DataSource Controls :: How To Pass A Variable To SqlDataAdapter

Jan 28, 2010

Would anyone know how to pass a variable to SqlDataAdapter. Here is my code.

TextBox1.Text = 1
Dim textboxval
textboxval = TextBox1.Text
connection.Open()Using connection
New SqlConnection("Data Source=CHRIS-PCSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TorGHL;Integrated Security=True")
Dim dapubcb
New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT [BarName], [MenuSubId], [Address], [PhoneNo], [BarURL], [Email]
[BarDescription], [Id], [bg_long], [bg_lat] FROM [BarDetails] WHERE [MenuSubId] = texboxval ", connection)

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DataSource Controls :: How To Pass Variable To ObjectDataSource

Sep 10, 2010

I have an objectDataSource which uses my stored procedure GetNotifications

And my GridView is bound to that objectDataSource

the only problem is that my stored procedure requires the variable @UserName and then returns the values for that username, but I do not know how to pass the variable to the objectDataSource, does anyone know the code for this?

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Data From SqlDataSource And Pass To A Variable?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a page in my website where there is very little code-behind. I only have two lines of code in Page_Load() and the rest of the code is declarative ASP.NET code. I have a FormView control which uses a SqlDataSource to get some order information. The SqlDataSource calls a stored procedure called usp_GetOrderDetails, here's the code for the SqlDataSource:



What I want is to grab the screenshotId from the SqlDataSource when the usp_GetOrderDetails stored proc gets called and populate it into a field on the page called screenshotId. I then want to use this screenshotId to get an image from the database based on Id. populating the screenshotId field. How do I do this - do I need to have something like OnDataBound or something like that?

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DataSource Controls :: SQLDataAdapter Parameter?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Add Rows To Datatable And Use Sqldataadapter Update Method

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to add new rows to a data table and then use the sqldataadapter update method bu fund some problems. First, I written this code:


Excuse me but the most part of variable are in italian, however I think it is possible to understand how does it work. If I execute this code I obtain this error:

System.InvalidOperationException: Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows.

After this I added these lines of code just above the last line:

SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter);
adapter.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand;

and I obtained this error:

Cannot convert method group 'GetInsertCommand' to non-delegate type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand'. Did you intend to invoke the method?

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DataSource Controls :: Fill Data In SQLDataAdapter From Multiple Tables?

Jan 26, 2010

I'm using the following query as an SqlCommand:


It obviously doesn't work...what can I do? I cannot use the "Merge" method, because I am working with several tables in a single SELECT statment.

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DataSource Controls :: SqlDataAdapter.Fill(StartRecord,MaxRecords, DataTable)?

Jun 8, 2010

In am using following code for paging purpose in to reduce the load of reading all the records from the database.

SqlDataAdapter.Fill(StartRecord,MaxRecords, DataTable);

I want to know whether this code Get all data from data base and filter the records in application or just fetch the needed records only.

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DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedures & SqlDataAdapter Not Updating A Calendar Control?

Aug 24, 2010

I have a database linked to a calendar. I had a peice of code that retrieved dates from a database and populated the calendar. I wanted to tidy up my code using stored procedures (they seem neater & i assume there's a benefit somewhere). so i came up with this, however it's not working. The calendar displays, but it's not being populated with the database entries. The SqlCommand & SqlParameter I have working elsewhere in my code; as with the SqlDataAdapter (which also worked before i tried to conver to a storedprocedure!) but combining these three (SqlCommand, SqlParameter & SqlDataAdapter) seem to be causing me problems.It's probably something stupid but if someone could take a look and point me in the right direction,



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DataSource Controls :: SQLDataAdapter Postback / Create A Class, DataCommon, To Contain All SQL Data Manipulation Functions?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm trying to create a class, DataCommon, to contain all my SQL Data manipulation functions. I've created a Subroutine called Init that initializes a SQLDataAdapter:


From my other classes I am creating an instance of DataCommon, calling Init, and calling another subroutine in DataCommon that pulls data from SQL and loads the data into my dataset. This part is working great -- no problems at all. I'm loading three different Datatables in the Dataset with no issues.

At this point, I'll perform my various manipulations on the datatables -- add/delete/modify rows -- again with no problems. All of this is creating postbacks...and this is where my problem begins. After I've done all my manipulations to the data and am ready to update my SQL tables, I have to re-initialize my SQLDataAdapter. I thought I could do something like:

But I get the error: Exception inserting Class. Thread was being aborted.

In my initial data load from SQL, each datatable is getting loaded from a single SQL table, so I was hoping to use the autogenerated Update/Insert/Delete statements by the SQLDataAdapter. As a test, as soon as I filled the dataset initially, I added a new row to one of the datatables and used the SQLDataAdapter.Update() method before a postback occurred, and it worked perfectly.

So, with all that being said, I guess my question is, how do I reconnect the table mappings between my SQLDataAdapter and dataset to autogenerate the updates after a postback occurs? I've tried researching this, but I get confused after reading about FillSchema vs TableMappings vs everything else I've read about.

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DataSource Controls :: Merge Two Sets Of Data From A SqlDataAdapter And An OleDataAdapter And Then Populate A Gridview On A Button Click?

Jun 4, 2010

trying to merge two sets of data from a SqlDataAdapter and an OleDataAdapter and then populate a gridview on a button click. If I run just the SqldataAdapter on its own the grid populates as expected. This also applies to the OleDataAdapter. The problem arises when I try to merge the two. I get an empty table, hence dt3 is not populating. The code i'm using is below.Does anyone know why this doesn't work?


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Custom Server Controls :: Pass A Variable Through A Parameter?

Jan 26, 2010

This may be elementary user control stuff, but I can't get it to work.

How can I pass the Membership.GetUser.UserName variable (or any variable) through a user control parameter at load time?


The only thing that I was able to do was to create the User Control object in the code behind and then add it to the page. Although that works, it doesn't seem like the correct way to program.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Variable With Repeater Hyperlink URL

Jan 15, 2010

I query the database to get the VideoName and VideoURL of the videos held in my database (Videos saved on the file system with their location stored in the database) then bind the query results to a repeater with the following code

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Variables declaration
string strConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["vidConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(strConnString);
SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT [VideoName], [VideoURL] FROM [Video]");
SqlDataReader sqlReader;
sqlcmd.Connection = sqlConn;
sqlReader = sqlcmd.ExecuteReader();
VideoRepeater.DataSource = sqlReader;

and put a hyperlink into the repeater to list all the VideoName's this works fine but I want to pass the VideoURL to the next page I am using NavigateUrl="PlayVideo.aspx?VideoURL='<%# Eval("VideoURL") %>'" but when I try and load the Page I get the error saying The server tag is not well formed. the whole repeater code is

<asp:Repeater ID="VideoRepeater" runat="server" >
<asp:HyperLink ID="VideoLink" NavigateUrl="PlayVideo.aspx?VideoURL='<%# Eval("VideoURL") %>'" runat="server"><%# Eval("VideoName") %></asp:HyperLink>

I'm sure i've just got the hyperlink navigateURL wrong put not sure how else to pass the VideoURL variable

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Variable(s) To GridView HyperLinkField's NavigateUrl?

Aug 3, 2010

For example:

<asp:HyperLinkField Text="Edit" NavigateUrl="EditPage.aspx?var1=Variable1&var2=Variable2" />

I realize this can't be done through the page's mark up, at least I think this is so, but if someone could explain the easiest way the concept could work I'd be very appreciative. Basically, I just need a user to be redirected to a page with more than one variable in the url. If you are unclear with what I'm asking don't hesitate to ask me to explain a little better.

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DataSource Controls :: Variable Connection String Parameter In A DataSource Control

May 20, 2010

I have several web forms which use a GridView linked to a DataSource control which is defined at design time as follows:

connectionstring="<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:PgSqlConnection %>"
providername="<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:PgSqlConnection.ProviderName %>" >

As you can see, the connectionstring parameter is defined to a specific connection string name and I need to be able to set such a parameter to a different value, for example, to a session variable content.

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DataSource Controls :: Access Property Of Object As Session Variable As Declarative Datasource Parameter Value

Oct 27, 2010

I am storing a custom "Organisation" object as a session variable. One of the properties of the Organisation object is "OrganisationID" (integer). I have a DataSource that requires a parameter value to run, and I want to use a SessionParameter to populate this. In a previous version, I stored the OrganisationID directly as a session variable. In that case, I could easily access it like this:


However, how do I now access the OrganisationID property of an "Organisation" type session variable (called "Organisation")? I have tried this, which does not seem to work: <asp:SessionParameter Name="OrganisationID" SessionField="Organisation.OrganisationID" Type="Int32" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass A Variable From Listview Control To A Sub In Visual Basic?

Jan 14, 2010

I'm trying to pass a value (address) from a listview control using visual basic to a google map address control on the page load event. Here is the code I have so far in vb:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'Pass address from Listview to Googlemap address
GoogleMap1.Address = ???
GoogleMap1.Zoom = "14"
GoogleMap1.ShowScaleControl = True
GoogleMap1.EnableInfoWindow = True


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Data Controls :: Send (Pass) GridView Row Values To Next Page Using Session Variable

Nov 6, 2013

i have a gridview with link button and one field called "ID" i have five values....when i click the link button that row value ill show in next page in textboxes ,txtid, txtage, txtsalary,......... if i click that link button that "Id" values should pass to next page using "SESSION" variable in

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Pass Session Variable As A Parameter To Inline Function Written Inside A Repeater

Jun 26, 2010

I am working with a repeater control for a reporting purpose.

I have 2 repeaters one inside another , i hvae to bind the second repeater with the help of function which is having two parameters to pass in it

runat ="server"
DataSource ='<%#bindcourse(Eval("Session_Id"),2nd parameter)%>'>

the first parameter is i am easily getting from outer repeater, but the second parameter value is exist on the server side and in a session variable

i have to pass this server side session variable value in above mentioned function as a second parameter .

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Data Controls :: How To Modify Static Variable At Runtime To Pass Data From One Form To Another

Apr 16, 2014

I have using Static Variable  in My project.i want Change Static variable value because of transfer the value b/w two  Forums... and I want Change value at run time...provide solution

Or else Any other way transfer value b/w two forms......

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DataSource Controls :: Database Name As A Variable?

Apr 8, 2010

Is it possible to use a database name as a variable in a SP?I use a separate database for each custromer.I also use a master database that keeps database name, ID, and Password.I then want to generate an SQL select against the appropriate Database based on the userID and password (for an XML REsponse)is this possible?Set @DBName as varchar(50)Select * from @DBName.dbo.tablename where bla bla blaNote: that the actual select is about 150 lines with multiple sub selects

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How To Pass A Variable To A Query

Jan 28, 2011

I want to enter a url of the form [URL] and pass the "MC001" to a query string.

the query string I have now is:

qry = "SELECT QRID, QRContent FROM " & tablename & WHERE QRID= '" & request.querystring() & "'"

Why does this not work?

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Pass An Asp Variable To A Selectcommand?

Apr 8, 2010

I am trying to pass a variable "PIN2" that I am retrieving like below to a SelectCommand statement in a asp SqlDataSource tag

Dim PIN As String = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")
Dim PIN2 As String = Right(PIN, 6)

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C# - Pass The Variable Into The Function Via Url?

May 14, 2010

I have designed a page which create graphs. I have written a class file (which contain a function to render the graph,a function for entering data named insertdata(string[] s,double[] d)) in App_code folder. I pass the value into the insertdata during page load_event. I saw a feature of googlechart.when you pass the value in url address bar it will create a graph according to that passed value. how can i pass the value into the insertdata() function through url address?

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DataSource Controls :: Passing A Variable In A SelectCommand?

Jul 7, 2010

I am trying to pass a variable within a selectcommand statment in ASP.NET and I have researched online how to do it but I can't seem to find a way to do it...What I am trying to do is write a code for a web page that will display a page with useful links on it where the links are separated into different topics and where everything is dynamically grabbed from a database. This is what I have so far:

<!-- Start MainContentRegion -->
<h1>Useful Links</h1>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"


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DataSource Controls :: Appending Some Variable To SQL Query?

Jan 21, 2010

I want query like this

declare @stateQuery as nvarchar(200)
if @stateid is null
set @stateQuery=''
if @stateid is not null
set @stateQuery='and tbl_city.stateid ='+cast(@stateid as nvarchar(10))
set @length=(select top 1 len(dbo.Tbl_city.cityName) FROM dbo.tbl_city INNER JOIN tbl_cityinfonew ON dbo.tbl_city.cityId = tbl_cityinfonew.cityId where (tbl_cityinfonew.language =@language )+cast( @stateQuery as nvarchar(100)) order by tbl_cityinfonew.createdate desc)

I don't want to use the exec @string.

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