DataSource Controls :: Retrieving Of The Data Using 3-tier Application?
Feb 6, 2010
but i have a problem to retrieve value from the database in the textbox using 3-tier application. ]
in the App_data i have following folder.
1> employeeBAL in this i have 1class file called empbasicinfoBLL.cs
2> employeeDAL in this i have test_data.xsd
in the basic details folder i have one page Basic information(employee basic info) in this i want that when user will log in the site [using username and password] after successful login when user will click on the Basic information then he will able to see his [name, employee no, first name, last name] etc on the page [i don't want to use grid-view to retrieve the details becoz i am using the table in this i am using Lable and Textbox for each] and this data should come from the EmployeeBAL.
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/// <summary>[code]....
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[URL] but i have some doubts.
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Way #1:
But When I use( way#2) "separating my code to Presentation layer and data access layer ( using SQL HELPER CLASS )"
Way # 2
Presentation layer: protected void btn_Search_Advance_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
data access layer:
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Sep 29, 2010
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B) I am having all sorts of problems running unit tests for ASP.NET hosted assemblies.
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If my data layer is in another project can/should it be using the web.config for configuration info?
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