DataSource Controls :: SQLDataSource Connection String On The Fly?

Sep 12, 2010

I need to set the SQLDataSource connection string on the fly. Right now, this is what I have:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
SelectCommand= (working select stmt here)</asp:SqlDataSource>

Then, I have this:


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DataSource Controls :: Convert AccessDataSource To A SqlDataSource Connection?

Oct 20, 2010

how to convert this AccessDataSource to a SqlDataSource connection?Thanks.CodePrivate Function GetNotes(ByVal id As String) As Object

Dim ds As New AccessDataSource()
ds.DataFile = AccessDataSource1.DataFile[code].....

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DataSource Controls :: SqlDataSource Connections Not Closing Maxing Out Connection Pool?

Jul 28, 2010

i have a web application that use a MySql DataBase. In a page, i have used the sqlDatasource control. The problem is that the conection with the database doesn't closed and i have a lot of open conections until show me the error that says me that the conection pool is full.


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Configuration :: Variables In SqlDataSource Connection String?

Aug 13, 2010

Some databases that my application has to access have their name according to the current year because the ERP we work with creates a new database every year, so, now it's working with the 2010db database. There are two options (as far as I know) for the ConnectionString property of a SqlDataSource: 1) hard-code it or 2) pick it up from the web.config file.

I don't want to change manually the connection string every year, so, how can I solve this? I would need to take the value of Now.Year either in the hard-coded ConnectionString or for the Web.Config ConnectionString, but I don't know how to do that.

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Change SqlDataSource Connection String In C# Dynamically

Jun 1, 2010

I have a page in (web forms) that up until now only had one database for data.

So all the controls that require something from the database use a datasource and the same connection string.

<asp:SqlDataSource id="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT ... ">

Up until now I only needed one connection string since I had only one database but this has changed since I want some users to connect to database A and others to database B What would be the correct way to go about it?

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DataSource Controls :: Variable Connection String Parameter In A DataSource Control

May 20, 2010

I have several web forms which use a GridView linked to a DataSource control which is defined at design time as follows:

connectionstring="<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:PgSqlConnection %>"
providername="<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:PgSqlConnection.ProviderName %>" >

As you can see, the connectionstring parameter is defined to a specific connection string name and I need to be able to set such a parameter to a different value, for example, to a session variable content.

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DataSource Controls :: Get The Record Data Value From SqlDataSource Control And Store It As String?

Jan 26, 2011

I have one SqlDataSource control as DataSet with enable caching in one page aspx. Filtering is applied to this SqlDataSource control, so that the page always returns one record data.

My question: How to get the record data value from SqlDataSource control (one record data value) and store it as String variable?

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DataSource Controls :: SQLDatasource FilterExpression Error - Input String Was Not A Correct Format

Nov 25, 2010

I get the Erorr: Input String was NOT a correct format.

The first three controlparameters are STRINGS and they work fine.

However the last two populate the controlparameter from text boxes that can only accept numbers and decimal point.

First the text boxes for {3} and {4} string parameters in the SQL filterexpression:

And then the SQLDatasource control parameters[Code]....

The last two control parameters are the ones is question as they feed {3} and {4} parameters in the filter expression, NOTICE how I set the type="double".The data input is expected to be like 152.25 or 3.6 or 4 etc,So why am I getting this error: [Code]....

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DataSource Controls :: How To Programatically Set A Connection String

Sep 13, 2010

I am thinking of putting a drop down list to choose a couple of options. Depending on what is selected I want to then specify a specific connection string. I use the ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SomeConnectionString %>" format. How can I handle this in the .aspx page?

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DataSource Controls :: CLR Connection String From Web.config?

Jun 16, 2010

I am using CLR project in my website.I have used bulk insert in there.I am not able to use context connection in the procedure.Is there any way to get the connection string from web.configor from context connection.

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DataSource Controls :: Get The Connection String Of Sql - Don't Have Sql Management

May 15, 2010

i work with sql database i want to connect to sql server i dont have sql manegment who could i c the connection string the palce of the sql that wen i write these comand sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection("the connection string")

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DataSource Controls :: Better Way To Retrieve Connection String?

Apr 7, 2010

I have an app that connects to only one db for all of the data that the app has access to. My connection string is in the Web.Config file. In each of my DAL classes I have the following code that gets the connection string from the Config file. This works with no issues but I thought there might be a better way of doing this that I don't know.

If I wanted to change the name of the connection string that any of the DAL classes would use then I would have to change the name of the connection string in each of the files. I thought about creating a new class that would hold this then I could just instantiate a new instance of the class to access this with each of the DAL classes that needs access to it. Then if I needed to change the name of the connection string then it would only be in one place. I suspect there is an even better way of doing this that i don't know about.


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DataSource Controls :: ADO.Net (C#) Connection String - Update Stored Procedure

Feb 24, 2010

My question is: I have update stored procedure in my database (simple update stmt) I am finding difficulty in writing a ADO.Net(C#) connection string for update stored procedure. i have 4 columns and i first 3 columns have constant values. The 4th column values needs to be updated. At the same time i need to increment and then update the table.

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DataSource Controls :: Common Connection String In LINq To SQL Files?

Feb 20, 2010

I am using LINQ to SQL files in my class libray since every LINQ to SQL sources file is a seprate file and i have to set database connection string in each class library. Now, i have total 7 class libraires in my project how connection string be passed from web.onfg to LINQ file, so that i don't need to manually change the connection string. lke we did in 2.0 using connection string property in class file library.

How could we pass the same in LINQ's designer file.

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DataSource Controls :: Connect To Different Data Providers (Oracle And SQL Server) Using Single Connection String?

Jun 29, 2010

How to connect to different data providers(Say Oracle and SQL Server) using single connection string?

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DataSource Controls :: Connecting To SQL Server In Visual Studio 2008 Using Code - Error: 25 - Connection String Is Not Valid

Feb 2, 2010

Background: I use SQL server 2005 developer edition and visual studio 2008. Visual studio 2008 is running on a local machine with Vista business edition. SQL server is running on a remote server using Windows server 2003. Both computers are within the same domain.

Problem: First, I used the server explorer to connect to the SQL server. Everything works as desired. Then I write code to do the same thing. I keep getting the following error message:

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 25 - Connection string is not valid)

However, I used the exactly identical connection string as the one used in the server explorer. So connection string should not be the problem. In addition, I tried the test code in MSDN, which tells whether my domainusername can flow the network. It turns out the user name is fine. I also went to the SQL server management studio and found the login for my computer is NVCWeihao while my computer login name is NVCweihao. I am wondering if this uppercase letter really affects the connection.

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DataSource Controls :: SQLDataSource And Tie A SqlDatasource To A Stored Procedure

May 14, 2010

I am trying to tie a sqlDatasource to a Stored Procedure. The stored procedure looks like...


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Provider Connection String Of Entity Framework Be Substituted With A DB Connection String Already Defined In Web.config?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a db connection string 'ApplicationServices' defined in the connectionString section of web.config and 3 Entity Framework connection strings which have the provider connection string attribute with the same connection string as the one in 'ApplicationServices'. Is there a way to reference connectionString in 'ApplicationServices' for the provider connection string attribute of the EF connection string in the web.config, rather than providing the connection string all over again?

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DataSource Controls :: Oledb Connection String Exception - "Unspecified Error"

May 5, 2010

I am developing one web application using MS Access database using oledb connection.Previously i checked the same application is works well in the same machine.Now Today i checked they provide "Unspecified Error". And also Provide the following Exception:

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Unspecified errorat System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionInternal..ctor(OleDbConnectionString constr, OleDbConnection connection) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreateNonPooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup)at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open() at clsOledbClass.opencon() in c:inetpubwwwrootcheckNPCApp_CodeclsOledbClass.cs:line 64

I am using the following connection string for connecting database:


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DataSource Controls :: Connection Pooling And Check Connection State?

Apr 7, 2010

In my DAL i have more than 100 methods/Function, each and every method am opening the sqlconnection and closing the connection, this is taking too much of time to establish the connection at every time. So what i expect is one common class will create the SqlConnection that will check if the connection is Broken or Closed then create the connection again else return the connection, how to do this(Also i would like to apply ConnectionPooling).

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DataSource Controls :: Sqldatasource Insert Method - Copy Data To The Other Datasource By Selecting Checkbox

Feb 25, 2010

i have two sqldatasource controls. one i use to display data in textbox's ,filter'd by a select parameter in page behind code. Once checked, i want to copy this data to the other datasource ,by selecting checkbox.Then display this data in detailsview control.

At present the two datasource controls declared , render data to the page simultaneously during pageload. I want to first check data in textbox's from first source, before second datasource is rendered to screen. note, both are filtered by a page variable. i wish to leave the textbox datasource control in situ, as other controls and code depend on it.The other detailsview datasource is my problem?

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Web Forms :: How To Access Connection Connection String From Sub Folder Web.config File

Mar 15, 2011

just for my testing purpose i know i can define both the connection's outside in a single web config file by different name's and access them in my front end according to it but what if i want to have seprate for both connection's web.config situation is like this see image so i want to access my connections from second web config file how i can do that.


i tired this but its giving error


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Web Forms :: How To Set Default Connection String Among Multiple Connection Strings

Jul 4, 2013

In my application there are 4 connection strings...from that i want one connectionstring should be default connection string.How to do ?

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Making Connection Class Or Connection String In Web.config?

Oct 18, 2010

I am preparing for an Access2007 db conversion at the beginning of the year and would like to know what the best process would be for connecting to the sqlserver2005 database. I have read about adding the connection string to the web.config file. I have also read about using ADO.NET and put the connection information into a class and not the web.config file.

I would like to hear from others as to what you have used, are using, or plan on using for a webapp (vs2010), and why so I can get an understanding.

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VS2010 - Connect To SQL Using Trusted Connection In Connection String

Aug 10, 2011

I have an ASP.Net website running on IIS7. The Application Pool is set to ASPv4 Classic.

Authentication Mode is set to ASP.Net Authentication & Windows Authentication

My question is, when I want to connect to SQL using a "trusted connection" in the Connection String, what user will actually be passed into SQL?

I thought it would pass my logon details, but it is coming back with an NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON error, which seems to point towards it not passing in my logon.

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