DataSource Controls :: SQL IN Statement In Sqldatasource Returns No Data?
Jan 13, 2011Select % from Table1 where Type in ('Apple','Orange') is not returning value
View 3 RepliesSelect % from Table1 where Type in ('Apple','Orange') is not returning value
View 3 RepliesI dragged and dropped a sqldatasource and want to do an insert statement, taking the new values from a textbox. I did this already however when i do my insert statement eg. INSERT INTO Development_Programme(MHID) VALUES (@m) HOWEVER when to select the insert parameters the 'Next' button and the 'Finish' button is shaded off, I added a Select statement and the 'Next' was unshaded HOWEVER the screen to select the insert parameters is not appearing it goes straight to the Test Query.
View 3 RepliesI was wondering how I could use user.identity in a where statement in sqldatasource to return results for a user profile. I already have a table that stores the username. Just need to return it's results.
View 5 RepliesI have a single column returning SQL data source and I want to use the data for a simple if statement, but for the live of me I can't figure out how to do it. *oh for the old days, I wrote the same thing in simple asp in about 45 seconds*
For the life of me I can't figure out how to get that data into a variable or any way to access it. I know its probably simple. I have tried functions, etc off the net but everything I try results in another error.
I'd like to print out the select statement for a SqlDataSource to see exactly what is being issued to the database. I added an OnSelecting event and the code shown below. The problem is that it's printing the variables in the select statement rather than the values assigned to those variables. How do I print out the "resolved" output so that I can see the values being passed to the database.
i have two sqldatasource controls. one i use to display data in textbox's ,filter'd by a select parameter in page behind code. Once checked, i want to copy this data to the other datasource ,by selecting checkbox.Then display this data in detailsview control.
At present the two datasource controls declared , render data to the page simultaneously during pageload. I want to first check data in textbox's from first source, before second datasource is rendered to screen. note, both are filtered by a page variable. i wish to leave the textbox datasource control in situ, as other controls and code depend on it.The other detailsview datasource is my problem?
I am trying to tie a sqlDatasource to a Stored Procedure. The stored procedure looks like...
I want to retreive some data from an SqlDataSource using it's Selected event I've tried
DataView dv = (DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
but here it's going into in infinite loop and then it gives me an StackOverflowException error in ASP.Net Development Server (my dev machine) and if I publish to IIS it requires me an user name and password to connect to server and gives an InternetExplorer error "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException. An unknown error ... status code returned was 400. The SqlDataSource is in an UpdatePanel. Maybe this is why I get this.
i have built an inserting interface in a GridView's Footer Template. Added Button for insert , auto generated the insertCommand in SqlDataSource. But then how to Bind the data of inserting interface to insert command of SqlDataSource ?In FooterTemplate. i have taken TextBox.GridView's RowCommand Event is handled in this way.
(all that i did , i took help from this web site's tutorial)
So,How to insert data?
I know this sounds odd. I have a SQL DB that I am pulling data from. I have to some math functions to get a percentage. So I am pulling all the data in my code and building a data table with the results. I am then trying to pass this into a chart control that I have, but it fails because the data source is not correct for the chart control. I know that the chart control will accept a SQLDataSource control as a data source because a built a example with it before using it in my project.So my question is how can I use the Data Table as a data source for a SQLDataSource Control? Or is there a way I can pull the data from my DB andapply the math needed in a stored procedure or something similar that I could create the procedure on my SQL server then add a SQLDataSource control to my page and use the stored procedure as the source for the SQLDataSource Control.
View 5 RepliesI have a page in my website where there is very little code-behind. I only have two lines of code in Page_Load() and the rest of the code is declarative ASP.NET code. I have a FormView control which uses a SqlDataSource to get some order information. The SqlDataSource calls a stored procedure called usp_GetOrderDetails, here's the code for the SqlDataSource:
What I want is to grab the screenshotId from the SqlDataSource when the usp_GetOrderDetails stored proc gets called and populate it into a field on the page called screenshotId. I then want to use this screenshotId to get an image from the database based on Id. populating the screenshotId field. How do I do this - do I need to have something like OnDataBound or something like that?
i have a grid bound to sqldatasource control which gets its data from stored procedure. in page load event i code a dropdownlist where i take the selectedvalue parameter for the parameter query. only when a second dependant dropdownlist is selected (coded in dropdownlist1 selected event)is data returned ?
View 12 RepliesI have a SqlDataSource connected to database and use a parametrized query to fetch out data.Query has got a very large varchar field on which i have to perform a search.To make search, i have 2 combobox and a textbox organized in this way
MAIN CATEGORY (combobox)-> CATEGORY TYPE(combobox) -> MODEL(textbox).
Based on main category choose, category type is filled from database. At last, it's added a "nothing" combobox item.Now i should search into big varchar field adding category type condition but, if nothing is specified, i should make identical search like all combobox value are selected. How should i, in your opinion, make this using SqlDataSource?
I'm looking to parse the cs(Referer) column in one of log files for the following data found intween the followingbolded URL parameters and was wondering what commands in a select statement would be the best way for doing this.[URL]Example - I would be able to parse the "2" found after "start=" and the data "castle%2bshore" inbetween "%3Fq%3D" and "%26"
View 1 Repliesim doing a shopping cart for my website. And i want to do a conditional statement to check if the
custname and productcat is inside the shopping cart then i'll only insert/update the quantity of the product he purchased.
here's my code:
Protected Sub btnAddToCart_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddToCart.Click
Is there anything special you have to do to retrieve Filestream data using a SqlDataSource? I'm using VB and have this as my sqldatasource:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceReadPD" runat="server" etc...
SelectCommand="SELECT [PDIPAttachment] FROM [PositionDescriptions] WHERE ([CP_IDString] = @CP_IDString)">
<asp:Parameter Name="CP_IDString" Type="String" />
PDIPAttachment is a FILESTREAM column in my table called PositionDescriptions
and this is some of my VB cod:
Dim dv As DataView = DirectCast(SqlDataSourceReadPD.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), DataView)
Dim dr As DataRowView
For Each dr In dv
Dim data as Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dr("PDIPAttachment").ToString())
The Filestream data has a PDF file in it, but what I"m getting back in "data" are 13 bytes consisting of: "System.Byte[]".
I have one SqlDataSource control as DataSet with enable caching in one page aspx. Filtering is applied to this SqlDataSource control, so that the page always returns one record data.
My question: How to get the record data value from SqlDataSource control (one record data value) and store it as String variable?
I have a code that read all data from sqldatasource and store it in exel file. my problem is,when the program run when i click on button,the message pop up to open or save, so by click on open or save we can either save it in exel file or open and look in exel file.
i want withought poping any message,it store the file directly to the specific folder without infomring the user.
here is my code
string attachment = "attachment; filename=Contacts.xls";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment);
Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
Is ther a way I can tie DataSource to SqlDataSource on aspx page and pass select parameters?
I want use select * from sample (tablename) ,which returns only those columns from sample table which does not have xml data type.
note : sample table contains some columns which have xml data type .
I get and error when I run a sub select statement. What is wrong with the statement?
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.
When I run the code below, it works
int charId = int.Parse(Request.Params["charId"]);
EveFPT ctx = new EveFPT();
var theCharQuery = from a in ctx.tblChars
where == charId
select new
Name =,
CorpName =,
AllianceName =
if(theCharQuery.Count() == 1)
var theChar = theCharQuery.First();
lblCharName.Text = theChar.Name;
lblCorpName.Text = theChar.CorpName;
lblAllianceName.Text = theChar.AllianceName;
However, If I the below
var theCharQuery = from a in ctx.tblChars
where == charId
select a;
if(theCharQuery.Count() == 1)
tblChars theChar = theCharQuery.First();
lblCharName.Text =;
lblCorpName.Text =;
lblAllianceName.Text =;
the statement theChar.tblCorps always returns null.
I am running an Update statement against an SQL database on server 2008. The update runs but does not update the record, but returns no errors.The database is part of a commercial help desk package called TrackIt 8.5 which was just a fresh install on a new web server and a new sql server. The update is running from a web form we use to automatically create active directory accounts. After the account is created the web form closes out the work order in the Trackit db. This was working fine when the system was running on Server 2003 and SQL server 2005. Running Trackit version 7.02.The login use to access the database has full permissions to read and write to the database, just as it did on the old server which never had an issue updating. Odd thing is, if I log onto the SQL server and make a change to any single field in that record. I can then run the web form and it updates the record normally.
View 3 RepliesUsing 2005.
I have a gridview that is using a SQLdataSource with an update statement and I am able to print out the update statement listed in the SQLDataSource by doing this:
but for some reason the record is not being updated so I want to know how do I print out the entire Update statement, including the value of the EmailAddressID to make certain that the update statement is being set correctly?
I can test the update statement above manually, taking the EmailAddressID for that record and then run the update statement manually using SQL Server Mgmt then it updates the record correctly so I know the update statement set in the SQLDataSource is ok. However I still want to print out the update statement that is supposed to be executed in the vb code, how to do this?
I see there is an event called "SqlDataSource1_Updating",
is it possible to print out the actual update statement there?
Just to be clear in the page I want to do something to print out the actual full update statement, ex:
UPDATE [EmailTable] SET [EmailAddress] = @EmailAddress WHERE [EmailAddressID] = 22
Iam confronted with a really weird issue the like of which ive never seen before. I recently developed a web application using and launched it for my company, during the bug testing stages everything seemed fine, but once it was actually in production i started getting these weird errors that all stem from it not retrieving the correct rows.
The issue is this, sometimes the queries sent to the back end only return a partial amount of the rows actualyl requested, so if a user has a page loaded thats suppose to return X number of rows, they can sometimes get X - Y number of rows, and upon refreshing the page they get X - Z number of rows, and refreshing the same exact page again they might get X number of rows they were initially suppose to see. I've never seen anything like this before so Iam stumped.
I consulted some of the old developers in the company I used to work for, for assistance but when explaining and showing the problem they too were very confused with the issue.