DataSource Controls :: Trigger On View Updates Multiple Table?
Jun 23, 2010
I have Tables customer (Customerid),Product(Productid),Order(orderid). i have created view Customerid,Productid,orderid . is it posssible that if i insert value in view it will get inserted in table itself. can i do it in MS SQL SERVER
Does SQL Server 2008 have a built in way to log all inserts, updates and deletes on a table?The updates, inserts, deletes would come from an 3.5 webpage using SQLDataSources.If so how would I attach the UserID of the website to the database changes logs?
I am trying to use SqlDependencyCache buthave come across a problem that I wouldn't have thought was unique. We have a InformationDatabase which uses a combination of its own tables and views to other databases on the same server. One of these views points to our HRDataWarehouse database. My stored procedure obviously uses this view to get its information but because the table change is happening on the HRDataWarehouse table the notification is not being sent to my app and as a consequence the cache is not removed.
Is there a tidy way of doing this or do I need to create a trigger to update a table in my informationdatabase and then have a listener on this with a removecache callback delegate added to the cache object?
I am creating an online employment application, and instead of creating a table with 20 columns for job duties that may or may not receive values, I simply want to create 3 columns
ApplicantID EmployerName (Name of Work history Employer) JobDuty
I want to create a form on a page with 10 textboxes so the applicant can type in some job duties they had at that job.
Is there a way in C# or SQL to then cycle through and insert the textbox values as separate rows?
I would like to know which one is better, table-valued function or View, in terms of perfomance.Earlier I have created view which is performing cross join (which takes time) and 2/3 Left outer join and it's taking time. To reduce execution time I have created table-valued function with parameter to reduce cross join execution time and it returns the same result as view.Just give me an idea about table-valued function and View, in terms of perfomance. Which one is better?
An option to add a range of computers based on tag numbers, for instance, user input 800101 and 800110 would add computers SYS800101, SYS800102, SYS800103, SYS 800104, SYS800105, SYS800106, SYS800107, SYS800108, SYS800109, and SYS800110. Currently the app adds a single computer at a time.
Here I am using ASP.NET using C# and my backend in active directory.
Is it possible in to set up an SQL table column to have multiple values? Or would I have to put my values into a new table and link it to the original one?
I want to select data from a table where the user can search by 3 options; date, keyword, and type. The date will always be either today or a user chosen date. The keyword can be null or something the user inputs. The type will be chosen from a drop down and can be all or a specific category. I know how to search the date, but the other two create complications. I have created a stored procedure trying to figure this out:
Is there a way to say if the keyword is null then don't use it as a search criteria. If that is possible then type can use that same logic I suppose.
In general, If multiple users thru an application try to update the same tables in database simultaneously, then by default on what basis the priority will be given.Like if we don't have any extra logic for the locking implemented.
I'm trying to figure out how to update multiple rows in my Directory table, when a user changes their Street Number or Street Name in their profile. They can add multiple users to a directory and each user they add to the directory has this primary users UserId in it. So if the primary user changes their address, I want it to update the address for all the users they listed in the directory as well. I'm adding this to the On_Click in the Code Behind, so when they click to update their profile, it fires this function as well. This code may be way off, but here's what I have right now:
I have read up on uploading multiple images and storing them to a file but so far i am only able to store one image into both file and into database. The problem i have is that i don't know how to create the table to store more than one image?
I've have to delete multiple rows from database in a table . Which is the best way to delete data to optimize performance of sql server as well as
I have GridView that is bound to an ObjectDataSource and within that GridView I have CheckBox, DropDownList, TextBox and Label controls. All the controls except the CheckBoxs are working like a champ or normal display and Delete (Insert is handled outside the GridView, it works also). The CheckBox values are passed into the update method for the ObjectDataSource as type byte. Without doing any custom coding the CheckBoxs were always unchecked (regardless of the data being 1 or 0) and when I edit a row in the GridView and saved the values the CheckBox controls would always be 0 even if the check boxes where checked. After searching web I found a suggestion to change the binding on the CheckBox controls from, Bind("Monday") to this, CheckUncheck(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Monday")) with CheckUncheck being a method to make 0 or null = false and 1 = true. This seemed to the do the trick and it set the CheckBoxs correctly in the DataGrid, I was giving myself high-fives, until I tried to update a row.
When doing the update, as with my first attempt, it would always set the CheckBox values to 0, thus ignoring the checked property of the CheckBox. So I search the web again and found a suggestion to handle the update manually, due to the binding being one way. So I created a myUnhappyGrid_RowUpdating event handler and changed all the columns in the GridView to template so I could do the old school .FindControl on them and grab the values. Once I was able to grab the values from the row to be updated I added them to the ObjectDataSource .UpdateParameters and called ObjectDataSource.Update() and it worked, kind of. Now came the next trial, it did the update into the database just fine and I was happy, until. I finished stepping though the code. As I stepped through the code the update on the ObjectDataSource got called two more times, thus undoing what I had just spent hours fixing. First, is the road traveled the right way to do it? Second, if I am on the correct road how can I suppress the additional two updates that follow my manual .update call on the ObjectDataSource?
I have been google some but I canīt find any solution that have been worked for me. I do use System.Net.mail on my site to send emails to individual employes. Now I would like to be able to email all emplyees. The emplyees email address is stored in a MS SQL table. Is it possible to make a BCC email to all employees in that table?
I've requirement where user can enter multiple columns like first name, lastname, email, age, sex fields and insert them into database.on my frontend aspx page, i'll be showing a single row initially with 5 text boxes(first name, lastname, email, age, sex) and a button to add more columns. when user clicks on add more, another 5 textboxes will be shown and then i'll be taking 5 + 5 (textbox values) and comma seperate them and need to insert into a table with primary auto increment key ID and the remaining 5 columns(firstname, lastname, email, age, sex). I previously worked on the same requirmeent but with only single column. Now i need to insert for 5 columns, How can i do this? Below is my stored proc which i used for single column insertion.
I have a gridview with multiple checkboxes, sometimes 40+. I want the checkboxes to call a .net function in the code behind when clicked. Normally this would be simple if the checkboxes were outside of the gridview. But because they are in the gridview and I don't know how many there are, I don't know their id's before runtime.
I am at the point right now that when you click a checkbox, a jQuery script returns the id and value of the checkbox. Unfortunately, I don't know how to pass the value to a function - that will in turn update another gridview. AFAIK my only option is to get the id's of the controls (checkboxes) before page load and to programatically add then to the update trigger portion of the update panel. Is there any other way to say 'if any checkboxes are clicked, run this'?
I'm using the ASP.Net Membership provider, but I don't want to allow system administrators to DELETE any users. Instead, I simply want to mark them as locked out (aspnet_Membership.IsLockedOut) of the system so they can't log in when an administrator assigns them to a role titled "Inactive". Make sense? Right now my trigger isn't throwing any errors, but it's not working either. Here's my trigger (which is on the aspnet_UsersInRoles table):
I M little bit confuse that Presently i m using SQL server 2005 and for data access i m using Store procedure but now i want to use trigger first thing about trigger is:-
1. what is the benefit of using trigger over store procedure?
2. Is Performance is effected if i use trigger i mean that is my site work fast or is it much secure.
I have a page that displays a grid view based on a query string. When I click the edit button I need to send the grid view into edit mode based on the query string. I have this so far:
When I requested the page the first time, the grid view displayed properly, and when I clicked the edit link button, it did trigger the update mode. However, I can't get the cancel mode to operate properly; in other words, cancel never sends it back to normal mode, as a result, with each new page request, I'm always stuck on the last edited record.