DataSource Controls :: Querying Across Associations With Listview And Linqdatasource?

Feb 12, 2010

With the gridview I can create a template field to query across associations but I don't see how its possible to do that with the listview (?). I tried to create associations in the eval fields

(ie productId.Brand) where productId is in the Reviews table and is associated with the Products table - and Brand is a member of the Product table but it was no go?


<b>Title:</b> <%# Eval("Title") %>

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DataSource Controls :: ListView + LinqDataSource Data Source And Load The Listview On Search Button Click Action?

Mar 22, 2010

I am trying to populate the ListView using LinqDataSource data source but the issue I am having is.I need to load the listview on Search button click action.

IN the page_load I kept like this:
LinqDS.Selecting += new EventHandler<LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs>(LinqDS_Selecting);

protected void LinqDS_Selecting(object sender, LinqDataSourceSelectEventArgs e)
e.Result = ObjectDS;
This works fine but this happens on page load,i want this binding to happen on button click?is there a way to do this?

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DataSource Controls :: ListView With LinqDataSource Doesn't Display Data?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a ListView with a LinqDataSource that's not displaying data. Here is my source code:


why the data won't display? As far as I can see, I've done everything right.

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DataSource Controls :: Sorting A ListView Bound To LinqDataSource Based On Child Object?

Jul 22, 2010

This was a pretty disappointing moment - when databinding, using Eval("Contact.LastName") would work. It nicely evaluates the related Linq object's member LastName. If the "Contact" object is null, no error is thrown... instead the field is simply null.

However, the same does not hold for sorting - if there exists a null entry (this object does not have a Contact) then the LinqDataSource throws a NullReferenceException. This means that, if you ever have nulls on your foreign-key objects, you can't use sorting headers in the ListView.

This makes the feature moderately useless - I have to roll my own properties for every single field I'd ever want to sort on. That's insane.

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DataSource Controls :: Cross Server LINQ Associations?

Jan 28, 2010

I have some structured objects that map to multiple DB tables that I have created using LINQ using [Association(Name=, Storage=, ThisKey=, OtherKey=)] links to the objects attached to other tables. If I try to create an association to an object attached to a table on another database server, will this throw an error/go horribly wrong (I'm guessing yes)? If this _is_ possible, are there any issues I need to be aware of?

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DataSource Controls :: Querying SQL Database?

Jan 10, 2010

I have an SQL database which I wish to query, I have the queries set out and working using the SQLDataSource Control.Is there any way of using web methods to query an SQL Database.I realize this may not be ideal when the SQLDataSource control offers such functionality but it is for a piece of college work and I am not entirely sure which way they want it to work, as all it says is to "Implement a client application and a set of web services".

So is it possibile to use a WebMethod to perform SQL based queries or queries which are not SQL based and if so how do you go about creating them?

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DataSource Controls :: Querying One To Many Relationship DB C#?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a database which contain job ads/ I have one table "dbo.tbl_jobadvert" which contains the ad itself and another table "dbo.tbl_jobFiles" which contains the path of the documents uploaded in relations to the job advert ( application form, job description, etc )


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DataSource Controls :: Querying A Databse From Within A VB Sub?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express with SQL server 2008 Express and I'm wondering if it is possible to query the database from within a VB subroutine located within pagename.aspx.vb, rather than just using the asp databound controls on the main page ?

I want to do something like this in the page load routine:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim username As String
username = GetUserName() 'calls function to get current username
Now connect to database and perform SQL command (SELECT FirstName FROM dbo.USERS WHERE UserName = username)
Assign the retuned data to a label: lblFirstName.Text
End Sub

Is it possible ?

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DataSource Controls :: Querying & Updating Data From Dataset?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I will be as detailed as I can in explaining the issue;I have a dataset I have instantiated in a class file (, and fill the data succesfully. That data is then dumped into an excel file. What I need to do is to go through all the data in the dataset, and directly update the database, changing a "status" column from "pending" to "processing" based on the store number. As I am new to datasets (relatively speaking, of course), I am not quite certain how to accomplish this task. Below is the code I have so far:


If anyone could provide sample code to use, or could provide a quick bit of code I could just copy and paste in and test,

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DataSource Controls :: Dynamic Linq To Entities...querying Date Fields?

Mar 9, 2010

I am trying to use Linq to Entities with the Linq.Dynamic library (via Scott Guthrie) and I'm having some strange issues with querying dates.


This return no results, when it definitely should...

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DataSource Controls :: LinqDataSource?

Jun 11, 2010

Im trying to build a where clause in c# for a LinqDataSource, but I cant get it to work, heres my code


when I set category to 'Concerts' tyhe where clause is

'Category = Concerts'

this generates an error telling me there is no column called 'Concerts'. I assume I somehow have to enclose the search term in quotes, Ive tried single and double quotes, but nothing works.

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DataSource Controls :: Using LIKE In A Linqdatasource?

Nov 16, 2010

So I need to take the literal "SELECT....FROM Bay....WHERE Warehouse=1 and ((BAY LIKE '1.0%' or BAY LIKE '2.0%'))I have set up a linqdatasource on my asp page and I want to bind that to a gridview. Here is the start of the HTML:



How do I add a parameter so that it includes the LIKE statement?

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DataSource Controls :: LinqDataSource And EntityDataSource?

Jun 12, 2010

I'v been using SqlDataSource and ObjectDataSource for a while.I would like to know about LinqDataSource and EntityDataSource. Therefore I have 2 questions to ask.1) Why do we need to use those twos? 2) In which cirmustances (Requirements) developers are using LinqDataSource and EntityDataSource?

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DataSource Controls :: Using Linqdatasource And Datagrid?

Mar 12, 2010

i am an beginner, i am a windows application programmer and currently i am working on big project " Human Resources" and i need to allow the users to apply for jobs using a web windows application, i can use the bindingsource to bind textboxes and comboboxes to the fields of an object from L2S.and to bind the datagrid also to the detailed data and the page will be for inserting issue only,i.e i don't need to bring the data of applicants and certificates from the database, i just need some lookup data like maritalstatusCombo and availableJobsList things to allow the user to choose can i do this using linqdatasource.

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DataSource Controls :: Getting E.OldValues While Using LinqDataSource?

Mar 11, 2010

I use LinqDataSource and GridView.

I need an old value of field "PictureBig" in RowUpdating handler like this:


To achieve this I use bound unvisible literal in edit item template...

<asp:Literal ID="ltBig" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("PictureBig") %>' Visible="false" />

Is there any better ways of doing this?

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DataSource Controls :: LINQDataSource Multiple WhereParameter?

Mar 23, 2011

I am trying to program the where prameters for this in code behind in C#, and is there really no way to do more than one parameter? Or am I not understanding this correctly? It seems only the 2nd parameter gets executed, no matter which one is at begining. I debug and seems they both get executed fine, but my listview doesn't get filtered and instead only the 2nd paramter works. Look at my code:

Also, if I do myLinq.Where = "division ==1 and someotherInt = 2", it works fine, but if I do two different data types, it will throw error. Since I want to filter with two different data types, hwo do I do this?

Parameter pram1 = new Parameter();
pram1.Name = "division";
pram1.DbType = DbType.Int32;


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DataSource Controls :: Multiple Inserts With LinqDataSource?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm having a question about the LinqDataSource. Does anyone know if it's possible to perform multiple inserts with the LinqDataSource? Let's say for example that I have 2 tables.

Table A
AID = PK autoincrement Name AddressA FK AddressB FK
Table B
BID = PK autoincrementStreetNumberPostalCodeCountry

These tables are just examples to clarify my question. Let's say that I have a FormView with a LinqDataSource where the user can enter his name en a billing address (A) en delivery address (B). Now I would like to know if the LinqDataSource is able to insert 2 records in table B and use these ID's to insert them in table A together with the name?

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DataSource Controls :: How To LinqDataSource Date Parameters

Jun 15, 2010

I need to retrieve data using a date as an input parameter. I created a WhereParameter and passed in a date value that I know to exist in the database, but no data is returned. Heres my code


Ive passed in '02/06/2010' as the date, in the database, the Startdate column has several values of '2010-06-02 13:08:50.503' so I guess its not being found because of the time part. Whats the best way to make sure that I retrieve the correct data ? Im not concerned about the time at all, I just need all rows for 02/06/2010.

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DataSource Controls :: Get Data From A LinqDataSource From Code Behind?

Nov 18, 2010

If I have a Linqdatasource that isn't connected to a a bound control on my page how do I use the data source to read data in the code behind. ie

var query = (from x in linqdatasource select x)

What I actually want to do is create a data array (myArray) within the code, read all of the data from the linqdatasource (selecting 1 field to form tableDataArray), then compare the two arrays and then write (insert) those into in myArray that are not already in the datasource to the datasource (ie execute an insert back on the datasource).

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DataSource Controls :: LinqDataSource.Select Syntax?

Jan 14, 2010

Where can I find documentation on the syntax that is expected for LinqDataSource.Select? It seems to be different from what I would do with Linq inline in C# code. For example, concatenateing something in Linq I would normally just do this in the projection:

new { FullName = (person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName ) }
However, with a LinqDataSource the only way I've found to do this is like this:
new ( String.Concat(person.FirstName, " ", person.LastName) as FullName)

I literally spent hours trying to figure this out, and only succeeded when I found a blog where someone gave this verbatim as an example. So I still don't understand why the syntax is different, the braces versus parens, aliasing, Concat operators. Next time I do this I want a better understanding so I am not playing this guessing game. It's like being handed a compiler, and trying to write a program when you don't know what language the compiler compiles.1. Are there different "flavors" of Linq? Like a VB Linq, and C# Linq?2. If so, is the LinqDataSource using a VB flavor of Linq?3. Really, what is really important to me, where can I find documentation on this particular falvor of Linq that the LinqDataSource expects? The documentation for the LinqDataSource itself gives nothing more than extremely simplistic examples.

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DataSource Controls :: Getting Value From LinqDataSource In FormView DataBound Event?

Mar 16, 2010

I just started working with LinqDataSources and I was wondering how you retrieve values in a FormView DataBound Event.

With an ObjectDataSource I believe you can grab them like:


Is there a similar way to acheive this with a LinqDataSource?

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DataSource Controls :: Programmatically Add An Updateable Formview With Linqdatasource?

Aug 7, 2010

I have a gridview on a page and based on the row selected I need to fill out a form view (dynamic data enabled) from a linqdatasource. On gridview_sleectedindexchanged I create the linqdatasource and set it as the datasource for the formview. It displays nicely but clicking update returns a "Could not determine a MetaTable" error for the datasource mapped.

THe goal is to create a single page that allows users to select a row then get the appropriate data, create an updateable formview so further edits can be done. Do not want to scaffold.

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DataSource Controls :: Refresh LinqDataSource From Ascx.vb Code?

Nov 15, 2010

I have LinqDataSource ID="LinqDataSource1" with values - EnableDelete="True", EnableInsert="True" EnableUpdate="True" on my ascx page, furthermore GridView, button a few textboxes, where a fill new values, which I would like save in my database. After click on button I insert new value to the table throught in function stored in ascx.vb page. It is works, but I don't know, how I refresh GridView on ascx page. I tried


without any good result, I must refresh page manualy (F5).

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DataSource Controls :: Linqdatasource Update In Gridview-Only First Row Updated?

Oct 21, 2010

have detailsview

ID="dtlviewRecommendation" DataSourceID="LinqDataSourceRecommendation"


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DataSource Controls :: LinqDataSource - GridView Filtering With DropDownList?

Jul 28, 2010


i am using gridview control and a linqdatasource and its all working fine and i have added the functionlity of searchingBySubject and i added WhereParameters and than binding my gridview (see the code below) but somehow its not returning any rows and i see i have number of rows based on what i am searching.

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