DataSource Controls :: Batch Update A Dataset Table Which Data Are From Related Tables?
Jun 8, 2010
My dataset table data is from multiple tables (showing on a gridview),How to update the database tables using batch udpate on clicking submit, if the data is from a signle table, no problem, but I am not sure how to handle if the datais from mulitiple tables? If I have related tables, do I need put them in differet tables in the dataset?
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Similar Messages:
Aug 25, 2010
I would like to update new records that get inserted in DataSet to Sql Server Database. Below is a working example of how to do this if you use "DataAdapter.Fill(ds)".
But i don't want to fill data, becouse i don't need data, i only need shema (I will use this dataset to insert new data to Sql), so i would like to use "DataAdapter.FillSchema(ds)"
View 4 Replies
Mar 24, 2010
i have this xml file which i read using the DataSet.ReadXml( path ) method . The tables created from the Xml file is Related in such a maner that each product has many options. Product is in one table and Options are in another.Now all i want to do is display the related tables in One Gridview. For your reference below is the products Xml file,
Now this is what i have done in the Code behind , have a look below
Now the Grid works Great if i want to Display Individual tables out from Dataset but not when they are related . Please do shine your Knowledge on what should be done to display Child ~ Master relationship. By the way , its a definite NO for someone who would show me that link from msdn about displaying XML data using Xmldatasource and gridview [That's a lousy way to display data]
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Nov 24, 2010
I have a problem in getting my gridview to update. The datasource gets its data from 2 related tables using the following select statement:
SELECT StudentSubject.StudentID, Students.[1stName], Students.Surname, Students.Grade, StudentSubject.Subject, StudentSubject.GradeOverall, StudentSubject.ReportYear, StudentSubject.ReportSession, StudentSubject.Criteria1Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria2Grade,
StudentSubject.Criteria3Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria4Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria5Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria6Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria7Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria8Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria9Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria10Grade, StudentSubject.Comment
FROM (Students INNER JOIN StudentSubject ON Students.StudentID = StudentSubject.StudentID)
WHERE (StudentSubject.Subject = ?) AND (StudentSubject.ReportYear = ?) AND (Students.Grade = ?) AND (StudentSubject.ReportSession = ?)
The ? stem from combo box controls which I use to filter the results So far so good!
However, when I try to update the data in just one of the tables, nothing happens, no error, just no update. The update statement I'm using is:
UPDATE StudentSubject SET GradeOverall = ?, Criteria1Grade = ?, Criteria8Grade = ?, Criteria7Grade = ?, Criteria6Grade = ?, Criteria5Grade = ?, Criteria4Grade = ?, Criteria3Grade = ?, Criteria2Grade = ?, Criteria9Grade = ?, Criteria10Grade = ?, Comment =?
WHERE (StudentID = ?) AND (Subject = ?) AND (ReportYear = ?) AND (ReportSession = ?)
I've tried this with a similar setup with just on table and it works fine.
<asp:AccessDataSource ID="DSGrid" runat="server"
DataFile="D:RW docsVisual Studio 2008WebSitesFellbach ReportsApp_DataReports - Copy.mdb"
SelectCommand="SELECT StudentSubject.StudentID, Students.[1stName], Students.Surname, Students.Grade, StudentSubject.Subject, StudentSubject.GradeOverall, StudentSubject.ReportYear, StudentSubject.ReportSession, StudentSubject.Criteria1Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria2Grade,
StudentSubject.Criteria3Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria4Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria5Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria6Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria7Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria8Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria9Grade, StudentSubject.Criteria10Grade, StudentSubject.Comment
FROM (Students INNER JOIN StudentSubject ON Students.StudentID = StudentSubject.StudentID) WHERE (StudentSubject.Subject = ?) AND (StudentSubject.ReportYear = ?) AND (Students.Grade = ?) AND (StudentSubject.ReportSession = ?)"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE StudentSubject SET GradeOverall = ?, Criteria1Grade = ?, Criteria8Grade = ?, Criteria7Grade = ?, Criteria6Grade = ?, Criteria5Grade = ?, Criteria4Grade = ?, Criteria3Grade = ?, Criteria2Grade = ?, Criteria9Grade = ?,
Criteria10Grade = ?, Comment = ? WHERE (StudentID = ?) AND (Subject = ?) AND (ReportYear = ?) AND (ReportSession = ?)">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ComboSubject" DefaultValue="German" Name="Subject" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ComboYear" DefaultValue="2010 - 2011" Name="ReportYear" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ComboGrade" DefaultValue="1a" Name="Grade" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String"/>
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ComboSession" DefaultValue="November" Name="ReportSession" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String"/>
<asp:AccessDataSource ID="DSGrid" runat="server"
View 10 Replies
Feb 25, 2010
I select few columns from table A in dataset. Example "EMP_ID","Name","Address","Phone_Number". I want to save data in this dataset into some other table B.
I want to save data from dataset into table B. But i want to have following functionality
1. Before saving a record from dataset to table B if that record if previously present in table B, if yes then check if any value are different, if yes then update that record with the record from dataset, if all the values are same then leave the records as is.
2. If the record is not present in table B then insert it new records in table B from dataset.
Is there any efficient way to implement in .NET C#.
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Mar 19, 2010
Let say you read a customer record into Customer object. Do it read all the related records across tables at the same time Or it only reads when you do from o in customerobject.orders
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Mar 14, 2010
1. As per my knowledge we use dataadapters/dataset when we want to deal with the huge amount of column/data. Is there anyway that if I want to update one or two columns in a table without using dataadapter/dataset?
2. There is a way that without clicking a button we can get the data using objectdatasource, I mean to say that there is no data in the code behind then how to debug if there is not data in in code behind.
View 6 Replies
May 17, 2010
I want to get record count from below example.
I made two tables. One is club_info and another one is club_members.
And each table has data like following
I want to get club_name and the member count for selected club_id and want to return the result as sqldatareader.
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Apr 23, 2010
I am having trouble inserting data into the table using dataset..following is my code:
The m_id is a primary key..I want to auto-increament it everytime a data is inserted into the table so I have configured (isIdentity) to Yes and Identity increament to "YES"..I don't know if its right or not..I already added some data manually into the table but now I want to add more data using the above code..but its not working..
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Mar 21, 2010
I've created a membership system based on 2. There are other tables that store user information, such as emails sent etc. I've created a users table based on the TableProfileProvider. My question is concerning deleting the member
Is it OK to delete the member from the aspnet_membership table and roles related tables using Membership.DeleteUser, though keep all the custom tables and the information including the information in the Users table created by the TableProfileProvider? or can you foresee problems?
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Jan 29, 2010
I have a dataset with 3 tables that are inner joined. Thsi dataset is connected to an object datasource which is connected to a gridview. So at runtime it displays data from the database. The problem is when I click on a save button to add information to the database it throughs me an error saying Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints. But if i have two tables in my dataset it works 100%. But the problem i need that 3 tables in order to pull the required information. And if i populate the gridview using code to select the information from the database and insert information it also works 100%.
View 3 Replies
Apr 10, 2010
How to return multiple tables to dataset. My code is
string q = "select job_title,primary_skill,description from T12_Company_AddRequirement where job_code='JB1';select count(p_status) from T12_SentDetails where job_code='JB1'and p_status='Technical 1';select count(p_status) from T12_SentDetails where job_code='JB1'and
p_status='Technical 2';select count(p_status) from T12_SentDetails where job_code='JB1'and p_status='Technical 3';select count(p_status) from T12_SentDetails where job_code='JB1'and p_status='HR'";
SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection(s);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(q, con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
Grid_description.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
Grid_description.DataSource = ds.Tables[1];
Grid_description.DataSource = ds.Tables[2];
Grid_description.DataSource = ds.Tables[3];
Grid_description.DataSource = ds.Tables[4];
This code is returning error.
View 9 Replies
Apr 1, 2010
Im Inserting data into database table with the help of datasets but its not inserting to table and even its not showing errors.
this is my code....
View 3 Replies
Apr 29, 2010
I have a dataset that comprises of multiple tables (about 20) linked together with constraints to reflect the relational database. My question(s):
1) Will having multiple tables affect performance? I'm asking this as there are often times I would not need to get data for all the tables, but only for specific tables.
2) If it does affect performance, would breaking up the tables into their own datasets be the best solution. It seems to me that by doing that, you would lose the ability to apply constraints among tables and tables that might exist in multiple datasets will be subjected to replication.
I would like to have everything in one dataset as I get a view of the related tables and their relationships and also because the Fill method allow me to fill tables, maintaining the hierarchy of the data, but performance is still a key factor.
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Jun 27, 2010
how can i get a single row from strongly typed dataset table data adapter in c#?
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Jan 4, 2010
I have a datalist and it contains a checkbox bound to a boolean value. I need to be able to scroll through the list, click on the appropriate checkboxes, and then update all using the button control. The only value in the sql table that needs updating is the checkbox, although other values are displayed. What is the simpliest way to do this. My code behind is C#. This is what I have now and it all works except for the actual update method being called correctly.
In code behind my click event:
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Jun 18, 2010
how to copy from one table to another table in dataset using c#
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Dec 21, 2010
I have a detailsview, template as follows:
Codebehind: creating dataset, getting data from sql with adaptor and filling into dataset object, then setting detailsview's datasource.
I add 2 button to above template to able to edit data at asp page, and added event handlers:buttons:
My question is, what to do inside the detailsview update event function to able to edit and update data. My method can be wrong too.
View 7 Replies
Apr 1, 2010
I'm fairly new to and I'm trying get my arms around the data entry and update. I have created a nice data entry formusing a stored procedure. It works well but for a test database, it's pretty much overkill, but worthwell in learning how. I'm going through the ADO.NET quick start tutorial and I've ran across a couple of questions that I've not be able to answer. In my website,I'm wanting to edit the database by creating a separate form that is filled with the existing database information for that particular id. My main question is how to I take the information from the dataset and get it into my form. The code below is not fillingmy form. Not sure what I should be using here:
View 3 Replies
Mar 30, 2010
I have- empId - PK, CurrentUserId in one table,mpId- FK in other i want to get empId of related currentUserId ,and want to add empId in other table having FK,using Repository,what will be in create method?
View 4 Replies
Jan 23, 2010
I want to reformat one column in database. So that I've used strong typed dataset by drag and drop in VS 2008. When I've already updated all data in dataset, I call method update() of table adapter to perform update my modified data of dataset into database. But it doesn't work.
Below is my code
The RemoveWhiteSpace(string input) is my function to remove special characters from dataset.
View 2 Replies
Apr 9, 2010
I'm returning one table. My understanding is that a DataSet can be made of more than one DataTable. I also understand that I can use either of these to return my one table.
Is it better to use the DataTable when I have one table to return instead of a DataSet? Is there any advantage of not using the DataSet in a situation like this? Is there a disadvantage to using the DataSet when only one table is being returned? Does this even matter?
View 6 Replies
May 3, 2010
I have a table that contains item data. If the item is a particular type further information exists to describe the item. The additional information isn't that heavy however the number of records in relation to the main file will be quite small (less than
So I have 2 scenarios:1) Put the additional data in the main table and take tha hit on storage
2) Create an additional table and link the 2 together
If we were talking huge amounts of data I can understand that 2) would be the obvious choice but given the simplicity should 1) be a consideration?
If 2) is the answer - is it possible to create a dependency between the 2 tables when the item is 'that' particular type. In other words wnsure the addition data is populated for the required items and not others.
View 1 Replies
Jun 1, 2010
My stored Procedure returns two tables say table1 and table2. When I try to fill the dataset, table1 is filling properly and table2 filling only one row of the table remaining rows coming empty. There is no error when I compile the code. And the output is an empty page.
Here the code I've used
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("TABL", cn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataAdapter dad = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
GridView1.DataSource = ds;
View 5 Replies
Apr 23, 2010
This may not be the correct place to put this as it is both a stored procedure AND Visual Studio 2008 problem.
I have the following stored procedure:
I have been mokeying around with it because of what is happening. I have a dataset, call it dataset1. I drag this stored procedure onto the dataset. I EXPECT a datatable to appear, instead the data set adds this store procedure to the queries table adapter and sets the exec mode to 'NonQuery' which unless I am very mistaken, means "don't expect a dataset back from this' when in fact you DO expect a dataset back from this.
The SQL server is a Windows 2000 Server running SQL 2000. It has never caused us a moments grief since we set it up oh-so-many years ago.
If I connect to a different database and drag a query into the same dataset I get a datatable as I expect. I cannot see where / how this procedure could be wrong. The query when executed returns exactly the data I expect, in the format I expect (looks like a table, acts like a table in the Query analyzer).
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