DataSource Controls :: Access To Page Based On Creator?
Jun 21, 2010
I want the creator of a row in the database to be able to enter and edit as well as members of a certain group, i have this string of data for the final part.
string isRsoString = Session["isRsoAdmin"].ToString();
if (isRsoString == "0")
How do i get it to check if its the creator of the row? the creators username is stored in the table under the column RequesterName
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[CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<siteMap xmlns="" >
<siteMapNode url="default.aspx" title="Home" description="Home">
<siteMapNode title="sales Data" description="sales Data">
<siteMapNode url="salesData.aspx" title="sales Data" description="sales Data" />
[Code] ....
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Jun 17, 2010
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I have a GridView with a template column with a hyperlink to "Get Results" and on the RowDataBound event I have it check the batch number against the database and see if results exist and then if they don't, hide the link.
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However, how do I now access the OrganisationID property of an "Organisation" type session variable (called "Organisation")? I have tried this, which does not seem to work: <asp:SessionParameter Name="OrganisationID" SessionField="Organisation.OrganisationID" Type="Int32" />
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I have a database table with three columns of interest
slottypekey (integer)
taskkey (integer)
permission (string)
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I would like to write a function that has input parameters of slottypekey and taskkey
and that returns the associated permission. What is the best way to do this?
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May 24, 2010
This is my Table Structure....
OrderNo Itemcode Name AQty BQty
AB1 001 A 50 60
AB1 002 B 50 50
AB1 003 C 50 40
AB1 004 D 100 120
AB1 005 E 100 100
AB1 006 F 100 80
AB2 007 B 100 95
I need The first resultset/Output like This....
OrderNo Itemcode Name AQty BQty Total
AB1 001 A 50 60 -10
AB1 004 D 100 120 -20
I need The Second resultset/Output like This....
OrderNo Itemcode Name AQty BQty Total
AB1 003 C 50 40 10
AB1 006 F 100 80 20
AB2 007 B 100 95 05
I dont need To show 002,005 coz itz Total is zero(0). Herr i need to show Record Based on OrderNo...
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Mar 22, 2010
I am probably doing this wrong but I want to take all words entered in to a text box and return all records that contain any or all of the words. Can any one point me in the right direction?
protected void ldsGvFaqs_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
if (txbSearch.Text.Length > 0)
string temp = string.Empty;
string[] words = txbSearch.Text.Split(' ');
int counter = words.Length;
foreach (var word in words)
temp += "Tags.Contains('" + word + "')";
counter -= 1;
if (counter > 0)
temp += " || ";
ldsGvFaqs.Where = temp;
But I get the following error, Character literal must contain exactly one character.
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Jun 7, 2010
This is my table stucture...
This is first table...
ItemNo refno Process Name Qty
001 1 A John 50
001 2 A Jon 150
002 3 B
Kalis 100
003 4 A
Bob 300
Second Table
ItemNo Newrefno Process Name Qty
001 001 ZZ peter 50
001 001/a ZkZ Joe 70
002 002 Ab Ray 100
Result Set
001 A John 200 001/a ZZ ZkZ peter joe 50 70
002 B
Kalis 100 002 Ab Null Ray Null 100 Null
003 A
Bob 300 null null null null null null null
Here first row of the result set explanation:
up to this 001 A John 200 based on first table sum...
and 001/a zz ZkZ peter joe 50 70
here 001/a newrefno of 001 so i need to show all the ItemNo 001 record in one row like the above resultset.
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May 16, 2010
ive a DB in access with a single table and no primary key, actually i dont need a primary key but i can consider a date field plus another to make an index. however i want to add a counter field based on every change of date field, for instance ill have many records of 20/May and all must have the same id then when the date is different, the next group of records with that new date must show 2 etc.. is it a quick way to update my database?
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Jul 8, 2010
I need to retrieve data based on 3 different selections(current year, 5 years, 10 years). If the user select current year, then I need to pull data with the most up to date year, if the user selects 5 years, then I need to pull data for 5 years from the most up to date year in database. I am trying to accomplish this in sql due to using object DataTables in 3.5. I am able to do this with separate queries but I need to accomplish this with one query. I was going to use CASE statements but not really sure if I am approaching this correctly.
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Mar 4, 2010
(1) "...this application is a very heavy SQL application, it does not perform a session based SQL connection, instead for every request it refers back to the base confirmation file on the web server and then opening or making a new SQL request the result being a very chatty SQL client!"(2)..." concerns specifically relating to the chattiness of the SQL client app. Please be cautious when "testing" the product for it may have a negative effect even on [the] faster WAN links"C. Example of Code(1) from a class helper file:
public Product GetProductByName(string name)
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Apr 5, 2010
I have a web form with two drop downs.I want the gridView to display the data based on one or the other.The user can then select a record to be displayed in a detail view.This method works as long as I am only viewing the data.If the user edits the data in the detail View and then updates the detail view when the page reloads the grid goes blank.I have traced the code and there is data in the query after the update but the select statement for the LinqDataSource is overriding the code in the lqGrid_Selecting.I can make the above scenario work using SqlDataSources,but I thought LinqDataSources were the way of the future.
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Mar 10, 2010
I am upgrading and re designing my current ASP.NET 2.0 website to ASP.NET 3.5 to take advantage of the 3.5 feature set.As part of the re design I am going to use Linq to SQL classes.
The web based application I am working on is an N-Tier application. In the past I have always used an ObjectDataSource when binding against UI controls.I just read an article about the LinqDataSource.After reading this article I am toying with the idea of using the LinqDataSource for selecting data into controls where I only want to select and not change the data (i.e. drop down list boxes or gridviews that don't perform inserts,updates or deletes).Before I go down this path,I was wondering if this is a bad idea and that I should just stick with the ObjectDataSource?
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Jul 8, 2010
I am having a staff table which contain staff information on it. To search staff information from the table, I want to prefer filter style. For example in the select query I want to display staff information according to three criterias. Select staff information from all sections, Select staff information from a given section, select staff information by a given Name. All these selects must be performed in a single select statement. Suppose,
SELECT * FROM StaffDetailsTbl
ELSE SectionID = @SectionFilter
ELSE Name Like '%@NameFilter%'
Where Declared variables are parameterized stored procedure values retrieved from the user.
View 2 Replies
Aug 26, 2010
I have a gridview, based on thsi datasource:
Using a dropdownlist, I can filter (by changing datasource) the results based on customer names in a dropdownlist. This datasource, working perfectly, looks like this:
Now, using a textbox and a ajax calendar, I would like to be able to filter on the date as well, but my datasource so far:
doesn't work very good. In some case sit doesnt show anything, in onther situations - with 10 records for a given date, it only shows one.
Question one: How do I make the last datasource work? Its probably - again-again - something with the datetime formats, but for the life of me, I can't see how to do.
Question two: The Ideal solution would be using the first datasource, SqlDataSourceAllLoads, and then be able to filter the results with filterexpressions/parameters, but again, how? The filterparameters would origin from a DropDownListKunder, matching the tblDeliveredInfo.deliveryInfo_FirmaNavn as seen in the second datasource, while the date comes from the textbox txtStartDate (databinding fired by a button).
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Mar 16, 2010
I am writting a directory website that advertises fitness classes. These classes are listed by Class Type, and Geographical Area. Each Class Type can satisfy one or more of four Fitness Goals such as Loose Weight etc...
I have a table for Classes (classid, classname, classdesc, classtypeid, geoareaid) I have a table for geographic areas (geoareaid, geoarea) And I have a table for ClassTypes (classtypeid, classtypename, classtypedesc)
Which obviously links geographic area via the classes.geoareaid as a forgien key and classtypes by classes.classtypeid as a forgien key.
I can list all classes by type and also by geo area no problem, the problem arrises when I then also want to filter by goal.
The Goals Table (goalid, goal, goaldesc) is linked to the classtypes table via another table classtypes_goals (classtypeid, goalid) as each classtype can satisfy any of the 4 goals.
I am using a DataSet to fetch the data from a Stored Procedure in the SQL Database but because the classtypes can be linked to multiple goals I am getting duplication in my list depending on how many goals a classtype satisfies.
All I need in my data list is class name, class type and area I don't even need to display the goal I just want a drop down above the table that will filter the list and show only classes of classtype that satisfy the goal chosen.
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May 18, 2010
Here is the query I have now which returns over 2 million records:
This works, but the result is littered with many rows that contain the same SSN. So how do I return only one row for each ssn? I cant use distinct because all of the other columns are already always different, this would return the same as above.
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Apr 27, 2010
How To Compare Two Tables Qty Based On Purchase and Sales?
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