DataSource Controls :: Import Data From Dataset To Excel File?

Feb 2, 2010

I got data retrieved from Sql DB in a 3 different dataset. I need to get all data from

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Feb 7, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Import Excel Sheet Data Into Dataset Or Gridview And Save To DB?

Mar 2, 2011

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CREATE TABLE [dbo].['Working DB edits$'] (
[Comments/Notes] nvarchar(255),
[Category] nvarchar(255),
[Sub-Category] nvarchar(255),
[Sub-Cat2] nvarchar(255),
[Course No] nvarchar(255),
[Course Title] nvarchar(255),
[Curricula] nvarchar(255),
[Certification] nvarchar(255),
[Cert Exp] nvarchar(255),
[Delivery Type] nvarchar(255),
[Owner] nvarchar(255),
[Learning Rqst Mgr] nvarchar(255),
[PreReq#] nvarchar(255),
[Duration (hrs)] float,
[Min Attendance] nvarchar(255),
[Max Attendance] nvarchar(255),
[Objectives] nvarchar(255),
[Description] nvarchar(max),
[Competencies] nvarchar(255),
[Target Audience] nvarchar(255),
[Equivalents] nvarchar(255),
[Expiration] nvarchar(255),
[Evidence of Training] nvarchar(255),
[Refer# Matls] nvarchar(255),
[Price] float,
[Instructor] nvarchar(255),

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May 20, 2010

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Databases :: Import Data From Text Or Excel File?

Feb 8, 2011

I am working on a C# web application under visual studio 2005.

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Feb 19, 2010

I'm writing my web application in VB. Is there any way to allow the user to import data from a .CSV file at runtime - that is dynamically? I intend to have the table structures in place, then just have it such that they can append or replace the data that currently exists in the system.

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Mar 12, 2011

I have a GridView populated by an ObjectDataSource. I also have several DropDownLists filtering the ObjectDataSource. I found a link providing a way to export a DataSet (or DataTable) to Excel here:

ow I can ensure that filters applied to the ObjectDataSource when the method is called are applied. In short, how can I ensure what the UI is displaying is what the file will include when exported?

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Oct 7, 2010

I have been trying to import from an Excel file and insert it into a table. I can upload the Excel file. I can view the Excel file in a grid But when I run the import process to insert the rows in the Excel file I get only one row and it has all nulls except the dateentered and entered by field. I added breakpoints and tried setting a couple of the fields to labels and I could see that data was getting to the reader.

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Web Forms :: Import Excel File Into Sql

Jan 21, 2010

Below is my existing import. Well what is happending is I am loosing the users ability to post the excel fiel to the web server and then import it from there. I need to import the excel file directly from their local folders. SO they need to be able to pick it from there my documents and import the file into sql. IS this possible? An how can I change my code to allow them to pick the file and then import it. Still working in 1.1.


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Feb 10, 2010

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1.Sheet Name should be always sheet1

2.System should check the column names

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Aug 31, 2010

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