DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Dropdownlist Values From Database During Edit Operation?
Jan 11, 2010
I am working on Edit operation for dropdownlist box using linq to sql in mvc.During edit operation i could retrieve it from database but i am not able to restore the selected value back to the database.
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Feb 17, 2010
I have dropdownlist of dates and depending on the date that the user selects from list, I would like to filter records that fall between the startyear and finishyear columns in the datasource. (My the problem is that I do not know how to declare the Startyear and Endyear from the query in the code as they appear underlined - probably the BETWEEN syntax is wrong too).
yYear = DropDownList1.Text
Using connection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=CHRIS-PCSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TorGHL;Integrated Security=True")
Dim cmd As String
cmd = "SELECT BarDetails.*, MenuHeadingId AS Expr1 FROM BarDetails WHERE (MenuHeadingId = 2)" & "WHERE " & yYear & " BETWEEN " & "(" &
StartYear & ")" & " AND " & "(" & EndYear & ")"
Dim dapubcb As New SqlDataAdapterDim sqlcomm
New SqlCommand(cmd, connection)
dapubcb.SelectCommand = sqlcomm
Dim dspubcb As New DataSet("BarDetails")
dapubcb.Fill(dspubcb, "BarDetails")
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Feb 22, 2010
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string strUserName = Request.QueryString["UserName"].ToString();
DateTime dateTimeNow = DateTime.Now;
string ConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Data"].ConnectionString;[code]....
I am getting the exception syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'WebLogin=krish'.
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Dec 2, 2010
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Dim str1 As String = "SELECT UserName FROM Login WHERE Category = 'Property'"
Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand(str1, conn)
Dim myreader1 As SqlDataReader
myreader1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader()
DDLCat.DataSource = myreader1
DDLCat.DataValueField = "UserName"
DDLCat.DataTextField = myreader1.ToString()
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Oct 6, 2010
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Feb 11, 2010
Is it possible to add values from different database rows to a dropdownlist?
I'm currently trying to add both ItemSizeSmall and ItemSizeMedium, but through trial and error I can still only add one row from the database. I want the dropdownlist to display "Small" and "Medium" etc.
I guess my primary question is: How do I create a database with product size attributes?
I apologize if this thread should be in another forum, but if the dropdownlist can display two database rows I'll settle with that solution.
Could the database look like this:
table1: product
PK: productID
table2: productAttribute
PK: productID
PK: attributeValueID
table3: attributeValue
PK: attributeValueID
FK1: attributeNameID
table4: attribute
PK: attributeNameID
If this is right: How do I make the dropdownlist display the different sizes?
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Dec 3, 2010
I would like to develop an application which shows upcoming dates which is stored in database. I have a label control namelyNext Payment Date in which i want to store that upcoming date(next due date). Eg : if the value stored in db are :(dd/mm/yyyy) 22/12/2010, 15/12/2010,18/12/2010. and if todays date is 10/12/2010.. i want to display 15/12/2010 in that Next Payment Date label..
So how can i do this.using what will be the SQL Query and how do i implement this
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Mar 20, 2014
May i know how to create the control function in to control the values ?
Based on the DB table, it active is Y then enable values in dropdownlist , if N then disable the values.
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Sep 20, 2015
I have days valus in page ,
How to get values from aspx page to .cs and how to insert sql server .
(Ex: Monday,Sunday,....)
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Dec 2, 2010
I want to assign values that retrived from database to using select command.but it doesnt work.
my table customer table contains attributes Name,age,email and address.i want to ask user to enter to his id to display his datas.
after he enterd his id each label will be assigned with the database values accordingly.i tried like above.couldnt get the output.
View 5 Replies
Nov 17, 2010
I am working on a page where the user first selects a state from a drop down, then a city from a checkbox list (eventually able to select multiple cities, but have to figure out how to do one first). The checkbox list is dependent upon the state selected. I would like the selected value of the checkbox to be submitted into the ListingLocation table of the database. In the code I have written I have included a label that displays the id value of the selected box when submitted just to make sure that the checkbox is providing the correct value. For some reason when I select a state and then check a city and click submit, no value is written into the database. The label text changes to the number I want entered into the database, so it is generating the correct number, but not submitting. I have included my code below.
<script runat="server">
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Jan 21, 2010
my database does not update when i pass edited values from textboxes, which is kind of weird. I even try using vb class file to receive the values. but it just never do so.
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