DataSource Controls :: Passing Default Parameter To Stored Procedure ?
Feb 13, 2010
I am using DAAB with stored procedures. I use stored procedures more then once if possible. If I add a parameter later in stored procedure, I have to supply value for this in functions where it is even not being used as well, other wise it shows an error that number of parameters are not same. if I add parameter in last of parameter list in stored procedure and set a default value for it and I may have not to provide value for this from functions where I am not using it.
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ALTER procedure [dbo].[Sample2]
@Col as nvarchar(1000),
@Value as nvarchar(1000)
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Mar 23, 2011
When I try the following:
I get an error saying No overload for Add method takes 2 arguments. HOw would i pass the PaycheckID in then as a paramter?
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Jul 28, 2010
I want to know, how do i send a multivalue parameter from C# to Stored Procedure which is used in WHERE CLAUSE in IN statement?
for eg:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetPolicyDivOff1]
@Insid varchar(5000)=null
SELECT MST_GroupCompany.GC_Name,MST_DivisionalOffice.DIV_Name FROM MST_DivisionalOffice INNER JOIN MST_GroupCompany ON
MST_DivisionalOffice.DIV_FK_GC_ID=MST_GroupCompany.GC_ID where GC_Name IN(@Insid)
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Dec 11, 2010
I have an .ASPX form. All I want to do is simply "Submit" the form field values into a database.
"I have been tasked with re-writing the entire .ASPX form to use "Stored Procedures" instead of a "SQL-String" to insert form values. I think I have most of the form submitting to the database, except the "Radio Buttons" just say "NULL".
I do not know how to progam the Radio Buttons to insert the value (Yes, No, N/A) the user chose into the database. I have GOOGLED but cannot find an answer, and some answers are too complex for my level of understanding at this point.
I need to take the following code and change it so it just calls a Stored Procedure. If you could show me "Stored Procedure" code and how to change my current code to work with the Sproc it would be much appriciated. Here is the code.
I have "11" groups of Radio Buttons I need to change. Here is an example of one of the rows.
<td><input type="radio" name="group1" value="yes"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="group1" value="no"></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="group1" value="N/A"></td>
<td><asp:Label ID="Label22" runat="server" Text="Surfaces exposed to corrosives pH between 5 and 9."></asp:Label></td>
Summary: I just want to call a stored procedure and store the value the user chose into my database.
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Feb 17, 2010
how can i pass a session variable in a C# web form to a stored procedure..?
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May 6, 2010
I have stored procedure that increments a number. I am supposed to use the newly generated number and insert it into a table. My question is how do I execute the stored procedure, with a hardcoded value of 3 that it expects as a paramter, receive the number it generates as the output parameter and use it in the insert statement.
Here is the stored procedure code:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Generate]
@myid int,
@next_no int output
update mytable
set mynumber=mynumber + 1, @next_no = number
where myid=@myid
Here is my insert statement, that I tried and it failed:
EXEC @GetNo = Generate '3'
Insert into customers (custid, name, phone ) values
( @GetNo, 'MSFT', '800-345-5678')
View 5 Replies
Mar 30, 2010
I'm trying to pass the text value of a text box as a query string value to a stored procedure. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Button Code:
Stored Procedure:
The results page datalist:
Code Behind of results page:
I'm sure i've got this entirely backwards. However if I change the NULL value in the stored procedure with some string value (eg."Donkeys") it pulls all the values that contain "Donkeys" into the datalist on my results page.
View 2 Replies
Feb 23, 2010
I have an application where depending on what the user selects run a different stored procedure.
I am using LINQ and am passing the stored procedure name into a sub that will run the stored procedure and return values that I am loading into a DDL.
For example I want to pass the procedure name "GetProducts_Hats" to the sub and not hardcode it.
Protected Sub LoadParamDropDowns(
ByVal SqlObjToExec
String )
I am passing the storedprocedure name in parameter SqlObjToExec
so instead of
values = mydb.GetProducts_Hats
I want to code it to be a variable
values = mydb.SqlObjToExec
But the above code does not work.
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Jul 9, 2010
I have a Datatable and I want to send it in SqlServer as Parameter in stored procedure.
1. How i send datatable
2. How I use that datetable in sqlserver to read its data.
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Apr 3, 2010
How do you call a stored procedure using C# .NET 3.5 that contains a parameter that is of type hierarchyid in SQL Server 2008?
A basic outline of my current code is as follows:
SqlConnection conn =
SqlCommand StoredProcedureCommand =
SqlCommand("AddUser", conn);
StoredProcedureCommand.CommandType =CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter ParamUsername = StoredProcedureCommand.Parameters.Add("@Username",
SqlParameter ParamPassword = StoredProcedureCommand.Parameters.Add("@Password",
SqlParameter ParamMasterNode = StoredProcedureCommand.Parameters.Add("@MasterNode",
// HierarchyID type
ParamDynamboUsername.Value = Username;
ParamPassword.Value = Password;
ParamMasterNode.Value = "/";
View 2 Replies
Apr 22, 2010
lets say i have check box list like that
each of them is a check box inside this check box list and i have a stored proc that takes paramter which is the name of the city and gives me a data according to the name of the city (Filter). i wana know if i checkec more that one city how can i pass this to the stored proc eg if i checked on cairo and alex what can i do to make the filter looks like this where city Like 'Cairo' and City Like 'Alex' My Stored Proc takes @City Parameter like this Create Proc xx(@City varchar(2)) how can i pass the 2 cities 2 the stored proc
View 6 Replies
Jun 24, 2010
I spent about 60 minutes sifting through search engine listings trying to figure this out and couldn't find an answer, so I decided to make this post for others.
Situation: Using a Stored Procedure to insert a row and return the new row ID, explained here. In my case, I used the Idenity_Scope to return the new row, like so:
Next, following steps as described in link above, went into the dataset XSD page, configured the table adapter to use this stored procedure. By default, it wanted my return value to be set to some value, but I set to allow Null (makes sense, since I don't want to pass the value in, I want to get it out, so it should be null to begin with).
Problem: Where I ran into an issue was in the method to call this stored procedure. The intellisense displayed the prototype it was expecting, basicly like this:
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Mar 23, 2010
I have an sp that I would like to us the data from one column to use as a parameter for the following Select Statement
need to set the @customerID parameter = customer_data.CustomerID from the first Select Statement
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May 5, 2010
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Apr 2, 2010
This is surareddy. i nead some small clarification in the "Stored Procedure"
how to convert the oracle Stored Procedure to sqlserver2005/2008 Stored Procedure.
right now i am enhancing the project that project already developed the oracle Stored Procedure. now our company is using sqlserver 2005/2008.
how to convert the Oracle Stored Procedure to sqlserver 2005 Stored Procedure
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Dec 9, 2010
Initially, I have tried to use stored procedure. But I changed my mind and preferred to call sql query in codebase with command text. However, it stills tries to find initially-called stored procedure (which is neither called or exists).I think that it is related caching. But I tried it with different browsers it did not work.What might be the reason?
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Jan 18, 2010
Does anybody if it is possible that a stored procedure returns rows which is the result of the execution of another sp? Something like..
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May 13, 2010
i want to return output parameter from 1 storeprocedure. into another stored procedure.
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May 1, 2010
I want to apply other stored procedure select query on result of first stored procedure.
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Apr 27, 2010
I am using Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 and have added a SQL datasource to my form.
When I configure the datasource, I choose my connection string which looks like this in my webconfig:
The database I am using has a schema called EQB and as such, my stored procedures are named as EQB.usp_SelectFunds, EQB.usp_SelectAccount, etc.
On the select tab of the Configure Data Source screen, I choose to use a stored procedure. The dropdown shows my stored procedures, however, the schema name does not show up in front of the stored procedures in the drop down. I see only usp_SelectFunds, usp_SelectAccount, etc.
I select one of the stored procedures and when I click TEST, I get the message that the stored procedure is not found. If I instead choose to use a SQL statement instead on the configuration screen and enter EXEC EQB.usp_SelectFunds and click TEST, it works fine.
Why are my stored procedures not showing up correctly in the stored procedure drop down and how can I fix this?
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Oct 27, 2010
I have a grid view that populates and displays data at btn click event from the following sql statement in one of the SP:
reg_code, pc_serial, act_code
FROM user_reg
WHERE reg_code=@reg_code
I want to pass parameters to the other Stored procedure when the edit button is clicked in order to update the 2 columns in the specific row at the time. I now how to pass parameters in a regular btn click event or function, but in the case of edit btn in grid view I don't know how to capture data from specific row and then pass it to the SP. Here is Stored Procedure to update the columns (every user always has the same reg code, but may have more than one serial number and activation code, I want to let the user update serial number and then based on the serial number generate new activation code in the SP.):
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a SQL table containing a timestamp column. This table is displayed in ASP using GridView control. The timestamp column is indicated in the DataKeyNames property of the GridView. I'm using TemplateFields for all columns and a ItemTemplate HiddenField control connected to the timestamp column using Eval.
Eval("timestamp") %>'
The data is displayed properly. I'm trying implement the optimistic concurrency in C# using the value of above mentioned timestamp and a stored procedure. The SQL stored procedure expects the @timestamp as varbinary(8). I'm not sure how to pass the value of gv_hid_timestamp back to the stored procedure. I'm using the following:
command.Parameters.Add("@timestamp", SqlDbType.Binary).Value = Byte.Parse(((HiddenField)gv.Rows[row].FindControl("gv_hid_timestamp")).Value);
resulting in the following error: "Input string was not in correct format." (I also tried different data types but with similar result). I want to be able to pass this parameter programmatically from C# and not have to specify it on the UpdateParameters list.
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Mar 25, 2010
I need to pass the control parameter to Sql Datasource in code behind,
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DDL_RType" Name="rtype" PropertyName="SelectedValue"
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Mar 21, 2011
I want to send an array of integer to sql server Stroed Procedure as parameter from vb program. How i can do this.
Secondly how I declare an parameter array in stored procedure which accept the array of integer.
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