DataSource Controls :: Retrieving And Displaying Only Current User's Data?
Jan 21, 2010
Having trouble with a web page and connecting to SQL DB. Basically I have a form view table connected up to a SQLDataSourceControl and what I want displayed in the form is only data that has been assigned to the user that is logged on now. I have a "ViewAll" page, which lists EVERY field, regardless of who it is assigned to, but the "MyTasks" page should only retrieve the data of the current user.
I have two tables in my DB, the "Users" table, with user data (including an ID number) - this is used again in the "Tasks" table as a foreign key called "AssignTo". Therefore if user Joe Bloggs with ID number 5 logs on, whenever someone assigns a task to him, they will select number 5 in the "Task" table, as this relates to his User ID.
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My issues with this way were:
1) The Data Adaptors receive ALL the records from their correspondent tables. Not a good practice, I believe.
2) If, at some point, the survey had no categories, questions or choices under its child records, an error occurs when the page tries to build the Data Relation. With the work flow I had in mind for the system, this is bound to happen becuase all the Data entry pages (Add Category, Add Question, Add Choice) will be displaying the newly-created survey in a similar fashion (at which point, the survey will have no child records and so an error would occur)
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padding is invalid and cannot be removed
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Sub Compareid()
Dim queryString As String = "Select top 2 id from my_videos order by id desc"
using connection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("sqlacct")
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Feb 3, 2011
I have multiple user controls on the page that are used primarily for data entry purposes. When a product is loaded, I need to load the product data into all those user controls and retrieve data when I need to save the product. The user controls are not visible to the user directly, instead user would click on a link and the user control will open up in a modal popup.
Currently the way I'm doing this is, I've loaded all the user controls on the page in separate div controls, and showing the modal popup when the link is clicked. I'm sure loading all the user controls on the page is not a good idea. Is there a better way to handle this? I think we can show the markup using JSON with jQuery - but how can I load and retrieve the data using that?
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Aug 17, 2010
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table Kategorije has fields: idKategorija, naziv, opis table Clanak has fields: idClanak, idKategorija, naslov, autor,...
Kategorije.idKategorijais joined with Clanak.idKategorija, but that isn't the solution because I want my web site to show the Kategorije.naziv instead of Kategorije.idKategorija. This is the code I'm currently using to get idKategorije shown on my web site:
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Feb 6, 2010
but i have a problem to retrieve value from the database in the textbox using 3-tier application. ]
in the App_data i have following folder.
1> employeeBAL in this i have 1class file called empbasicinfoBLL.cs
2> employeeDAL in this i have test_data.xsd
in the basic details folder i have one page Basic information(employee basic info) in this i want that when user will log in the site [using username and password] after successful login when user will click on the Basic information then he will able to see his [name, employee no, first name, last name] etc on the page [i don't want to use grid-view to retrieve the details becoz i am using the table in this i am using Lable and Textbox for each] and this data should come from the EmployeeBAL.
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Jul 28, 2010
I'm currently working on a FOREX Live Trading project that I'm implementing.
I already have a database that stores the CURRENCY PAIR, BUY/SELL, PRICE AND QTY.
But I have a huge problem.
Scenario that is:
A person BUYS EUR/USD at a PRICE of 1.29900 @ quantity 100,000. (This will be recorded in the database table)
Then he BUYS EUR/USD at a PRICE of 1.29950 @ quantity 100,000. (This will then be recorded in the database also)
Then he decides to SELL his EUR/USD at a PRICE of 1.31000 @ quantity 200,000 all out. (How can I check from the database if he previously had make a transaction of BUY/SELL, so that I can do my necessary calculations for the P/L Statement)
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Jan 8, 2010
I want to create an application where I need to enter date to the ms access database.
I am a bit confused regarding how to make the user to enter date. The options avaliable are:
a. Shall I use a textBox?
b. Shall I go for 3 drop down lists?
or something else.
Some more questions:
1. what date format shall i use? (dd-mm-yyyy, dd-mmm-yyyy, etc, etc or anything else)
2. What datatype shall i use to store the date in the database?
3. What SQL query shall i use to retrieve the data between 2 dates?
let me know if there are multiple options available regarding this application.
I want to make this application as easy as possible for the user.
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Mar 18, 2010
Is linq just for retrieving data or can you send data to the database using it?
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Jun 4, 2010
Is there anything special you have to do to retrieve Filestream data using a SqlDataSource? I'm using VB and have this as my sqldatasource:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceReadPD" runat="server" etc...
SelectCommand="SELECT [PDIPAttachment] FROM [PositionDescriptions] WHERE ([CP_IDString] = @CP_IDString)">
<asp:Parameter Name="CP_IDString" Type="String" />
PDIPAttachment is a FILESTREAM column in my table called PositionDescriptions
and this is some of my VB cod:
Dim dv As DataView = DirectCast(SqlDataSourceReadPD.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView)
Dim dr As DataRowView
For Each dr In dv
Dim data as Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dr("PDIPAttachment").ToString())
The Filestream data has a PDF file in it, but what I"m getting back in "data" are 13 bytes consisting of: "System.Byte[]".
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May 18, 2010
i have a database and binded it to a drop down list to show all the IDs on page_load. This is working fine
i have placed two textboxes and one button on my same form. when i chose a specific ID from my drop down list and click on the button the textboxes should show the respective data(name and gender). But when i click on chose an id and click the button it show datatype error...still it did not
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Jan 22, 2011
i have an project in vs2010 i have a db and table inside the app_data folder, i have created a deployment package and have imported the package into an iis server that is installed on my local mechine.
now i get this error message while trying to preform an insertion.
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed
the connection string is:
Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|survey.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True
when running it inside VS2010 it`s working fine.
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Jan 20, 2010
How would you pull only the current month data from SQL?
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Apr 29, 2010
I'm trying to display using this query:
SELECT documentcategoryname, documentname, documentid FROM documents
INNER JOIN documentcategory
ON documents.documentcat = documentcategory.documentcategoryid
WHERE documentsiteid = @siteid
GROUP BY documentcategoryname, documentname, documentid
Which gives the following results:
documentcategoryname | documentname | documentid
About Us doccy3 3
About Us doccy4 4
Map Of Medicine doccy5 5
Is there a way using I can just display the category name once, and the documents underneath it like below:
About Us
Map Of MEdicine
My code so far is:
If pagesreader.Read() Then
' output documentcategoryname
mydata &= "<h2>" & reader.Item("documentcategoryname") & "</h2>"
'display document list here using while loop?
End if
View 5 Replies
Mar 28, 2010
I want to return only the record or records from one table "tblUserInfo" to my details control where the records are related to the currently logged in user. I have a field in the "tblUserInfo" table named "UserName" that contains the value that is displayed as the current user name when the user logs in. My connections string is located in the WebConfig file and is being recogonized by VWD as being a connteciton string.
I have the following Select statement defined and also tried to set the parameter value to pass to the select statement. Obviously I missed something:
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Jan 28, 2011
in my db i have:
2011-01-28 12:03:46.223
when displaying on .aspx page,
<%# Eval("ModifiedDateTime") == null ? " " : Eval("ModifiedDateTime")%>
it displays on the grid like this:
12/2/2010 8:43:18 AM
how do I format it like the default format shown when I query my db?
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Aug 7, 2010
I am trying to display data from my database using FormView. However, I only want data for the currently logged in user to be queried. The database already contains the UserName for each user.
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Jan 28, 2011
I want to produce a relatively simple webpage which would contain a drop-down list and a button. When the user makes a selection on the drop-down list and clicks the button (or image), the page would query a SQL database and output the results of that query to an iFrame that would be embedded in the lower half of the page. I've managed to figure out the necessary code for populating the drop-down list by using a stored procedure, and I've managed to figure out a way of having the resultset displayed on a second page but I want to now finesse it and get all of the information displayed on a single page.
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Feb 26, 2010
I have a page, let's called that Parameter page, displaying data from a database table using GridView. (The database is a SQL database.) I allow editing of data in GridView. The GridView uses stored procedure to retrieve data and to update data. In my project, users need to log in before using my project. So at every page, I know who the current user is by using HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name. Now as requirement changes, I need to record who has changed what (row) in the Parameter page. The information is to be written to a new table - audit log. Therefore I do not expect to change the Parameter table structure.
I have modified the stored procedure retrieving data. It returns one more column - an empty column with name currentUser. So GridView will create one more column. After data bound, I have the GridView_DataBound() to popluate that column using HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.
I debug it in Visual Studio and am able to see the name of current log in user as the last column in GridView. I change the update stored procedure to take in one more parameter. That parameter, currentUser, takes default value. The default value is an empty string. So if UI part fails to send in the current user name to stored procedure, it just write the empty string as the user name. I change the <asp:SqlDataSource>. I add a <asp:Parameter> for currentUser.
I debug in Visual Studio. However when I save the change, the SQL profiler shows UI sends in @currentUser as NULL. Why?
View 7 Replies
Aug 5, 2010
i has an gridview with the columns userid, username and password, first column of the column is an image button when click it then under(it means innergridview) that particular row, based on userid i have to display City, Country & PhoneNo. how to do this?
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Feb 3, 2010
I am facing the following problem when i try to add record in database. "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A severe error occurred on the current command.The results, if any, should be discarded." This exception occurs occasionally, and the sql server log shows the following error whenever the above exception occurs:
Server,Unknown,A user request from the session with SPID 54 generated a fatal exception. SQL Server is terminating this session. Contact Product Support Services with the dump produced in the log directory.
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