NIIN, and their total QtyReq is 6, however there are only 5 Available for this NIIN.

I need a way to remove the document 12346 because it cannot be filled, the other 2 document can though. I cannot figure this one out, but it seems like it should be pretty easy.I am using MS SQL Server 200

View 3 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Datareader - Loop Through Results In VB?

Feb 1, 2010

I would like to loop through my result set and generate a menu structure like this:


So far I have the following code but it doesn't generate the menu?

While reader.Read()
' set title
sitetitle = reader.Item("siteName")
mydata &= reader.Item("pagetitle")
' check subtitle exists, if so, build menu, loop though subtitles somehow?
if not IsDBNull(reader.Item("subtitle"))
mydata = "<ul>"
mydata &= "<li>" & reader.Item("subtitle") & "</li>"
mydata &= "</ul>"
end if
End while

Qeury and result set below:


SELECT subpages.subpageid, pages.pageid, sites.sitename, sites.siteid, pages.siteid,pages.pagetitle, subPages.subtitle FROM pages LEFT JOIN sites ON pages.siteid = sites.siteid LEFT JOIN subpages ON subpages.subpageid= pages.pageid WHERE sites.siteID = 1 ORDER BY sites.siteid, pages.pageid, subpages.subpageid ASC


subpageid | pageid | siteid | siteid | pagetitle | subtitle
NULL 1 SCHS 1 1 Sandwell Community Healthcare Services NULL
NULL 2 SCHS 1 1 About Us NULL
NULL 3 SCHS 1 1 Your Services NULL
4 4 SCHS 1 1 Equality and Diversity Team at SCHS 1111
4 4 SCHS 1 1 Equality and Diversity Team at SCHS 2222
4 4 SCHS 1 1 Equality and Diversity Team at SCHS 333
4 4 SCHS 1 1 Equality and Diversity Team at SCHS 44444
NULL 5 SCHS 1 1 Single Equality Scheme NULL
NULL 6 SCHS 1 1 Diversity Strands NULL
NULL 7 SCHS 1 1 Equality Impact Assessments NULL
NULL 8 SCHS 1 1 Quality and Safety Committee NULL
NULL 9 SCHS 1 1 Contact Us NULL

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DataSource Controls :: Display All Results In ObjectDataSource?

Oct 23, 2010

I have objectDataSource connected to report viewer.

This datasource have a select method to filter the results by Dep_id parameter

Now if i want to include all results(All Departments) what should i do ???

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DataSource Controls :: Validate Results Of A Query?

Jun 17, 2010

I am trying to find out if there are records in a table

based on the results of the query.

I have this that is not working

The query works but the problem is validating the resutls

MembershipUser myUser = Membership.GetUser();
Guid userIdPosts = (Guid)myUser.ProviderUserKey;
int currentThreadid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Threadid"]);
var query = from t in context.TrackLists
where t.UserId == userIdPosts && t.ThreadID == currentThreadid
select new { t.UserId, t.ThreadID };
foreach (var results in query)
Guid queryUserID = results.UserId;
if (queryUserID == null)

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DataSource Controls :: Accessing SQLDataSource Results For If Statement?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a single column returning SQL data source and I want to use the data for a simple if statement, but for the live of me I can't figure out how to do it. *oh for the old days, I wrote the same thing in simple asp in about 45 seconds*


For the life of me I can't figure out how to get that data into a variable or any way to access it. I know its probably simple. I have tried functions, etc off the net but everything I try results in another error.

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DataSource Controls :: Random Results From A LINQ To SQL Query?

Jan 23, 2010

I have this LINQ query:

var agnts = (from a in db.agents select new { a.userid, }).Take(10);

How can I get randomly get 10 records from my agents table?

I have tried:

agnts = agnts.OrderBy(n => Guid.NewGuid());

but this doesn't seem to do anything.

View 5 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Search Repository And Ensuring Results?

Jun 1, 2010

I was trying to find out how to search a repository and ensuring the results returned are only for the items in the repository which match the search text. For example:


Where i have "where s.SupportIssueID.... I want only the results which have an ID that matches or is LIKE the given "searchText". I thought I could use s.SupportIssueID.Contains but this isnt available in the helpers.

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DataSource Controls :: Can Join The Results Of Multiple Datareaders

May 4, 2010

pull data from 3 databases, same query with the same result set (data can vary) and i want to combine those results in to a single datareader so i can easily dump it to a gridview.

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DataSource Controls :: Passing Results / Parameters In LINQ

Jan 20, 2010

im new to linq and im having lots of trouble creating complex queries.. My problem mainly is that i am using Linq as a BLL.

i created a dbml (with namespace called DAL) file with 2 tables with a one to many relation. Pop and City. There is a forgien key in pop that points to a city. I also created a class called Pop that inhertis DAL.Pop. Now in my ASPX page, i want to call a function in the Pop class that would retrieve some Pop according to its ID, but i need the city name as well.. Ive been going around this in circles for days. I dont know how to write the Linq syntax and i dont understandd how my function's signature should be like.. I want to recieve a table that i can bind to a Gridview and preferable, specify which coloumns to bind.

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