DataSource Controls :: Pull All SQL Objects From A Database?
Jun 10, 2010
I was put in charge of a database that has no source control, and all work was done in the database. I want to pull all the objects (stored procs, views, tables) from the database, and add to my new source control.
Is there a way to get all the objects into individual files out of a database?
Our database is SQL 2005. I have Visual Studio 2005/2008/2010 (beta 2) at my disposal.
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Dim RandomNumber As New Random()
Dim num As Integer
num = RandomNumber.Next(1, 75).ToString
Dim Cnn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("File Name=E:WebRHIUDLShelf_Life.UDL;")
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT tbMaster_List.dbMFG, tbMaster_List.dbDescription, tbInStock.ID, tbInStock.dbMFG_Lot_Code, tbInStock.dbDateReceived, tbInStock.dbDateOpened, tbInStock.dbExpireDate, tbInStock.dbLocation FROM (tbInStock
INNER JOIN tbMaster_List ON tbInStock.LnkToMaster = tbMaster_List.ID) ", Cnn)
Dim dtt As New DataTable()
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Me.GridView4.DataSource = dtt
Label1.Text = "Error: Unable to Pull Data"
End Try
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