DataSource Controls :: Tables For Particular Presentation Of Data

Jun 29, 2010

Apologies if this is in the incorrect forum.. just a question about how to best structure some tables for a particular presentation of data. In the following table (2nd column) you'll see that each motorcycle product applies to a range of years. What is the best way to store this range of years in a relational db? At the moment I have a datefrom and a dateto field for the two ranges, but that may complicate things when I want to filter the table by a particular year. E.G. datefrom is 2006 & dateto is 2010 and I would like to filter by products for a 2008 model.

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DataSource Controls :: About Data Presentation And Data Binding?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a SQL table with questions and store the answers. Depend on the user selections, I need to display dynamically the questions and try to get the answers for them. ie: sometime I need to display 3 questions, and get 3 answers; sometime 5 questions, and try to get 5 answers.I know about dynamically loading the questions and display them. But how do I dynamically binding some kind of data control to get the dynamic answers back?Normally, in .aspx I would have <asp:TextBox ID=MyAnswer ....> or <DropDownList ID=MyDropDownList....> then I would use the C# behind to refered to MyAnswer.Text or MyDropDownList.SelectItem.....But in the dynamicly generated forms, how do generate multiple questions and bind somekind of multiple "TextBox" with ID and be able to refer them from the c# behind?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Get Data From Two Tables In Linq

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How to get data from two tables through linq .1 ) productsDetails 2) productsImages to bind further listview.

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DataSource Controls :: Insert Data Into Two Tables With Sql?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a details view form inserting data into one table successfully with no problems and picking up the ID parameter from a session.

What i would like to do is one insert SOME of the fields NOT ALL get inserted into another table.

Table 1 = course

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I tried creating a datasource which inserted data into Matrixoneanttwo and called it from the detailsview_inserting event (sqldatasource.insert() but then i realised that this data source is seperate to my current one and therefore cannot use its parameters.

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DataSource Controls :: Combine Data From 2 Tables

Mar 27, 2010

I have 2 tables with UserId and FirstName, LastName Columns that I want to combine the data in a Select Statement or Stored Procedure

1. The 2 tables will never have the same data, each table will be distinct

2. I want to combine first and lastnames to a full name (t1.FirstName + ' ' + t1.LastName) AS FullName

3. The statement will be used to populate a dropdownlist with UserId as Value, and Name as text

I am unsure how to accomplish this since I do not need to connect the tables, but combine the Sum of their data.

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DataSource Controls :: Synchronize Data In 2 Tables?

Jan 6, 2010

I need to synchronize data between 2 tables. i need to update records on table2 corresponding to table1. I also need to add new records in table2 by getting new records from table1.

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DataSource Controls :: Add Data To The Tables After They Are Created?

May 4, 2010

I have created a database along with the tables. The tables have the primary and foreign keys to create the relationship between them. However, I cannot now add the data to the table rows due to the key constraints. How do I now add the data to the tables without making up arbitrary data for the table ID's?

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DataSource Controls :: Adding The Same Data Values Into 2 Tables

Apr 23, 2010

i have an insert statement, and what i would like to do iswhen the value of table1 is entered, that value enters into table 2, so for example, heres my insert statement

INSERT INTO Cards (Name, Desc, id) VALUES ( @Name, @Desc, @id) INSERT INTO CardTP (NameSet, Desc, id)

Now, what i would like to do is that, i will specify all those individual values myself, BUT, when it now comes to the "id" field, when an id is entered for the "Cards" table, the SAME id should also be entered in the id column of the "CardTP" table. how i could enter the value of one table, into another tables row (having the same value) as i want the Cards and CardsTP table to be related in the id fields.

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieving Data From Multiple Tables?

Aug 17, 2010

I have hard time trying to find the solution to retrieve data from multiple tables in one database.

table Kategorije has fields: idKategorija, naziv, opis table Clanak has fields: idClanak, idKategorija, naslov, autor,...

Kategorije.idKategorijais joined with Clanak.idKategorija, but that isn't the solution because I want my web site to show the Kategorije.naziv instead of Kategorije.idKategorija. This is the code I'm currently using to get idKategorije shown on my web site:



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DataSource Controls :: Sum Data From Two Columns In Different Tables - SQL Query

Feb 9, 2010

I am trying to create an application in which there is a summary of outstanding payments.

One table is Table_Bills.

The other table stores records of Payments made and is called Table_Payments.

In summary i want to show 3 figures - each in separate one field datagridview with a data_source in separate data_adapter:

1) Ammount_Due 2) Amount_Paid 3) Balance.

The first two are no problem but the last is giving me a headache.

I tried this:

SELECT SUM(DHB_New_Jobtable.DayWage) - SUM(DHB_Payments.Ammount) AS Expr1

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Two Tables In MVC Using ADO Entity Data Model

Apr 6, 2010

my application have two tables. TableA and TableB TableA have one record

ID StudentName Age
1 MARK 20

I use selectlist to select StudentName .

ViewData["StudentName"] = new SelectList(_db.StudentSet.ToList(), "StudentName", "StudentName");

and then add to TableB. for this case , for me is success, but I also want to add the"Age" into TableB on same time. I don't know how to do it.

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DataSource Controls :: Write Data To Multiple (two) Tables?

May 6, 2010

I have to write data to multiple (two) tables.

tbl1 has a column "ORDERID" with auto increment. I have to get this "ORDERID" whenever I write to tbl1 (Insert new record)

tbl2 has a coumn "ORDERID" as foreign key, I have to write "ORDERID" in tbl2 received from the tbl1.

How to do it using SQL ( I am not using StoredProcedure)

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DataSource Controls :: Converting Access Data To SQL (.mdf) Tables?

Jun 18, 2010

I have a set of MS Access data (tables); is there a simple way to convert to SQL (.mdf) tables?

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DataSource Controls :: Left Join 2 Data Tables?

Jan 29, 2010

I have 2 different datatables. 2 datatables from 2 different servers.

My first datatable is this:

SELECT DISTINCT, a.create_date, a.Modify_Date, a.Object_Id
FROM dbname.sys.objects a

and my 2nd datatable is the same, but from a different server connection string

SELECT DISTINCT, b.create_date, b.Modify_Date, b.Object_Id
FROM dbName.sys.objects b

Basically, I want to compare which procedures are on one server and not the other (dev and prod)

So after I have my 2 datatables i want to create a data relationship on the name and then do a left join to see whats in a and not b.

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DataSource Controls :: Filtering Data Based On Multiple Tables?

Mar 16, 2010

I am writting a directory website that advertises fitness classes. These classes are listed by Class Type, and Geographical Area. Each Class Type can satisfy one or more of four Fitness Goals such as Loose Weight etc...

I have a table for Classes (classid, classname, classdesc, classtypeid, geoareaid) I have a table for geographic areas (geoareaid, geoarea) And I have a table for ClassTypes (classtypeid, classtypename, classtypedesc)

Which obviously links geographic area via the classes.geoareaid as a forgien key and classtypes by classes.classtypeid as a forgien key.

I can list all classes by type and also by geo area no problem, the problem arrises when I then also want to filter by goal.

The Goals Table (goalid, goal, goaldesc) is linked to the classtypes table via another table classtypes_goals (classtypeid, goalid) as each classtype can satisfy any of the 4 goals.

I am using a DataSet to fetch the data from a Stored Procedure in the SQL Database but because the classtypes can be linked to multiple goals I am getting duplication in my list depending on how many goals a classtype satisfies.

All I need in my data list is class name, class type and area I don't even need to display the goal I just want a drop down above the table that will filter the list and show only classes of classtype that satisfy the goal chosen.

View 18 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Deleting Data From The Multiple SQL Tables With LINQ (C#)?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm looking for ideas on deleting data from the multiple SQL tables with LINQ (C#).

My existing solution does the following:

1. DeleteAllOnSubmit( Subset of the data from the child table)

2. DeleteAllOnSubmit( Subset of the data from another child table)

3. DeleteAllOnSubmit( Data from the parent table)

4. CommitChanges()

All this resides within a single method, which makes it ugly and not re-usable.

I have considered the following alternatives, but I decided not to use them:

1. Cascade delete on the tables.

2. Do a join on all tables from which I will remove the data, but I'm not sure yet whether I could pass a join query to DeleteAllOnSubmit().

3. Write stored procedure(s) to delete data from each table. I don't have the time to implement this due to a large number of tables and the time constraints.

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DataSource Controls :: Fill Data In SQLDataAdapter From Multiple Tables?

Jan 26, 2010

I'm using the following query as an SqlCommand:


It obviously doesn't work...what can I do? I cannot use the "Merge" method, because I am working with several tables in a single SELECT statment.

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DataSource Controls :: Unable To Retrieve Data From Two Tables While Using Inner Join?

May 25, 2010

I need to retirve data from two tables...when i click a value in dropdown list, i need to retrieve values from two tables based on that id( which i have selected in dropdown) when i have written query ( "Select assign_issue.issue_assigned_to, assign_issue.created_on,assign_issue.last_Date,
issue_register.issue_desc,issue_register.issue_Priority from assign_issue INNER JOIN Issue_register ON assign_Issue.Issue_ID = issue_register.Issue_ID where issue_register = '" + ddlissueid.selecteditem.text + "'")..query is executing ..when it comes to dr = cmd.executereader()..Dr is unable to is showing false when i trace..unable to read into while loop.

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DataSource Controls :: Reterive Data From Two Tables By Using This Stored Procedure?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm using below stored procedure to reterive data and i'm displaying it in datalist... Now i want to reterive data from two tables by using this stored procedure...collegedetails is my table name... I want data from coursedetails also.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SearchInstitute]
@startRowIndex int,
@Category varchar(500),
@inst_name varchar(500),
@course_name varchar(500),
@city varchar(500),
@pageSize int,
@totalCount int output
SET @totalCount = 0
SET @startRowIndex = @startRowIndex + 1
( SELECT distinct *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ArticleList.clgid DESC) as RowNum
Select distinct collegedetails.*
FROM collegedetails
WHERE category like '%' +@Category+ '%' OR inst_name like '%' +@inst_name+ '%' Or city like '%' +@city+ '%'
) as ArticleList
) as ArticleList1
WHERE RowNum BETWEEN @startRowIndex AND (@startRowIndex + @pageSize) - 1
SELECT distinct @totalCount = Count(clgId) FROM collegedetails WHERE category like '%' +@Category+ '%' OR inst_name like '%' +@inst_name+ '%' Or city like '%' +@city+ '%'

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Data Controls :: Display Data From Two Tables Into One Gridview Through Datasource

Feb 20, 2013

i have a problem in joining two tables the reason ismy first table persdata is having common field as pno (a single row in a particular person) and the second tables is also having pno(having muti entry for a person as this table is of qualification and a person may have more than 3 qualifications and their grading)sample persdata(table)pno name coy apptĀ sample qual(table)pno qual grading recommendationi tried my best to do it and not able to proceedi want the output in a single row as in persdata to a gridview with all the qual combined in one coloumn and all the recommendations combined in one coloumn for a person.

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Data Into Multiple Tables From A Single Web Form?

Jun 26, 2010

After creating a dataset, which has CRUD statements generated two or more tables, which Data Control should I use that will allow me to insert data into fields into 2 or more tables from a single web form. I'm trying to create a web form that will allow the user to input student information, such as general information, medical information, etc.

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DataSource Controls :: Batch Update A Dataset Table Which Data Are From Related Tables?

Jun 8, 2010

My dataset table data is from multiple tables (showing on a gridview),How to update the database tables using batch udpate on clicking submit, if the data is from a signle table, no problem, but I am not sure how to handle if the datais from mulitiple tables? If I have related tables, do I need put them in differet tables in the dataset?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Manage Condition In Presentation

May 29, 2010

I have a date base with a table named 'movies'. I want to take information on my database. I use a SQLDataSource. For my presentation, I use a repeater. Here is my code :


But if for exemple, 'champ1' is empty in my database, i don't want to print it in the result of my query ! But i can't arrive ...

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Data Controls :: Export GridView To PowerPoint Presentation (PPT)

Jan 24, 2016

I am displaying images on grid view control and I want to export these images on power point (.ppt) file how can I do this?

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Architecture :: Using Data Sources Vs. Using Data Access Layer To Populate Presentation Controls?

Mar 17, 2010

We are using a tierd design with a Data Access Layer and classes for everything we need. This serves as an advantage because we do not have to write querys over and we can separate the Presentation layer from the Data Access Layer and Business Rules.I have always in the past populated GridViews, DataLists, repeaters,etc with SqlDataSources. This is what I have become accustomed to and I feel like it is simple. For querys such as Select * from Members, I feel like using a DataSource is simpler than having to go in the code and calling methods to populate and DataBind these presentation controls.

I am working with a gentleman who has introduced me to the world of Data Access Layers and we are breaking everything down into simeple, but effective queries to populate controls and do what we need to accomplish with this application. He is not very approving of using any type of DataSource. We are disagreeing on the time and place to use these class methods to call the database.So my question is, which is more widely used in the programming world? Do most people use DataSources to populate presentation controls regardless of the Data Access Layer they are working with? Which type of queries are best suited for a DAL - simple, populating queries or complicated joins and upserts?

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