DataSource Controls :: Retrieving Image Binary Data And Displaying On Gridview
Feb 23, 2010
i am currently facing some problem retrieving image for display on a gridview control. the Image data type in the data table is "image". the data that is stored inside the database is in this format "<Binary data>". may i ask if it is possible tojust retrieve a image data of this format and display in the gridview? or do i need to store the image in a image folder for retrieval?
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Jun 10, 2010
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Insertion code is working fine but image cannot be retrieved from DB
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Oct 25, 2010
I have a coloumn in a database table in which i am storing the candidates photo in a binary format.
now i have to show these photo in a gridview according to the candidates rollno. i am trying to use the imagefield of a gridview control to display the photo but it is not displaying the photo in a grid view
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Mar 17, 2010
My apps required me to store upload files into SQL binary fields. And then allow users to retrieve the files and either chose an apps to view them or save on disk. These files can be in diff formats, not just one type.
I have been reading about using the Response.ContentType method and Response.AddHeader method. The issue is the users can upload anykind of documents, ie: MS words, Xcel, JPEG,TIFF.... So at the time of downloading, I have no way of knowing that type it is to put in the Response.ContentType.
Can't I just stream it to the browser, let the download dialog box handle the type selection? as in when you download a file, the dialog box would ask if you want to select an app to open the file or save it on disk. How would I do so ?
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Jan 21, 2010
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May 31, 2010
i want to show binary image in griedview. which is store in database.i was trying but not get this.
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May 7, 2015
along with a gridview update file that I store in my database
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Apr 23, 2010
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But anyways I need to link this image from the MsSQL Database to Gridview. Can this be done ?
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Jul 20, 2010
For all of my cases, I have binary data for pdf stored in my database. I have a stored proc that brings the binary for each case.How do I read this binary to store as pdf on a file server?How do merge these pdf files fo a set of cases and stored a merged file on the file server?
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Jun 14, 2010
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Feb 18, 2010
I am storing image (jpeg) files into SQL server 2005 using MS Access Forms. When I try to read and render it on a webpage using and C# code behind, it could not read it.
But if I write the image to SQL server using ASP.NET C# and then read it back using ASP.NET C#, it render the image just fine in the browser.
Does anyone know if Access write the blob is difference than ASP.NET write the blob into SQL server? I am using the same varbinary as my column in the database.
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Mar 30, 2011
I have image in the image folder and in my oracle database I have a column with the name IMG which has the name of the image like ab.jpg
I have another column with name IMG1 which is storing the whole url like images/ab.jpg
I can see all the values of my database table in my dataset as well including IMG column and IMG1 column
In my aspx file I wrote code
<asp:imagefield dataimageurlfield="IMG"
dataimageurlformatstring = "~/images/ab.jpg"/>
but it is not displaying anything, however aspx page is working fine, it is showing a field but no image and it is blank, same is the case with IMG1 column as well
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Sep 24, 2010
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The problem I'm having is that the gridview is not displaying. I'm pretty sure it's something basic that I've missed, but can't for the life of me see what it is!
My gridview code in my aspx page:
My code behind (propId is the property id):
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Nov 21, 2010
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However, if the thumbnail cannot be located, a white box with a cross appears instead (as expected).
To handle this better, I would like to display a different image if the thumbnail cannot be located for any reason, for example an image saying "Image Cannot Be Displayed". But I am unsure of how to do this, of even where to do this. Essentially I need to assess the value that the datagrid is using for the particular URL when it is databound. But can I put VB.NET code in this?
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Jul 21, 2010
I'm in the process of developing a survey system. The tables / fields that are related to my question are:
My issues with this way were:
1) The Data Adaptors receive ALL the records from their correspondent tables. Not a good practice, I believe.
2) If, at some point, the survey had no categories, questions or choices under its child records, an error occurs when the page tries to build the Data Relation. With the work flow I had in mind for the system, this is bound to happen becuase all the Data entry pages (Add Category, Add Question, Add Choice) will be displaying the newly-created survey in a similar fashion (at which point, the survey will have no child records and so an error would occur)
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How to Update Binary Image on Formview
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Aug 19, 2010
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Sep 21, 2010
I've created 2 web user controls. A = User control that displays an image, and B is the user control that hosts A. I'm trying to stream an array of bytes to A, but it seems like the Response.BinaryWrite method completely overwrites any heirachial controls (I can't see any of B's other controls besides the image).
How do I get A to just display the image from the byte stream? It doesn't come from a database, it's an image I created on the fly.
A's code:
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May 12, 2012
I want to display image in detailview.. I used image datatype in the database instead of using varbinary. but the problem is.. detail view is not fetching the picture..
how i display the picture of datatype image.
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Jul 27, 2010
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protected string SavePdfFromDB(string caseNum)
string PDFFileName = string.Empty;
SqlDataReader dr = csiDelegate.DataReaderProcedure("GetReportFilenameForFileSystemNewestFile", [code]....
Can I read this binary data for multiple cases in the same byte aray and and save it as a pdf? Will this create a valid readable pdf?
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May 30, 2010
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Nov 21, 2013
I am inserting images into the database and I want to access binary data (image) from the database and insert into the new table. How to do this...
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Jan 8, 2010
I tested my app locally and it works perfect, but as soon I publish it, upload it to server and try it, on a 100% copy of my local database it throw me a truncate message; now via this msg
that throws me the error query or via sql profiler I got this query:
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Jul 2, 2010
Im using the SMMS result pane to copy paste data it workt fine for all data types except varbinary(Max)
When I copy < Binary-data > from one cell to another cell in the same column I get the following Error:
Invalid value for cell ( row5,column7) the changed value in this cell was not recognized as valid .Net Framework Data Type Byte[]
Error Message: You cannot use the result pane to set the field data other than NULL Type a value appropriate for the data or press ESC to cancel the change.
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