DataSource Controls :: StoredProcedure Returning Zero Instead Of Value?

Feb 2, 2010

My stored procedure is returning zero....can anybody correct me....Stored Procedure -


Fucntion calling SP -


tell me where i went worng and correct procedure too....table hase 4 count should return 4..

View 8 Replies

Similar Messages:

DataSource Controls :: SqlDataSource Returning Nothing When A SelectParamter Value Is Passed To A StoredProcedure?

Jan 14, 2010

- When I execute my query within Enterprise Manager giving the "Country" parameter a value of US, it returns the expected records

- When I assigned that value either programmatically or within the SelectParameters of my SqlDataSource, no rows are returned at all...

I have this as a parameter in the sproc:

@Country char(2) = NULL

and the relevant WHERE clause entry is:

AND (@Country IS NULL OR a.CountryCode = @Country)

My SelectParameter is:

asp:Parameter Name="Country" />

I've tried adding the "DefaultValue" property set to "US" and also tried setting it as sds.SelectParameters[4].DefaultValue="US"

When I do either of these things I get no records returned...

View 2 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Adding Parameters To Storedprocedure?

Jan 18, 2010

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 and C#, SQL Server 2005. I am passing parameter to a stored procedure. The parameter is the ProductId. I have 3 types of productId. ProductId 11,0,12.

If the ProductId is zero, I want to pass the productId as 11 to the parameter.

Is this correct way to perform:


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DataSource Controls :: Storedprocedure, Where Functie Only If The Number Is Not 0?

May 24, 2010

need a Stored Procedure with a where with 23 where items.But if a item is 0 then i should skip that selection.So i need something like the code below, but sadly that doesnt work... And 23x23=529 selections isn't a option for me.


select * from tblMatchData

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DataSource Controls :: How To Insert Multiple Record IN Sql Using StoredProcedure

Feb 15, 2010

I am going to insert Multiple record IN sql using storedProcedure from gridview...

for this purpose i am using cell concatinating method and send whole gridview cell data in string variable.

i have tried xml document method or sending data in table through looping as well but didn't satisfy from both of them... b/c concatinating method required a delimeter for seperation(for which i have restrict the user from that sepereator ) and xml method required an extra file which is not a efficient approach .

View 7 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Passing Null To Storedprocedure Using Linq

Mar 31, 2010

I have a SP db.sp_GetProfitMatrix , it takes nullable integer parameters, for which I have a default . It refuses me when I try to pass a null value (the two date parameters are nullable in the Linq designer) I get {"Nullable object must have a value."} error. here is my code:

int? nlDt = null;
var pms =
from p
in db.sp_GetProfitMatrix( nlDt.Value, nlDt.Value)

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Building String To Pass Into StoredProcedure From CheckBoxList?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a CheckBoxList that I need to get the values from, concatenate, and pass into a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005 utilizing Visual Basic. Due to the way our data layer is I cannot use a SqlCommand object at this level.

I have no problem getting to the selected values in the CheckBoxList:

Dim selectedValue As New StringBuilder
For i = 0 To cblMethods.Items.Count -1
If cblMethods.Items(i).Selected Then
End If

The problem is that I do not know how to list the values in such a way that my stored procedure will pull data:

SET @MethodNames ='GetWords','GetLetters'
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE method IN ( @MethodNames )
I've tried experimenting with apostraphes but cannot make it work:
selectedValue.Append("'''" + cblMethods.Items(i).Text + "''', "

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How To Change [dbo].storedprocedure To [myusername].storedprocedure

Oct 29, 2010

I developed a website in my local machine using and sql.

View 10 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Returning A New Line In SQL?

Jul 6, 2010

I have the following SQL Statement:


The TRANSREC column as shown above has 2 details: Ref and transtype. I would like to separate them into 2 lines as followed:


Currently, it is shown as " Ref: .... Details: .... "

I have tried using CHAR(10) and CHAR(13) , but cannot.

View 6 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedure Not Returning Value

May 15, 2010

I call this stored procedure with a dataset. It always returns a 0 but should return a 1 or 2. Does anybody know why it isn't returning a 1 or 2.

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_InsertLinkVote
@LinkId int,
@LinkVoter nvarchar(50),
@LinkVotesDateTime datetime,
@LinkVotesGoodBad bit
LinkVoter = @LinkVoter )RETURN
dbo.LinkVotes (LinkId,LinkVoter,LinkVotesDateTime,LinkVotesGoodBad)VALUES

Here is were a call it in my code behind.
Dim VoteCheck
Dim InsertVote
New DataSetStoredProceduresTableAdapters.QueriesTableAdapter
VoteCheck = InsertVote.sp_InsertLinkVote(LinkId, User.Identity.Name, DateAndTime. Now,
'0 is a good vote.
If VoteCheck = 0

It seems to insert and not insert correctly, I just cannot get it to return the correct value.

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Returning Value From Stored Procedure

Jun 23, 2010

I am developing a page in ASP.Net where I have the user enter a letter into a textbox. They then click a submit button and I all of the userids that start with that letter are to be displayed. So I need the SP to go through the database and match first letters with what was entered. Here is what I have as my code for the SP:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.exp2 @testchar Char(1)
declare @flag as char(2)
set @flag = @testchar + '%'
select userid
from ex_database
where userid like @flag

View 6 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Returning Primary Key Of New Database Row

Jul 9, 2010

In my application, users fill out a form to submit a "Job Request" - once they submit the form it is stored as a new row in a table in the Sql database. Each "Job Request" that is submitted is given a "JobID" which is a number and also the primary key of the new row in the database (the number is generated by the database). Once the users hit the "submit" button, I'd like to return the value of the "JobID" (the primary key) so that the user can know what it is. How would I achieve this? In the future, I will have to expand the application so that the users would be able to edit an older "Job Request" and get a similar JobID number (so if before it was 1234, the new one would be 1234-1 or something like that), so this is not simply a matter of searching for the highest number in the primary key field in the table and returning that. I'm using Sql for my database and writing in VB.

View 1 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Returning Null Value From Procedure?

Jun 17, 2010


iam using asp.net2.0 with c# with sql server 2000 when iam executing the procedure in local system it is working fine.but when iam executing in client system procedure returns null value, i have checked all connection string , and session value all are working

View 1 Replies

DataSource Controls :: TableAdapter.Update Returning Incorrect Row Ids?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm lost as to where to look next. Here is a sample of what I'm doing:

[Code].... The related tableadapter insert statement was autogenerated by VS2008:

INSERT INTO [ProductCycleCountItem] ([ProductCycleCountLocationID], [ProductID], [CountOnly], [Status]) VALUES (@ProductCycleCountLocationID, @ProductID, @CountOnly, @Status);
SELECT id, ProductCycleCountLocationID, ProductID, CountOnly, Status FROM ProductCycleCountItem WHERE (id = SCOPE_IDENTITY())

With multiple users it's as if it was returning @@IDENTITY instead of SCOPE_IDENTITY(). The table will look like this:

id Location product

1 A 5321

2 A 8273

3 B 2827

4 A 1743
The returned dataset will look like this:

id Location Product

1 A 5321
2 A 8273
3 A 1743

Is it maybe a SQL Server (2005) setting that's incorrect?

View 7 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Use DataTable Instead Of DataSet / Returning One Table?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm returning one table. My understanding is that a DataSet can be made of more than one DataTable. I also understand that I can use either of these to return my one table.

Is it better to use the DataTable when I have one table to return instead of a DataSet? Is there any advantage of not using the DataSet in a situation like this? Is there a disadvantage to using the DataSet when only one table is being returned? Does this even matter?

View 6 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Returning Multiple Tables Into A DataSet

Apr 10, 2010

How to return multiple tables to dataset. My code is

string q = "select job_title,primary_skill,description from T12_Company_AddRequirement where job_code='JB1';select count(p_status) from T12_SentDetails where job_code='JB1'and p_status='Technical 1';select count(p_status) from T12_SentDetails where job_code='JB1'and
p_status='Technical 2';select count(p_status) from T12_SentDetails where job_code='JB1'and p_status='Technical 3';select count(p_status) from T12_SentDetails where job_code='JB1'and p_status='HR'";
SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection(s);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(q, con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
Grid_description.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
Grid_description.DataSource = ds.Tables[1];
Grid_description.DataSource = ds.Tables[2];
Grid_description.DataSource = ds.Tables[3];
Grid_description.DataSource = ds.Tables[4];

This code is returning error.

View 9 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Procedure Returning Values From Page?

Apr 29, 2010

In Login page, i make use of the following procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.logincheck

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Returning Value From An Unknown Field In Linq?

Apr 6, 2010

I want return the value from an unknown field in linq.


so sopmething like the above, is it posible?

View 5 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedure Returning Error?

May 24, 2010

Im trying use a storedprocedure where depending on the status of the room if ='Vacant' And checkIn =date and the result will be put in a gridview, but i kept returning an error that says, "Conversion failed when convertng datetime from character string". Heres the code.



Stored Procedure:




View 7 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Queries Not Returning Proper Data?

Mar 17, 2010

I am having trouble with queries because they are not returning the data needed, and I am having trouble figuring out why because I only am testing with 2 records.First I want a query to return all records for one customer as follows:


There are two records with the customerID of 1, but it only returns one,next I try to return only one record, the AccountPrimary or customer_contacts.IsPrimary, but when I add " AND customer_contacts.IsPrimary = 'True' "at the end of my query it then returns both records, but only one IsPrimary = True and the Other = False. Is it backwards? I also tried another method and it returned 30 of the same record and I only have 2

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use A DropDownList With A DataSource Returning A Datatable

Jun 10, 2010

I am trying to use a datasource with a dropdownlist. Eventually, my data source method to call a stored procedure and load the datatable is returns, but for now, I am just creating the datatable manually. I need each item to have two attributes, the text, whixh the user will see in the DDL, and the value that the program will retrieve from and store back to the file.

It is partly working in that the DDL has 3 items, however the text for each item reads "System.Data.DataRowView"

I have to be close, but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.


View 8 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedure And Function Returning Same Shape

Jan 26, 2010

I have problem with a stored procedure and function that return the same shape, but as they are different methods LINQ won' t let me cast between the two. Please see code for the two SPROCs below (This is actually simplified to represent the problem, so please don't spend lots of time explaining alternative ways of writing the function/sproc.)

Table Valued Function
SELECT categoryName, categoryID FROM categories
SPROC "getUnusedCategories"
SELECT categoryName, categoryID FROM CategoryInstances cI
FROM dbo.SMAN_getCategories(@SiteMANID, @SectionID) c
LEFT JOIN @EntityResultsTable er

View 2 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Returning String Value Using Stored Procedure And Linq

Feb 7, 2010

I am having problems returning a string value through a stored procedure/linq to a label. Everything works fine if I return an integer value but I cant get a string value to bind to a label. I get the error message

Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ParseDouble(String Value,
NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat) +201
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToInteger(String Value) +66
[InvalidCastException: String "System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlPr" to 'Integer' is invalid‚]

This is the stored procedure
Select ProductName
From Products

This is the vb page
Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim db As New DataClassesDataContext
Dim product As Integer = db.test.ToString
Label1.Text = product
End Sub

This is the aspx page
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>

View 1 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Returning All Rows Based On One Distinct Column?

May 18, 2010

Here is the query I have now which returns over 2 million records:


This works, but the result is littered with many rows that contain the same SSN. So how do I return only one row for each ssn? I cant use distinct because all of the other columns are already always different, this would return the same as above.

View 11 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Returning Single String Value Using Linq And Stored Procedure

Jun 21, 2010

I can return single integer values when using stored procedures with Linq but I cant get single string values returned.

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